0.1.1 • Published 2 months ago

w3-wnfs v0.1.1

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(Apache-2.0 AND M...
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2 months ago


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Provides the necessary components to use WNFS with Web3Storage.


  • Blockstore that fetches from the w3s.link IPFS gateway.
  • Tracking of changed blocks, so you know what to upload to W3S.
  • Blockstore uses the tracker + a flush function to store the tracked blocks on W3S.
  • Data root (root CID) management using uploads.

How it works

The tracker tracks all the new blocks that Web3Storage doesn't have yet. These blocks are then stored on W3S when you call blockstore.flush(). The root CID that contains all those blocks is called the data root, which is registered as an upload when Pointer.save() is called.

Each time a new upload is registered, the old ones are removed; because there's currently no way to identify a particular upload.

Ideally this is used within a space that's used only for a single WNFS.


npm install w3-wnfs


Setting up all the pieces: In this example we're keeping all the blocks around locally too in an indexedDB, but any "fallback" blockstore can be used.

import { Blockstore, Tracker } from 'w3-wnfs/blockstore'

import * as W3UP from '@web3-storage/w3up-client'
import * as IDB from 'idb-keyval'
import { IDBBlockstore } from 'blockstore-idb'

// 🌍 Web3Storage client.
const _client = await W3UP.create()

// 🪃 The tracker that keeps track of which blocks to upload
const tracker = await Tracker.create({
  // Example, store in indexedDB
  getter: async () => await IDB.get('block-tracker'),
  setter: async (table: SimplifiedTable) => {
    await IDB.set('block-tracker', table)

// 📦 The blockstore that keeps around the individual data pieces of our WNFS
const cache = new IDBBlockstore(idbName)
await cache.open()

const _blockstore = await Blockstore.create({

Then connect it with WNFS. Here we use @wnfs-wg/nest as an example, but you could also use the wnfs package.

import { Pointer } from 'w3-wnfs'

const dataRoot = await Pointer.lookup({ client })

// Create or load file system
const fs =
  dataRoot === undefined
    ? await FileSystem.create({ blockstore })
    : await FileSystem.fromCID(dataRoot, { blockstore })

// Flush blocks and update pointer when publishing changes
fs.on('publish', async (event) => {
  await blockstore.flush()
  await Pointer.save({
    dataRoot: event.dataRoot,

Working offline

You can save the data root locally too so you can work offline:

import * as W3_WNFS from 'w3-wnfs'
import { CID } from 'w3-wnfs'

async function storePointerLocally(dataRoot: CID): Promise<void> {
  await IDB.set('data-root', dataRoot.toString())

async function lookupPointer(): Promise<CID | undefined> {
  const remote = navigator.onLine
    ? await W3_WNFS.Pointer.lookup({ client })
    : undefined
  if (remote !== undefined) return remote
  const value = await IDB.get(this.LOCAL_NAME)
  if (typeof value === 'string') return CID.parse(value)
  return undefined

// 🚀 Building on the example from above
const _dataRoot = await lookupPointer()

// `@wnfs-wg/nest` integration:
// Save data root locally when changes are committed
// (note: publish has a small delay, commit does not)
fs.on('commit', async (event) => {
  await storePointerLocally(event.dataRoot)


Check https://icidasset.github.io/radical-edward


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