0.7.13 • Published 5 years ago

wch-conversation-core v0.7.13

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5 years ago

WCH Conversation Core

This package contains the essential functionality to create a chatbot based on the combination of the Watson Conversation Service and Watson Content Hub. Each essential part is available as a plugin. The plugin structure is based on the architect framework.

In detail, this module contains all necessary server side logic to use the watson conversation service with any channel and framework you want. Additionally it provides an easy configuration to fetch the response the users sees from Watson Content Hub. This allows you to manage the responses across all channels in an easy to use User Interface provided by Watson Content Hub. You're not limited to text answers only. There is no limitation on rich media like images, pdfs, files, author information, ...

Note: This module is part of a tutorial showing how to implement a chatbot solution based on a CMS like Watson Content Hub. So currently it's discouraged to use this module as is for production use cases without any modifications.

If you fork this repository and want to do end2end tests make sure to run the npx chatcreds manage -S command. This will setup a local pair of credentials encrypted with your RSA key. If you don't have a RSA key yet follow these instructions from Github.

Before you begin

  • Create a Bluemix account
    • Sign up in Bluemix, or use an existing account. Your account must have available space for at least 1 service.
  • Make sure that you have the following prerequisites installed:

    • The Node.js runtime, including the npm package manager

      Note: Ensure that you Node version is up to date

Get started

Using this module is pretty easy. The only thing you have to do is put your credentials in place. If you want to run it locally either write your own credentials plugin to fetch your credentials from wherever they are. Or execute the npm command npx chatcreds manage -S to use the default credentials management.

Using the module is as easy as this:

  const {promisify} = require('util');
  const {dirname} = require('path');
  const {createApp, resolveConfig, loadConfig} = require('architect');
  const createAppAsync = promisify(createApp);
  const resolveConfigAsync = promisify(resolveConfig);
  const loadConfigAsync = promisify(loadConfig);

  const appSettings = {
    "generalSettings": {
      "defaultLanguage": "en",
      "supportedLanguages": ["en"],
      "credentialsStore": {
       "path": "./dch_vcap.json",
       "encrypted": false
     "wchService": {
       "enabled": true
     "conversationMiddleware": {
      "config": [
        "workspaceId": "9db75ce4-a059-4f53-988d-de239eed10a0",
        "locale": "en"

  // This is the config - you can make changes to the settings either by using the 
  // generated app_settings.json (when using the manageCreds command or changing the architectConfig directly
  const architectConfig = require('conversation-core')(appSettings);
  const coreBase = dirname(require.resolve('conversation-core'));

  resolveConfigAsync(architectConfig, coreBase)
  .then(wchcore => {
    // Access to your Watson Conversation Service Instances (This is the general approach to access any defined plugin)
    const conversation = wchcore.getService('conversation');
    // Access to Watson Content Hub
    const wchconversation =  wchcore.getService('wchconversation');

    conversation.get('en').sendMessage({message: 'Hello', context: {}})
    .then(watsonData => wchconversation.getWchConversationResponses(watsonData))
    .then(({conversationResp, locationResp, followupResp}) => {
      // The "general" answer is in the conversationResp
      // If you have a location specific answer use the locationResp instead of the conversationResp
      // If there are one time actions like asking for the username you have a followupResp as well as a conversationResp
      console.log(conversationResp.searchResult.documents[0].document.elements.text.values[0]) // => World
    .catch(err => {
      console.log('Error ', err);


How to connect your conversation with content from Watson Content Hub

This module is configured to fetch the content shown to users from WCH. This is based on the concept of syncing all intents, entities, dialog_nodes and actions from the conversation service to WCH. In order to trigger a sync run npx chatcreds sync. This should do the job and afterwards you should see your changes in the taxonomy section of WCH. (Important: Whenever you make changes in your conversation workspace execute this command again)

Furthermore it's recommended to use the inital content model and alter the structure afterwards. Import the sample content model through the command npx chatcreds push --wch. Afterwards make sure to run a sync job via npx chatcreds sync.

Note: Make sure that your credentials and application settings are initalized before you execute any of these commands. (npx chatcreds manage -S) It's also recommended to enable developermode while creating your content.

Understanding the initial content model

When using the predefined content model to create your chatbot content. The types are: ChatOutputText, ChatAttachment, ChatFollowup and ChatActionButton. In the following sections each of these types is described in more detail.

Every conversation service response is defined through the content type ChatOutputText. This means that every content item based on ChatOutputText references to one or more conversation states as defined in your Conversation Service Workspace. Furthermore it defines the default answer text. Through the addition of attachments you can select ChatAttachments to enrich the answer with rich content like images.

