0.0.8 • Published 4 years ago

wdio-fefanf-html-visreg-reporter v0.0.8

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Last release
4 years ago


A reporter for webdriver.io which generates a HTML report for visual regression tests using wdio-image-comparison-service in the wdio-fefanf-boilerplate

This project is a fork of @rpii/wdio-html-reporter, which was itself a fork of a reporter I had previously created wdio-html-format-reporter


The easiest way is to keep the wdio-fefanf-html-visreg-reporter as a devDependency in your package.json:

  "devDependencies": {
    "wdio-fefanf-html-visreg-reporter": "~0.0.2"

Or, you can simply do it with:

npm install wdio-fefanf-html-visreg-reporter --save-dev

Automatic PR with new baseline images

By selecting the images you want to become the new basline, and clicking "Update Selected Images", a Pull-Request will automatically be created in github on the repo you specify. You will need a github token.

To create a token, you need a Github account, then go here and follow these instructions. Store the token in a safe place to re-use it.


The following code shows the default wdio test runner configuration. Just add an VisRegHtmlReporter object as another reporter to the reporters array. Syntax shown requires babel:

// wdio.conf.js
import { VisRegReportAggregator, VisRegHtmlReporter} from 'wdio-fefanf-html-visreg-reporter' ;
module.exports = {

  reporters: ['spec',
        [VisRegHtmlReporter, {
            debug: true,
            outputDir: './reports/visreg-reports/',
            filename: 'report.html',
            reportTitle: 'Visual Regression Test Report Title',
            // to override the git repo & branch
            gitRepo: '<owner>/<repo>', 
            // to show the report in a browser when done
            showInBrowser: true,

            // to use the template override option, can point to your own file in the test project:
            // templateFilename: path.resolve(__dirname, '../src/wdio-fefanf-html-visreg-reporter-alt-template.hbs'),
            // to add custom template functions for your custom template:
            // templateFuncs: {
            //     addOne: (v) => {
            //         return v+1;
            //     },
            // },

            //to initialize the logger
            LOG: log4j.getLogger("default")

Configuration Options:

To generate a master report for all suites

webdriver.io will call the reporter for each test suite. It does not aggregate the reports. To do this, add the following event handlers to your wdio.config.js

    onPrepare: function (config, capabilities) {

        let reportAggregator = new VisRegReportAggregator({
            outputDir: './reports/visreg-reports/',
            filename: 'master-report.html',
            reportTitle: 'Visual Regression Master Report',
            // to use the template override option, can point to your own file in the test project:
            // templateFilename: path.resolve(__dirname, '../src/wdio-fefanf-html-visreg-reporter-alt-template.hbs')
        reportAggregator.clean() ;

        global.reportAggregator = reportAggregator;
    onComplete: function(exitCode, config, capabilities, results) {
        (async () => {
            await global.reportAggregator.createReport( {
                config: config,
                capabilities: capabilities,
                results : results

To use a logger for debugging

A new feature for developers is to add a log4js logger to see detailed debug output. See the test/reporter.spec.js for configuration options

To use a custom handlebars template for reports

Uncomment the templateFilename above, and in the VisRegReportAggregator. You must provide an absolute path to the file you can modify the alt-template above if you wish The template must support all the constructs in the default template. YOu may add more or just change the formatting and css.

To trigger visual regression tests

You just need to use wdio-fefanf-boilerplate and use the @visreg tag for specific Scenarios

  Scenario: Go to the Home page
    Given I go to the Home page
    Then I should now be on the Home page
    When I click on signInLink
    Then I should now be on the Signin page

Sample Output:

Report Screenshot