0.3.1 • Published 10 years ago

vui-karma-jasmine-tester v0.3.1

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10 years ago

VUI Tester

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This library contains utilities to assist in testing Valence UI with the Karma Test Runner and the Jasmine Testing Framework.

It provides functionality to record test results and to compare actual test results with these records.


Install as a development dependency:

npm install --save-dev vui-karma-jasmine-tester

Add it to your gulpfile.js:

tester = require('vui-karma-jasmine-tester');



Provides a promise to reject or resolve a Jasmine test spec run through Karma.

Takes an object representing Karma config values as the first parameter. Provided config will be merged with arbitrary, useful, and necessary defaults.

gulp.task( 'test', function( ) {
	return tester.test( {
		files: ['test/**/*Spec.js']

Based on the second parameter, it runs in either Record Mode (true) or Test Mode (false - default).

gulp.task( 'record', function( ) {
	return tester.test( {
		files: ['test/**/*Spec.js']
}, true);

Record Mode will only save results with certain matchers included in this module (ex: toMatchRecordedObject). All other matchers will behave as usual in both modes.

Record Functions

Record Path

A typical Record Path is an array representing a tree traversal to find a record.

['file', 'branch', 'branch', 'leaf']

This will store/retrieve a record in a JSON file file in the form

branch : {
	branch : {
		leaf : { /* record saved here */ }

Additional records recorded to file will be merged with this object. Additional records recorded to leaf will overwrite the record.

All records are stored in the test/rec folder.

Get Standardized Record Path for a DOM Element.

Given a DOM element, getStandardizedRecordPath generates a sensible Record Path at which to store the record. The output can be confidently passed to any function that expects a Record Path.

var rp = d2l.vui.records.getElementRecordPath( elem );

The "sensible path" will use the element's tagName as the file name and className as the leaf name.

More properties

To append more nodes to the "sensible path", pass in an array of properties as the second parameter.

var rp = d2l.vui.records.getElementRecordPath( elem, ['disabled'] );

This will add a leaf of the form { "property=value" : { } } to store the record.

Get Record

getRecord Retrieves a record at the specified Record Path. Should only be used in custom Jasmine matchers that recognize Recording Mode and Testing Mode.

expectedResult = d2l.vui.records.getRecord(recordedObjectPath);

Set Record

setRecord stores a record at the specified Record Path. Should only be used in custom Jasmine matchers that recognize Recording Mode and Testing Mode.

d2l.vui.records.setRecord(recordedObjectPath, obj);


Functions to use in Jasmine tests to verify object contents. Add matchers to your test with Jasmine's addMatchers function.


Match Recorded Object At

in a Jasmine test, toMatchRecordedObject will record or verify an object at the specified Record Path.

var obj = { "key" : "value" };
var rp = [ "file", "root", "leaf" ];
it( 'contains the same object data', function() {
	expect( obj ).toMatchRecordedObject( rp );

Record Mode

Running this matcher with the tester in Record Mode will take the expected object and save it to a file as specified by the Record Path.

Test Mode

Running this matcher with the tester in Test Mode will check the actual object against the file saved at the Record Path and return true if they match.

  • Each key in the actual object exists in the record.
  • Each value for each key in the actual object matches the value stored at that key in the record.
  • Keys absent from the actual result will not be verified in the record

Running this matcher in Test Mode without records at the Record Path will result in an error and a failed test.


Exceptions can be specified to override the value in the recorded result.

it( 'contains the same object data but with an override', function() {
	obj["key"] = "exception";
	var exceptions = { "key" : "exception" };
	expect( obj ).toMatchRecordedObjectAt( rp, exceptions );


Functions to generate objects that will be compatible with expectations of Recorded Objects matchers.

These functions are not Jasmine matchers themselves.

Diff default style.

diffDefaultStyle will compare a DOM node to an identical node with no className value. This should return an object representing any styles applied due to the class name.

var diff = d2l.vui.differs.diffDefaultStyle( elem );

Pseudo Elements.

To diff a pseudo element of an element, pass in the pseudo element selector as a second parameter.

var diff = d2l.vui.differs.diffDefaultStyle( elem, "before" );

NOTE: Use with caution! This usage will currently have unexpected behaviour, such as overwriting existing records with similar element properties. Verify your records after running record mode to ensure the results are what you want.


Code Style

This repository is configured with EditorConfig rules and contributions should make use of them. See the valence-ui Code Style wiki page for details.


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