0.1.6 • Published 4 years ago

wasm-trace v0.1.6

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Last release
4 years ago


Instruments wasm files and traces execution, using Binaryen.js and Wasmer.js

  • --execution logs execution at each function entry, loop header, and return
  • --memory intercepts all memory reads and writes
  • --locals intercepts all local reads and writes

Note: Currently this tool requires an experimental feature of Node.js: wasm-bigint.
It can be enabled globally or when running a single command:

node --experimental-wasm-bigint {command}

It's recommended to use the most recent version of Node.js.


npm install -g wasm-trace


$ wasm-trace -ELM ./test/hello.wasm
[tracer] Instrumenting...
[tracer] Running...
Hello WebAssembly!

The trace can be found in trace.log:

     2 | enter _start {
     0 |   set i32: 0 68256
    41 |   enter __wasilibc_init_preopen {
     4 |     enter malloc {
    32 |       get i32: 0 16
    21 |       enter dlmalloc {
    33 |         set i32: 1 68240
    34 |         get i32: 0 16
     5 |         load i32: 0+1056 0
    35 |         set i32: 2 0
    36 |         get i32: 0 16
    37 |         get i32: 0 16
    38 |         set i32: 3 32
    39 |         set i32: 4 4
    40 |         set i32: 0 0
    65 |         get i32: 3 32
   ... |         ...


wasm-trace.js [options] <file> [args..]

  --execution, -E    Instrument execution  [boolean]
  --locals, -L       Instrument locals  [boolean]
  --memory, -M       Instrument memory  [boolean]
  --optimize, --opt  Optimize after instrumenting  [boolean] [default: true]
  --output, -o       Output filename  [string] [default: "trace.log"]
  --save-wasm        Save instrumented wasm to ...  [string]
  --save-csv         Save csv log file to ...  [string]
  --process          Process csv log file  [string]
  --invoke, -i       Invoke a specified function  [string]
  --version          Show version number  [boolean]
  --help             Show help  [boolean]

  wasm-trace.js -E ./test/hello.wasm                     Instrument, run and trace WASI app
  wasm-trace.js -ELM --invoke=fib ./test/fib32.wasm 20   Instrument, run and trace plain wasm file
  wasm-trace.js ./instrumented.wasm                      Run pre-instrumented wasm file
  wasm-trace.js --process=trace.csv ./instrumented.wasm  Just process an existing CSV trace file

How it works

  1. Analyzes the input wasm file (checks for WASI, instrumentation, etc.)
  2. Instruments it using Binaryen.js
  3. Saves the instrumented wasm file, if needed
  4. Runs the instrumented file with injected instrumentation handlers
  5. Writes CSV trace file
  6. Post-processes the CSV trace file and produces a structured log file