1.0.6-SNAPSHOT • Published 2 months ago

waltid-verifiable-credentials v1.0.6-SNAPSHOT

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Last release
2 months ago

What it provides

Verifiable Credentials library relies on the following walt.id libraries:


Add the verifiable credentials library as a dependency to your Kotlin or Java project, which includes the crypto and did lib.

walt.id Repository

Add the Maven repository which hosts the walt.id libraries to your build.gradle file.

repositories {
    maven { url = uri("https://maven.walt.id/repository/waltid/") }

Library Dependency

Adding the verifiable credentials library as dependency. Specify the version that coincides with the latest or required snapshot for your project. Latest releases.

dependencies {

Replace version with the version of the walt.id verifiable credential library you want to use. Note: As the verifiable credentials lib is part of the mono-repo walt.id identity, you need to use the version of walt.id identity.

How to use it

Build credential

Build a W3Cv2.0 verifiable credential:

val credentialBuilder = CredentialBuilderType.W3CV2CredentialBuilder
val credentialSubject = mapOf(
  "entityIdentification" to entityIdentificationNumber,
  "issuingAuthority" to issuingAuthorityId,
  "issuingCircumstances" to mapOf(
    "proofType" to proofType,
    "locationType" to "physicalLocation",
    "location" to proofLocation
val w3cCredential = CredentialBuilder(credentialBuilder).apply {

Issue credential

Static configuration

Issue a jwt-formatted verifiable credential:

val dataOverWrites = mapOf("entityIdentification" to entityIdentificationNumber.toJsonElement())
val dataUpdates = mapOf("issuingAuthority" to issuingAuthorityId.toJsonElement())
val jwt = w3cCredential.baseIssue(
  issuerKey = issuerKey,
  issuerDid = issuerDid,
  subjectDid = holderDid,
  dataOverwrites = dataOverwrites,
  dataUpdates = dataUpdates,
  additionalJwtHeader = emptyMap(),
  additionalJwtOptions = emptyMap(),

Dynamic configuration

Issue a jwt-formatted verifiable credential:

val jwt = w3cCredential.mergingJwtIssue(
  issuerKey = issuerKey,
  issuerDid = issuerDid,
  subjectDid = holderDid,
  mappings = mapping,
  additionalJwtHeader = emptyMap(),
  additionalJwtOptions = emptyMap(),

Issue an sdjwt-formatted verifiable credential:

val sdjwt = w3cCredential.mergingSdJwtIssue(
  issuerKey = issuerKey,
  issuerDid = issuerDid,
  subjectDid = holderDid,
  mappings = mapping,
  additionalJwtHeader = emptyMap(),
  additionalJwtOptions = emptyMap(),
  disclosureMap = selectiveDisclosureMap

Validate policy

val vpToken = "jwt"
// configure the validation policies
val vcPolicies = Json.parseToJsonElement(
val vpPolicies = Json.parseToJsonElement(
val specificPolicies = Json.parseToJsonElement(
          "OpenBadgeCredential": [
                "policy": "schema",
                "args": {
                    "type": "object",
                    "required": ["issuer"],
                    "properties": {
                        "issuer": {
                            "type": "object"
).jsonObject.mapValues { it.value.jsonArray.parsePolicyRequests() }

// validate verifiable presentation against the configured policies
val validationResult = PolicyRunner.verifyPresentation(
        vpTokenJwt = vpToken,
        vpPolicies = vpPolicies,
        globalVcPolicies = vcPolicies,
        specificCredentialPolicies = specificPolicies,
            "presentationSubmission" to JsonObject(emptyMap()),
            "challenge" to "abc"