ChatAttachments contain all additional information to enrich the answer for an chatbot. This can include elements like images, videos, files, author information and more. Through the separation you can reuse ChatAttachments across many chatbot answers.

ChatFollowups are used to defined dialog triggered special actions. E.g. a ChatFollowup can be used when we want to ask the user for his name, but only the first time the user interacts with the bot. The contentstructure is the same as for a ChatOutputText.

ChatActionButton define Quick Replies you can add to Slack and Facebook (and potentially your custom developed chatbot). They offer a convenient mechanism to offer your user common actions.

Deploying to Bluemix

If you want to upload your application to bluemix you can use npx chatcreds push -b to automatically create and npx chatcreds push -bU to update all custom credentials (for WCH, Geolocation API, ...) in Bluemix. Make sure to reference the custom created services in your manifest.yml.


The following list give a short overview over all used plugins in the wch-conversation-core. This is mostly interesting if you want to create custom plugins to alter the behavior.

Conversation Core Component Diagram


Description: A simple plugin that identifies the channel based on the incoming user message. Provides it's functionality additionally as a conversation service middleware. It takes the message and conversationPayload object as given by the conversationmiddleware module before method. This plugin can be used as a simple blueprint on how to write your own middleware plugins for the conversationmiddleware plugin. (e.g. if you want to create custom actions that will call your internal service APIs)

Requires: ['logging']

Provides: ['clientType', 'clientTypeMiddleware']

Architect Configuration Options: None


  clientType.identify(message, conversationPayload)
  .then(clientType => {
    // Returns a simple object e.g. {clientType: 'rest'}


Description: Watson Conversation Plugin. Wraps the watson-developer-cloud module for ease of use inside of the chatbot core service. The plugin provides a locale specific map of conversation service instances to the correct conversation service instance. Fetches the credentials from the env plugin.

Requires: ['env', 'logging']

Provides: ['conversation']

Architect Configuration Options: serviceName - Name of the bluemix conversation service instance. The module fetches the credentials for authentication based on the given service name. The default name is wch-conversation. workspaceConfigs - Locale specific mapping from a locale to a Watson Conversation Service Workspace. See app_settings.json for a sample.


  .then(workspace => {
    // Returns a simple object containing the workspace

  .then(intents => {
    // Returns a simple object containing the intents

  .then(entities => {
    // Returns a simple object containing the entities

  // The conversation parameter provides direct access to the 
  // watson-developer-cloud node SDK. 


Description: Plugin that wraps the Botkit Conversation Middleware. As part of this wrapper implementation you can plugin your own middleware where you can plugin custom actions before and after the call made against the conversation server. In order to reguster your middleware create a plugin which provides a before and/or after method and ends on the name 'Middleware' (e.g. clientTypeMiddleware).

Requires: ['env', 'logging', '<yourMiddlewareName>Middleware', ...]

Provides: ['conversationmiddleware']

Parameters: serviceName - Name of the bluemix conversation service instance. The module fetches the credentials for authentication based on the given service name. The default name is wch-conversation. middlewareConfigs - Locale specific mapping from a locale to a Watson Conversation Service Workspace. See app_settings.json for a sample.


  conversationMiddleware.get(locale).interpret(bot, message, function () {
    // message.watsonData contains the conversation service response
    // message.watsonError contains the error message in case something went wrong


Description: Local credentials plugin. Stores and retrieves the credentials required for all external services used. The current format is based on the bluemix service credentials. The file can optionally be encrypted with your local RSA private key for increased security.

Requires: ['logging']

Provides: ['credentials']

Parameters: pubKPath - Absolute or relative path to the public RSA key. In case of RSA this can also be the path to the private key. privKPath - Absolute or relative path to the private RSA key. encrypted - Option to decide if the local credentials should get encrypted with the private RSA key. If true the file is encrypted. credsPath - Absolute or relative path to the credentials file to store retrieve the credentials object. modifiable - Option to enable or disable the save/update capabilities of this plugin.


  credentials.get({credsPath: resolve(options.credsPath)})
  .then(credentials => {
    // decrypted object with all credentials
  credentials.store({credentials: appCredentials});


Description: Provides a conversationmiddleware plugin. Checks for the wchsync intent and triggers a synchronization between WCS and WCH.

Requires: ['logging', 'wchsync']

Provides: ['developeractions', 'developeractionsMiddleware']

Parameters: modeDev - If modeDev is true the synchronization will be triggered. Otherwise the synchronization is disabled.


