5.0.1 • Published 2 years ago

wdio-json-steps-reporter v5.0.1

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2 years ago

WDIO JSON Steps Reporter

A WebdriverIO plugin. Report results in json format with steps and screenshot support. This project was derived from the 'wdio-json-reporter' found here

Example Screenshots

Highlight example




    npm install wdio-json-steps-reporter --save-dev


Require the reporter in the wdio configuration file.

    const StepsReporter = require("wdio-json-steps-reporter")
Use the reporter

Configure wdio to use the required StepsReporter as a reporter.

  • @param {string} outputDir : The directory where the results will be logged.
  • @param {string} testDir : The root directory where tests are stored
  • @param {string | number} build : The version, jenkins build or name that the results will be stored under
    reporters: [
        [StepsReporter.reporter, {
            outputDir: "./results/",
            testDir: "./test/",
            build: 17

Overwrite/Add custom commands to browser and element

Overwrite and add the commands from the required StepsReporter.

    before: async function (capabilities, specs) {
        await browser.overwriteCommand("saveScreenshot", StepsReporter.saveScreenshot)
        await browser.addCommand("highlight", StepsReporter.highlight, true)
        await browser.addCommand("removeHighlight", StepsReporter.removeHighlight, true)
        await browser.addCommand("removeHighlights", StepsReporter.removeHighlights)
Merge results to single file

Finally on the completion of test execution use the required mergeResults function to generate a single JSON file which can be utilized by the react report dashboard. Alternatively you may wish to call this from a script as part of npm test. It is recommended to supply a unique value to ensure historic test records are kept especially when utilizing the report dashboard to get the full benefits of it's features

  • @param {string} reportDir : The report directory where the html report will get generated to.
  • @param {string} resultsDir : The results directory where the results were logged by the StepsReporter.
  • @param {string} testDir : The root directory where tests are stored
  • @param {string | number} build : The version, jenkins build or name that the html report will be generated for
    onComplete: async function(exitCode, config, capabilities, results) {
            reportDir: "./report/",
            resultsDir: "./results/",
            testDir: "./test/",
            build: 17
Host the report on localhost
    node report/server.js


Log a step

Import the step function to be used during tests and page object actions

  • @param {StepOptions} stepOptions : The options, can be used to override the page object actions
  • @param {string} description : The description explaining what is being done in the task.
  • @param {string} expectation : The expected result of the task.
  • @param {string} actual : The actual result if the task passes.
  • @param {Function} task : The actions to be completed to determine if the test step passes or fails
import { step } from "wdio-json-steps-reporter"

before(async function() {
    await step({createLog: true, takeScreenshot: true}, "Navigate to the Home page", "Home page should load", "The Home page loaded", async function() {
        await browser.url("https://webdriver.io")
        await page.waitUntilLoaded()

it("should have the correct title", async function() {
    await page.verifyPageTitle() //defaults = {createStep: true, takeScreenshot: false}
    await page.verifyPageTitle({createStep: false) // no log will be generated in the report, the tasks will still be executed
    await page.verifyPageTitle({takeScreenshot: true, highlightElement: $(".hero__subtitle")}) //fullpage screenshot, highlighting the title element
    await page.verifyPageTitle({customDescription: "Override the description", customExpectation: "Override the expectation"}))

async verifyPageTitle(stepOptions?: StepOptions): Promise<Step> {
    return await step(stepOptions, 
        "Verify the page title is correct",
        "The page title should be correct",
        "The page title was correct", async function() {
        const title = await $(".hero__subtitle")
        expect(title).to.equal("Next-gen browser and mobile automation test framework for Node.js")

Step Options

The options can be used to override any default page object actions steps that have been created. Defaults = {createStep: true, takeScreenshot: false}. Additionally, an element can be passed in to be highlighted in the screenshot.

    type StepOptions = {
        createLog: boolean;
        takeScreenshot: boolean;
        highlightElement?: ChainablePromiseElement<Promise<WebdriverIO.Element>>;
        customDescription?: string;
        customExpectation?: string;
        customActual?: string;

For more information on WebdriverIO see the homepage.


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