0.0.1-beta.2 • Published 6 years ago
vuex-class-persist v0.0.1-beta.2
Note: this project is a wrapper around Vuex-Persist and is not intended to steal any of ChampionSwimmer's code.
- All features found in Vuex-Persist
- Ability to persist instances of classes in localStorage
The usage and creation is all the same as vuex-persist, except you also pass along an array of your classes so vuex-class-persist knows which classes to restore back to after the state has been reloaded from storage.
Import it
import VuexClassPersistence from 'vuex-class-persist'
Create an object
// You will need to be able to supply an array of your classes
// to ensure they get restored from storage.
const classes = [
class User { /* Omitted */ },
class Profile { /* Omitted */ },
class Example { /* Omitted */ },
const vuexLocal = new VuexClassPersistence({
storage: window.localStorage
}, classes)
Use it as Vue plugin. (in typescript)
const store = new Vuex.Store<State>({
state: { ... },
mutations: { ... },
actions: { ... },
plugins: [vuexLocal.plugin]
(or in Javascript)
const store = {
state: { ... },
mutations: { ... },
actions: { ... },
plugins: [vuexLocal.plugin]