webcam-easy-v2 v3.0.2
Webcam Easy JS
ใช้ Web Cam ได้ 2 Options
DONE Capture High Res Image *** เกี่ยวกับ วิธี Init Div Video see for capturing mechanic test (try chaning zoom and video size) DONE Set Vdo CSS to match capture size DONEScale (Zoom) Video's Div to match screen size DONE On Capturing Change Canvas Size Corresponding to new Video Size
This getUserMedia on <= iOS14.4 with WKWebView (Chrome IOS, In APP Facebook) will have NotAllowedError
For OWN Webview App There are some fix (not tested) By adding the props
allowInlineMediaPlayback={true} mediaPlaybackRequiresUserAction={false}
Feature หลัก
- Take Photo
1. webcam-flippable
Display list of user media that user can use then let user flip/select camera themself
- Filter out known Media label that not compatible for facing parameters
- Use facingMode = "any" to display all media to user
- Rotate to next media automatically if system can't access to specific media stream (This may prompt another permission request to user)
2. webcam-user
This will open default user facing camera
- flip left/right as an option in flipImage
This is a javascript library for accessing webcam stream and taking photos.
You can easily add it as a module to your own app.
- Streaming webcam on desktop computer or mobile
- Switch back or front cameras on mobile
- Take pictures and be able to download.
Live Demo
How to publish with github package manager
- Create AuthToken in github account (allow repository read and/or write).
- Login to npm in your machine with the script below, use AuthToken as your password.
$ npm login --registry= > Username: USERNAME > Password: TOKEN > Email: PUBLIC-EMAIL-ADDRESS
- Use
npm run release -- -p 'notes'
(-p patch, -m minor, -M major) to re-build and publish the code to repository, this will automatically increase version and tag it in Github repository.
How to npm install github package manager
- Add
file to your package root folder and add this line@adapterdigital:registry=
- You can now use
npm i @adapterdigital/package-name
This will build and copy /dist files and copy it to ../vue3-camera-lab/src/lib for testing purpose
npm run build
Publish to npm
#patch version increase
npm run release -- -p 'comment'
#minor version increase
npm run release -- -m 'comment'
#Major version increase
npm run release -- -M 'comment'
#patch version increase
npm run win-release -- -p 'comment'
#minor version increase
npm run win-release -- -m 'comment'
#Major version increase
npm run win-release -- -M 'comment'
Use Git Clone
npm install @adapterdigital/webcam-easy-v2
1. Import into javascript
import {FlippableWebCamera} from '@adapterdigital/webcam-easy-v2';
import {UserWebCamera} from '@adapterdigital/webcam-easy-v2';
2. Place elements in HTML
<video id="webcam" autoplay playsinline width="640" height="480"></video>
<canvas id="canvas" class="d-none"></canvas>
<audio id="snapSound" src="audio/snap.wav" preload = "auto"></audio>
3. Call constructor in javascript
const webcamElement = document.getElementById('webcam');
const canvasElement = document.getElementById('canvas');
const snapSoundElement = document.getElementById('snapSound');
const webcam = new FlippableWebCamera(webcamElement, 'user', canvasElement, snapSoundElement);
const webcam = new UserWebCamera(webcamElement, true, canvasElement, snapSoundElement);
//bind this to UI (Only Flippable)
function cameraFilp() {
if(webcamDom.webcamCount > 1){
await webcamDom.flip();
4. Start Webcam
.then(result =>{
console.log("webcam started");
.catch(err => {
if (err.message && err.message.toLowerCase().indexOf("not supported browser") !== -1) {
// check ios / android here!
} else {
// user denied or no matched media
try {
await webcam.start();
console.log("webcam started");
} catch(err) {
if (err.message && err.message.toLowerCase().indexOf("not supported browser") !== -1) {
// check ios / android here!
} else {
// user denied or no matched media
5. Take Photo
var picture = webcam.snap();
var picture = webcam.snap(0.3);//0.3 Mega pixel snap!!
var picture = webcam.snap(8);//8 Mega pixel snap!!
6. Stop Webcam
- start(startStream) : start streaming webcam
- get permission from user
- get all video input devices info (Flippable)
- select camera based on facingMode (Flippable)
- start stream
stop() : stop streaming webcam
dispose() : should call this to dispose when change view this will stop()
stream() : start streaming webcam to video element
snap() : take photo from webcam
flip() (Only Flippable) : change Facing mode and selected camera
unBindingDebugger() : Unbind debugger
bindDebugger(binder:(message:string)=>any) : bind debugger
- facingMode : 'user', 'enviroment', 'left', 'right', 'any' (Only Flippable)
- webcamList : all available camera device (Only Flippable)
- webcamCount : number of available camera device (Only Flippable)