0.1.0 • Published 4 years ago

vuex-orm-cordova v0.1.0

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4 years ago

JavaScript Style Guide License

Vuex ORM Plugin: LocalForage

VuexORMCordova is a fork of VuexORMLocalForage that lets you sync your Vuex store with a Cordova SQLite database using LocalForage.


Install Cordova-sqlite-storage plugin

cordova plugin add cordova-sqlite-storage

Add the package to your dependencies

yarn add vuex-orm-cordova


npm install --save vuex-orm-cordova

Then you can setup the plugin

import VuexORM from '@vuex-orm/core'
import VuexORMCordova from 'vuex-orm-cordova'

const database = new VuexORM.Database()

VuexORM.use(VuexORMCordova, {

// ...

export default () => new Vuex.Store({
  namespaced: true,
  plugins: [VuexORM.install(database)]

See https://vuex-orm.github.io/vuex-orm/guide/prologue/getting-started.html#create-modules on how to setup the database


This plugin add some vuex actions to load and persist data in an IndexedDB

$fetchLoad data from the IndexedDB store associated to a model and persist them in the Vuex Store
$getLoad data by id from the IndexedDB store associated and persist it to Vuex Store
$createLike VuexORM insertOrUpdate, but also persist data to IndexedDB
$updateUpdate records using VuexORM update or insertOrUpdate then persist changes to IndexedDB
$replaceLike VuexORM create, but also replace all data from IndexedDB
$deleteLike VuexORM delete, but also remove data from IndexedDB
$deleteAllLike VuexORM deleteAll, but also delete all data from IndexedDB

Example Usage

    <input type="text" v-model="todo">
    <input type="button" @click="addTodo">

      <li v-for="todo in todos" :key="todo.id">{{ todo.title }}</li>

  import Todo from './store/models/Todo'

  export default {
    data () {
      return {
        todo: ''

    computed: {
      todos () {
        return Todo.query().all()

    async mounted () {
      // Load todos from IndexedDB
      await Todo.$fetch()

    methods: {
      addTodo () {
        if (this.todo) {
          // Insert the todo in VuexORM Store and also persist it to IndexedDB
            title: this.todo

Configuration Options

These are options you can pass when calling VuexORM.use()

  // The VuexORM Database instance

   * LocalForage config options
   * @see https://github.com/localForage/localForage#configuration
  localforage: {
    name: 'vuex', // Name is required

   * You can override names of actions introduced by this plugin
  actions: {
    $get: '$get',
    $fetch: '$fetch',
    $create: '$create',
    $update: '$update',
    $replace: '$replace',
    $delete: '$delete',
    $deleteAll: '$deleteAll'

You can also override localforage config per model

class Post extends Model {
  static localforage = {
    driver: localforage.WEBSQL,
    storeName: 'my_posts'

Using with other VuexORM Plugin

There may be a conflict when using this plugin along with other VuexORM plugins as they are following the same API (aka they introduced the same actions: $fetch, $create...)

Just override actions names like that

VuexORM.use(VuexORMLocalForage, {
  actions: {
    $get: '$getFromLocal',
    $fetch: '$fetchFromLocal',
    $create: '$createLocally',
    $update: '$updateLocally',
    $replace: '$replaceLocally',
    $delete: '$deleteFromLocal',
    $deleteAll: '$deleteAllFromLocal'


Post.$fetchFromLocal() // instead of Post.$fetch()