1.2.0 • Published 2 years ago

waldo-ui-testing v1.2.0

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2 years ago

Waldo UI Testing

Combines the power of Puppeteer, Mocha, Chai, Pixelmatch and Mochawesome to provide a testing library which brings out of the box support for BDD visual regression testing.


npm install waldo-ui-testing puppeteer


Test Spec

// my-test.spec.js

const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');
const { chai: {expect}, setupPage} = require("waldo-ui-testing");

const mqs = {
  Mobile: {width: 480, height: 10_000},
  Desktop: {width: 1024, height: 10_000},

describe("Navbar", function() {
  let browser;
  let page;

  beforeEach(async function() {
    browser = await puppeteer.launch({headless: true});
    page = await browser.newPage();

  afterEach(async function() {
    await page.close();
    await browser.close();

  for (const [mq, vp] of Object.entries(mqs)) {

    it(`[${mq}] - should show menu`, async function() {
      await setupPage(page, {url: "/test-page/url", viewport: vp});

      const menu = await page.$(".navbar");
      await expect(menu).to.not.be.visible();
      const button = await page.$(".burger-button");
      await button.click();
      await expect(menu).to.be.visible();
      await expect(menu).to.equalSnapshot(); // <=== visual regression testing

CLI execution

waldo --testFiles *.spec.js --targetDir target/ui-test --fixtureDir fixture


    ✔ [Mobile] - should show menu (2030ms)
    1) [Desktop] - should show menu

  1 passing (7s)
  1 failing

HTML Report



Copy of chai assertion library where two additional assertions are registered:


await expect(handler).to.be.visible();


will check if the element exists and has a bounding client rect with some dimensions. This means elements which have an opacity: 0 or are rendered outside the viewport are also treated as visible.


await expect(handler).to.equalSnapshot(options?);

handlerPuppeteer.Page \| Puppeteer.ElementHandle-
options.useClipbooleanfalseinstead of isolating the element before taking screenshot, a screenshot of the page is taken with the coordinate of the element
options.paddingnumber0(use with useClip) an outside padding to the element bounding client rect will be added before taking screenshot

Will take a screenshot of the page or element, and visually compare to the snapshot from the first run.

setupPage(page, options) ⇒ Puppeteer.Page | Puppeteer.ElementHandle

options.urlstringurl for the page to get navigated to
options.moduleSelectorstring(if provided,) instead of the page, returns the first element with this selector on the page
options.proxyfunctionfunction to intercept the request and redirect or respond to it (see Puppeteer's page.setRequestInterception)
options.viewport{height: number \| "auto", width: number}{width: 800, height: 600}sets the pages viewport to the given dimensions (see Puppeteer's page.setViewport). When setting height to "auto", height is set to the body's scroll height after DOM is ready
options.credentials{username: string, password: string}basic auth credentials (see Puppeteer's page.authenticate)

A helper function that helps preparing a puppeteer page before the test. It isn't mandatory to use this helper, you can simply do the page navigation etc. yourself.

example usage:

setupPage(page, {
  url: "test-domain/index.html",
  moduleSelector: "form.login-dialog",
  viewport: {width: 480, height: 650},
  credentials: {username: "admin", password: "1234"},
  proxy(interceptedRequest) {
    const url = interceptedRequest.url();
    // proxy with asset from local dev server
    if (/.*\/app\.bundle\..*\.min\.js/.test(url))
      interceptedRequest.continue({url: "path/to/dev-server/app.js"});
    // respond with mock json
    else if (url.endsWith("shopping-cart.json"))
        status: 200,
        contentType: "application/json",
        body: JSON.stringify([
          /* items */


Adds additional information to a test. e.g.

addContext(this, "some additional information for the test report.")

See mochaawsome's addContext documentation for more info.


See Node API section.

CLI Options


glob pattern to test files, relative from the cwd.


oath to the directory were the test result (images, html and json reports) are saved relative from cwd.


path to the directory were the snapshot for usage in future tests are automatically saved when a test is executed the first time, relative from cwd.

For each test file a folder with the title of the top describe in that test file will be created.

Snapshot filenames are the combination of the describe and it titles. Snapshots after the first snapshot will get a counter at the end of the filename.


describe("Navbar", function() {
  describe("Mobile", function() {
    it(`should show menu`, async function() {
      // ...
      await expect(menu).to.equalSnapshot();
      // some other actions ...
      await expect(menu).to.equalSnapshot();

will create:

fixtureDir/Navbar/Navbar___Mobile___should show menu.png fixtureDir/Navbar/Navbar___Mobile___should show menu-1.png

Node API

example usage:

const { runner } = require("waldo-ui-testing");
  testFiles: ["path/to/test-file"],
  targetDir: "target/ui-tets",
  fixtureDir: "tests/fixture",
  .then(/* tests passed */)
  .catch(/* tests failed */)

Runs the test files. returns a promise which will be resolved after all tests have run and passed, or rejected (with the number of failed tests) when any test fails.

option.testFilesArray.<string>absolute path to the test suit files
option.targetDirstringrelative path from cwd to the folder where the test results (images, html and json report) will be saved to
option.fixtureDirstringrelative path from cwd to the folder where the snapshot images from the visual tests will be stored at


Debug in headful mode

Sometimes it helps to see what the browser sees. For that:

  1. run the misbehaving test isolated via it.only(...),
  2. launch the puppeteer browser in headful mode via browser = await puppeteer.launch({ headless: false })
  3. and don't browser.close() the browser after the test fails.


Some times some requests may take longer to finish or there are some animations/transition before component reaches its new state. In that case a time out ( e.g. page.waitForTimeout(1000)) could do wonders. But keep in mind, add many of them and your tests will take longer to finish!

Clipped image

When the component is cutoff in the screenshot, it might help the set the height of the viewport to some big values (e.g. setupPage(page, {url: viewport: {height: 100_000, width}})), this might prevent the scroll when chrome isolates the element to take a screenshot.

If that doesn't help, you could use the useClip option (i.e. await expect(handler).to.equalSnapshot({useClip: true})) to prevent the isolation before screenshot.


Due to async nature of puppeteer's browser handling, many commands need waiting for their completion, this includes the is.visible and to.equalSnapshot assertions as well.


To run the tests in a firefox browser, you have to install puppeteer with firefox (PUPPETEER_PRODUCT=firefox npm i puppeteer) and launch the browser with firefox:

browser = await puppeteer.launch({
  product: "firefox",

for more info see puppeteer's docs.


checkout git repository and run npm run demo.

Demo test is located here.


👤 mbehzad

📝 License

Copyright © 2021 mbehzad. This project is MIT licensed.