1.1.0 • Published 3 years ago

webfinger-handler v1.1.0

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3 years ago

Webfinger Handler

A library that generates a handler for webfinger requests. The created handler works with Node JS HTTP request and response objects, and is otherwise framework agnostic.

import WebfingerHandler from 'webfinger-handler';

// Handle requests for `[username]@my-website.example`
// This example is synchronous, but you can make it async if you need to e.g. access a database
const webfinger = WebfingerHandler(resource => {
    if(resource.host !== 'my-website.example') {
        // Return null if there are no links for this resource
        return null;

    // Either return the whole json-rd response object or just the links array
    return [
            rel: 'http://webfinger.net/rel/profile-page',
            href: `https://my-website.example/profile/${resource.user}`

// This is the standard httpServer.listen callback
export default async function onRequest(req, res) {
    if(await webfinger(req, res)) {
        // The handler will return true if it has handled the request,
        // and false if not (i.e. the req.url path is not '/.well-known/webfinger')

    // Not a webfinger request - run whatever site code you need to
    res.end('Welcome to my website!');


If you're only using webfinger for ActivityPub, you can use the ActivitypubWebfinger method:

import { ActivitypubWebfinger } from 'webfinger-handler';

const webfinger = ActivitypubWebfinger(resource => {
    if(resource.host !== 'my-website.example') {
        // Return null if there are no actors for this resource
        return null;

    // You just have to return the Actor URL, the rest of the response is constructed automatically
    return `https://my-website.example/@${resource.user}`

// Then use `webfinger` the same way as the above examples

Express usage

For use with Express or Connect, you'll need to wrap your function like so:

// Assuming app is your Express instance
app.use(async function webfingerExpress(req, res, next) {
	try {
		if(!await webfinger(req, res)) {
	} catch(e) {

Advanced use

If you have more specialist use cases you can export the constituent functions for request parsing, response sending, etc - take a look at the API.





See: module:webfinger-handler.default

module.exports(getDescriptor) ⇒ webfingerHandler

Create a handler for incoming webfinger requests

Kind: Exported function
Returns: webfingerHandler - Method for handling webifinger requests

getDescriptorgetDescriptorReturns a JSON Resource Descriptor object


An error encountered while processing a webfinger request

Kind: static class of module.exports


An error thrown when the incomming Webfinger request uses the wrong HTTP method

Kind: static class of module.exports


An error thrown when the webfinger resource paramter is incorrectly formatted

Kind: static class of module.exports


An object representing an acct: URI

Kind: static class of module.exports

new exports.AcctUri(options, user, host)

Construct an instance of AcctUri

optionsObjectThe properties to set on the AcctUri instance
userstringThe user part of the account name
hoststringThe hostname part of the account name


The scheme of the URI. This is always acct:.

Kind: instance property of AcctUri


Alias for user

Kind: instance property of AcctUri


The account string Made of the user and host concatenated with the @ symbol

Kind: instance property of AcctUri


The full URI including the scheme

Kind: instance property of AcctUri

AcctUri.parse(resource) ⇒ AcctUri

Parse a string into an AcctUri object

Kind: static method of AcctUri

resourcestringAn acct: URI

module.exports.parse(req) ⇒ false | AcctUri

Parses an incoming http request for the requested acct: URI

Kind: static method of module.exports
Returns: false - If the request is not for the webfinger endpointAcctUri - An object representing the requested account

  • WebfingerMethodError If the GET method is not used in the request
reqIncomingMessageThe incoming HTTP request

module.exports.sendError(res, error)

Informs the user about an error that occured with the webfinger request

Kind: static method of module.exports

resHttpResponseThe node HTTP response object
errorWebfingerErrorThe error to report back to the user

module.exports.send(res, body)

Sends a JSON RD response body to the client

Kind: static method of module.exports

resHttpResponseThe node HTTP response object
bodyobjectThe payload to return to the user

module.exports.getActivitypubDescriptor(getActivitypubLink) ⇒ getDescriptor

Generates a getDescriptor method specifically for activitypub resource

Kind: static method of module.exports
Returns: getDescriptor - Method that can be used as the Webfinger descriptor getter

getActivitypubLinkgetActorLinkMethod that returns an href representing an activitypub actor

module.exports.ActivitypubWebfinger(getHref) ⇒ webfingerHandler

Creates a webfinger handler specifically for Activitypub use

Kind: static method of module.exports
Returns: webfingerHandler - Webfinger resource request handler

getHrefgetActorLinkMethod that returns an href representing an activitypub actor

module.exports~getDescriptor ⇒ object | Array | null

Return a JRD descriptor object for agiven acct: URI

Kind: inner typedef of module.exports
Returns: object | Array | null - Either: a JRD descriptor object, a JRD links array, or null if no resource was found

resourceAcctUriThe acct: URI of the requested resource

module.exports~webfingerHandler ⇒ Boolean

Webfinger handler

Kind: inner typedef of module.exports
Returns: Boolean - True if the request was handled, false if the request path did not match the webfinger endpoint

reqIncomingMessageThe incomming HTTP request
resOutgoingMessageThe outgoing HTTP response

module.exports~getActorLink ⇒ string | object

Get a link for an activitypub actor

Kind: inner typedef of module.exports
Returns: string | object - Either the href of the actor, or the JRD link representation of the actor

resourceAcctUriThe acct: uri of the resource to fetch for


Incoming http request

Kind: inner external of module.exports
See: https://nodejs.org/api/http.html#http_class_http_incomingmessage


Outgoing http response

Kind: inner external of module.exports
See: https://nodejs.org/api/http.html#http_class_http_incomingmessage