1.2.5 • Published 3 years ago

webjson v1.2.5

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3 years ago


Build Modern Web Apps just with JSON and JS

webJSON is a Node.js based framework to build modern dynamic and static web applications.

It's basically plain JSON with a special syntax which is parsed and converted to browser supported codes on runtime. Its simplicity and ease enables you to easily create and run a web application.

webJSON is based on NodeJS. You can create a server and run with only 5-6 lines of JSON. webJSON has its own CLI and file extension wjson. The power of webJSON can be realized better in dynamic app development.


Make sure you have Node latest version installed. Install it using npm or yarn

npm install webjson -g
yarn add webjson -g

Creating a Server

Once you have installed the package, you can start coding. Create an index.wjson file or whatever you name it. Now put the following

   "params": {
      "port": 3000

This minimal amount of code is required to run a Server. Now navigate to the root folder and run

wjson run index.wjson //your file name

It should start a server in the specified port. By default, it will show Cannot GET /. You can give it a visit to be sure.

Supported Objects

As I am a student, I haven't been able to add enough support yet. I am actively developing and bringing more support for the basic things. Basic structure and code base is already built.

Every configuration or component is basically just a JSON object. The page is an array of all these objects. Each object must contain a type element which determines what it will do. Below are the currently supported Object types

  1. Server
  2. Page
  3. Scripts
    • Script
    • initScript
  4. StyleSheet
  5. Text
  6. Block
  7. TextInput
  8. Button
  9. Image
  10. Link

NOTE: Make sure you type them in lower case letters.


This is a required object.

  1. name specifies the Name of your Application. It's not required but recommended to add
  2. port specifies the port where your server will be live A complete example of server object can be:
   "params": {
      "name": "My First WJSON app"


This is a configuration object for each page. page object acts as the building block of a web app. This is the base component for routing.

  1. method tells the request method the page will support. These methods are currently supported:
    • get
    • post
  2. route sets the route path of the page. In case of index page, you don't need to specify this.
  3. routeParam determines by what name you want to receive the URL params.
  4. title sets the page Title.
  5. child is an array of all objects that you want to display in that particular page.
  6. childPath if you want to load the childs from a different file, then put the file local path here. If you specify this, child value will be ignored. A complete example of page object can be:
   "method": "get",
   "title": "Home",
   "child": [
     {"type": "text", "value": "Home page"}
   "method": "get",
   "title": "About",
   "route": "about",
   "childPath": "about.wjson"


You can load and add javascript code in JSON. As JSON supports only string, number and boolean value, It's difficult to write JS in JSON. So, the solution is to create a separate .js file and load it in your webJSON page. value must be a local file path. A simple example of script object can be:

   "value": "scripts.js",

There is another object called initScript or Initial Script This runs as soon as the page is loaded.

   "value": "getPosts.js",


Just like HTML stylesheet import, you can include CSS stylesheet in your page. The setup is similar to Scipts. A simple example of styleSheet object can be:

   "value": "styles.css",


This is equivalent to html p element. A complete example of text object can be:

   "value": "Example Text",
   "params": {
      "id": "txt",
      "style": {
        "fontSize": 20

Take a look at the Style Support list for available style params.


This is equivalent to html div element. With this, You can do everything that you can do with div. This has a special element called child, Where you can append child components. Once again, it is an array of objects. Child components are parsed the same way parent components are parsed.

A complete example of block object can be:

   "type": "block",
   "child": [{ "type": "text", "value": "child Text!"}],
   "params": {
      "id": "myBlock",
      "style": {
        "height": 100,
        "width": 100,
        "backgroundColor": "blue"


This is equivalent to html input element with type text. More options and params for this will be added soon.

   "params": {
      "id": "name",
      "style": {
        "fontSize": 15
      "placeHolder": "Write your Name..."


This is basically nothing but button element. More options and params for this will be added soon.

   "value": "Click Me!",
   "onClick": "alert('it is working...')


