1.0.0 • Published 12 months ago

web3-qr-code v1.0.0

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12 months ago

Web3 QR Code

This is an npm package that provides functions to generate QR codes for multi blockchain like Ethereum, Bitcoin, and Solana cryptocurrencies.


Install the package using npm:

npm install web3-qr-code


Import the package and create an instance of the QrCode class:

import { QrCode } from 'qr-code-generator';
const qrCode = new QrCode();

Generate Ethereum QR Code

  1. Generate an Ethereum QR code for transfer of eth by calling the generateETHqrCode method with the required parameters:
const params = {
  from: 'sender-address',
  to: 'recipient-address',
  value: 0.5,
  chainId: 1

const qrCodeDataURL = await qrCode.generateETHqrCode(params);
  1. Generate an Ethereum QR code for smart contract transaction by calling the generateETHqrCode method with the required parameters:
const params = {
  from: '0xF9d3C2Adc0dA3B68621fCcFA7c51B66eAf000a05',
  to: '0xdac17f958d2ee523a2206206994597c13d831ec7', // contract address
  value: 0,
  chainId: 1,
  functionName: 'transfer', // smart contract method
  functionArgs: [
    { name: 'to', type: 'address', value: '0xF9d3C2Adc0dA3B68621fCcFA7c51B66eAf000f0c' },
    { name: 'amount', type: 'uint256', value: 1000 },

const qrCodeDataURL = await qrCode.generateETHqrCode(params);

Generate Bitcoin QR Code

Generate a Bitcoin QR code by calling the generateBTCqrCode method with the required parameters:

const params = {
  to: 'bitcoin-address',
  amount: 0.001,
  label: 'Payment for goods',
  message: 'Optional message',
  extra: [
    { key: 'param1', value: 'value1' },
    { key: 'param2', value: 12345 },

const qrCodeDataURL = await qrCode.generateBTCqrCode(params);

Generate Solana QR Code

  1. Generate a Solana QR code for transfer of sol by calling the generateSOLqrCode method with the required parameters:
const params = {
  to: 'solana-address',
  amount: 1.234,
  label: 'Payment for services',
  memo: 'Optional memo',
  feePayer: 'fee-payer-address'

const qrCodeDataURL = await qrCode.generateSOLqrCode(params);
  1. Generate a Solana QR code for smart contract method transaction by calling the generateSOLqrCode method with the required parameters:
const params = {
  to: 'solana-address',
  amount: 1.234,
  label: 'Payment for services',
  memo: 'Optional memo',
  delegate: 'delegate-address',
  authorized: 'authorized-address',
  programId: 'program-id',
  methodName: 'method-name',
  args: { arg1: 'value1', arg2: 12345 },
  feePayer: 'fee-payer-address',
  referral: 'referral-address',

const qrCodeDataURL = await qrCode.generateSOLqrCode(params);



Represents an Ethereum contract function argument.

  • name (string): The name of the argument.
  • type (string): The type of the argument.
  • value (string or number): The value of the argument.


Represents the parameters for generating an Ethereum QR code.

  • from (string, optional): The sender address.
  • to (string): The recipient address.
  • value (number, optional): The value to be sent (in ETH).
  • chainId (number, optional): The Ethereum chain ID.
  • functionName (string, optional): The name of the contract function.
  • functionArgs (IFuncArgs[], optional): The arguments for the contract function.


Represents an extra parameter for Bitcoin QR code.

  • key (string): The key of the parameter.
  • value (string or number): The value of the parameter.


Represents the parameters for generating a Bitcoin QR code.

  • to (string): The recipient address.
  • amount (number, optional): The amount to be sent (in BTC).
  • label (string, optional): A label for the transaction.
  • message (string, optional): An optional message.
  • extra (IExtra[], optional): Extra parameters for the QR code.


Represents the parameters for generating a Solana QR code.

  • to (string): The recipient address.
  • amount (number, optional): The amount to be sent (in SOL).
  • label (string, optional): A label for the transaction.
  • memo (string, optional): An optional memo.
  • delegate (string, optional): The delegate address.
  • authorized (string, optional): The authorized address.
  • programId (string, optional): The program ID.
  • methodName (string, optional): The method name.
  • args (any, optional): Additional arguments for the method.
  • feePayer (string, optional): The fee payer address.
  • referral (string, optional): The referral address.