Description: Wrapper plugin around the cfenv module. Provides the bluemix credentials for all external services used. While running locally we fetch the credentials through the credentials plugin. When running on bluemixthe credentials are managed through bluemix services.

Requires: ['logging', 'credentials']

Provides: ['env']

Parameters: credsPath - Relative or absolute path to the credentials file where all bluemix credentials are located. Not used when running on bluemix.


  let conversationCreds = env.getService('wch-conversation');
  let conversation = new ConversationV1({
    workspace_id: workspaceConfig.workspaceId,
    url: conversationCreds.credentials.url,
    username: conversationCreds.credentials.username,
    password: conversationCreds.credentials.password,
    version_date: ConversationV1.VERSION_DATE_2017_04_21


Description: Wrapper plugin around the Google Geolocation API. Provides location based services for the conversationmiddleware plugin. If the text contains a flag to set a geolocation the user input text is send to the geolocation api to retrieve the lat and long values.

Requires: ['logging', 'env']

Provides: ['geolocation, 'geolocationMiddleware']

Architect Configuration Options: serviceName - Name of the bluemix conversation service instance. The module fetches the credentials for authentication based on the given service name. The default name is wch-conversation. enabled - If true the geolocation service is enabled. Otherwise no geolocation will be set.


Description: Wrapper plugin around the Watson Language Translator. If the message does not contain any language information this conversationmiddleware plugin will infer the language based on the user input text. This information is stored in the conversation context. If the identified lanugage is not supported we will use the fallback language.

Requires: ['logging', 'env']

Provides: ['languageTranslator, 'languageTranslatorMiddleware']

Architect Configuration Options: serviceName - Name of the bluemix language translator service instance. The module fetches the credentials for authentication based on the given service name. The default name is wch-conversation. supportedLanguages - All supported output languages. defaultLanguage - The default language in case the user sets an unsupported language or we have no information at all about the language of the user.


Description: Simple logging module based on debug.

Requires: []

Provides: ['logging']

Parameters: packageName - The name of the package which is used for logging. Identificator that the logging is for a plugin from the wch-conversation-core. toFile - If set to true the debug log will also be stored in a file.


  const logger = logging('geolocation');
  logger.methodEntry('setup', options, imports);
  logger.methodExit('setup', returnvalue);
  logger.debug('Some debug message with %o', param);


Description: Templating engine based on handlebars. It uses the complete search result and parses it with the watsonData.

Requires: []

Provides: ['templating']



  templating.parseJSON(watsonData, searchResult);


Description: Wrapper to use the Watson Tone Analyzer inside of the conversationmiddleware. The result is stored in the conversation context before it's called.

Requires: ['env', 'logging']

Provides: ['toneanalyzer', 'toneanalyzerMiddleware']

Parameters: serviceName - Name of the bluemix tone analyzer service instance. The module fetches the credentials for authentication based on the given service name. The default name is wch-toneanalyzer. enabled -If true the geolocation service is enabled. Otherwise no geolocation will be set.


  toneanalyzer.identify(message, conversationPayload)
  .then(identifiedTone => {
    // Do something with the toneanylzer result


Description: Sample wch node wrapper.

Requires: ['env', 'logging']

Provides: ['wch']

Parameters: serviceName - Name of the bluemix tone analyzer service instance. The module fetches the credentials for authentication based on the given service name. The default name is wch_config.


  // Full access to the sample-wch-node-wrapper
  // Check out the samples over there


Description: Plugin which takes a response from the Watson Conversation Service and returns a search result from WCH with the best matching answer/content. Based on the input a SOLR search query is created. Based on that it processes the found results, all attachments and location specific responses.

Requires: ['wch', 'logging', 'templating']

Provides: ['wchconversation']

Parameters: enableCache - If true the response from WCH is cached for simillar requests. ttl - Time until an element is removed from cache. In seconds. Default is 300 seconds (5 minutes).


    .then(({locationResp, conversationResp, followupResp}) => {
        debug('locationResp %o', locationResp);
        return {respToUse: (locationResp.searchResult.numFound > 0) ? locationResp : conversationResp, followupResp};


Description: Synchronization plugin of the Watson Conversation Service Structure to Watson Content Hub. The structure of the Conversation Service is represented as multiple taxonomies in WCH. (A taxonomy per concept) Currently the synchronization is one way only. (WCS --> WCH)

Requires: ['wch', 'logging', 'conversation']

Provides: ['wchsync']

Parameters: mainWorkspace - Locale of the main workspace that will be used for the synchronization. Normally should be your default language.


  wchsync.push({fromSys:'WCS', toSys:'WCH'})
  .then(result => {
    // Sync succesfull

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