wadit v0.0.3
Wadit is a tiny lightweight dev tool which build current working directory within a single command.
(less than 4 kb !)
Developed for own purpose and then published on internet
Use the package manager npm to install Wadit from your terminal
npm i -g wadit
Install Wadit globally to use CLI functionalities from your terminal
Published on npmjs
# with custom configuration file
wadit --config "wadit.config.js"
If your configuration file is wadit.config.js, then you don't need to mention file path to CLI
Initialize configuration
wadit init
# or with custom name
wadit -i "another.config.js"
Show help menu
wadit help
# or
wadit -h
Show version
wadit version
# or
wadit -v
module.exports = {
"input": "", // leave blank to input current directory
"output": "output.zip",
"excludes": [ // exclude files and directory from build;
"src/scss/**" // supports regular expression
"before": [], // callable or executable before the action
"after": [], // callable or executable after the action
Element of Before and After array must be either executable command of the syste, or callable method by JavaScript.
Before executes right before building the directory and After executes right after building the directory.
Before || After
// example for after, but works same for before
"after" : [
// executable
'echo "Hello World!"',
// callable anonymous function
(config) => {
// code yourself
// callable class's method
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change. Make a request at Wadit GIT on github public repository Published by Jafran Hasan