1.0.1 • Published 4 years ago
waifulabs-api v1.0.1
Minimal (<50 lines) OOP implementation to interact with waifulabs API
npm i waifulabs-api
Also available in example.js
const fs = require("fs"), Waifu = require("waifulabs-api");
const dir = i => `example-step-${i}`;
// Clean up directory
for (const i in "0000") fs.existsSync(dir(i)) && fs.rmSync(dir(i), { recursive: true, force: true }), fs.mkdirSync(dir(i));
// Helper function to dump the buffers
const dumper = (step = 0, prefix = "waifu") =>
(d, i) => fs.writeFileSync(`${dir(step)}/${[prefix, i].join("-")}.jpg`, d.image);
(async() => {
// Generate new waifu(s)
const waifu = await Waifu.generate();
waifu.images.map(dumper(waifu.step)); // Step0 doesn't have a selected waifu
// waifu.proceed takes an index from -1 to 15 where -1 is to keep the current one while 0 - 15 are to choose from the generated ones
for (let _ = 0; _ < 3; _++) {
await waifu.proceed(); // Default to 0 on step0 or -1 otherwise
// Go back to previous selected waifu
// Now proceed again but with 11th waifu as baseline
for (let _ = 0; _ < 3; _++) {
await waifu.proceed(10);
waifu.images.concat([waifu.curr]).map(dumper(waifu.step, "new"));
// Refresh waifu with current step and seeds
await waifu.refresh();
waifu.images.concat([waifu.curr]).map(dumper(waifu.step, "refreshed"));
// Getting product (PILLOW or POSTER) images in buffers
fs.writeFileSync(`${dir(3)}/pillow.jpg`, await waifu.getProduct("PILLOW"));
fs.writeFileSync(`${dir(3)}/post.jpg`, await waifu.getProduct("POSTER"));