This is the HTML img element. More options and params for this will be added soon.

Notice, how you it accepts the image location in the value option. Height and Width style is not required. Only one special param available now is the lazy param. If it's true, the image will be lazily loaded.

   "value": "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1593642634315-48f5414c3ad9?ixid=MnwxMjA3fDF8MHxlZGl0b3JpYWwtZmVlZHwxfHx8ZW58MHx8fHw%3D&ixlib=rb-1.2.1&auto=format&fit=crop&w=700&q=60",
     "style": {
       "height": 200,
       "width": 200
     "lazy": true


link is equivalent to html a element. In this object, value is taken as the link text. To add the href link, you need to pass link element. Check the following example:

   "value": "Click Me!",
   "link": "https://github.com/MadCoderme/webJSON"

Supported Style Params

Take a look at the supported style params. More will be added soon. NOTE: You can use all the css params that has no conflict with the following style(no hyphens)

  1. color
  2. backgroundColor
  3. height
  4. width
  5. margin
  6. padding
  7. fontSize
  8. fontFamily
  9. position
  10. top
  11. bottom
  12. left
  13. right
  14. border

If you add a Stylesheet or enable Tailwind, you need to replace style array with a string. For example,

 "style": "myClass"

Built-in Functions & API

webJSON provides some basic but important functions and API.

Receiving Inputs

Receiving server request information is too easy with webJSON. You can receive and work with query parameters of Get requests in the following way.

//Request: http://localhost:3000/?id=12345&name=David

//Receive "id" and "name" param:
   "value": "Your Id is &id and Name is &name"

Just put & before the name of the query param you want to work with. You can even use this functionality in JS scripts.

function giveAlert(){
  if('&id' == "1234") {
    alert('Provided id: &id is valid')

This method will also work with post request body. Make sure the request body is in json format.

You can receive URL parameters of get request by putting && before the param name. For example, if the url is: http://localhost:3000/post/123, then you can receive 123 like below:

   "value": "url param id is &&id"

Check Page object to understand how to configure URL params.


Routing or Navigation is one of the most important part of every web application. webJSON makes it very easy to setup and perform routing.

As mentioned earlier, every page object is indeed a Page. To navigate form one page to another, you can use the built in function of webJSON

  "type": "button",
  "value": "About",
  "onClick": "navigate('about')"

Basically, you need to pass the routename of the page, that you want to navigate to. You can pass extra data for example URL Parameters and Query Parameters too.

Tailwind CSS

To make development easier and faster, webJSON comes with Tailwind CSS in the box. By default, it's not enabled. To enable and use Tailwind CSS classes, add enableTailwind param to page object.

   "method": "get",
   "title": "Home",
   "childPath": "home.wjson",
   "params": {
      "enableTailwind": true

You can now use all Tailwind classes. For example,

   "value": "Example Tailwind Text",
   "params": {
      "id": "txt",
      "style": "text-lg font-semibold"

Optimizing Performance with Tailwind

Minified Tailwind CSS is a huge 3000kb+ file which will dramatically increase your loading time and decrease your Lighthouse score. The solution is to prevent unused CSS codes from loading.

webJSON provides a simple solution to this problem. You can run the following command

wjson purgeTailwind index.wjson

This will analyze your wjson file and configure your project by creating a custom css file with the used classes only. You need to run this whenever you update your code. Or, you may run it only once before deploying app to production.

Conditional Rendering

Basic Conditional rendering has been made a lot easier in webJSON. You can pass a special condition element to every object except server. You need to follow a special syntax to write conditions. Each condition is an array of 3 elements.

  "condition": ["&id", "==", "abcd"], 

Yes, you can use those special functionalities of receiving inputs too. Only strings and Integers are supported to be passed as 1st and 3rd element.

These conditional operators are supported right now:

  1. "=="
  2. "!="
  3. ">"
  4. "<"

You can compare these to conditional if statements but more easier to apply. If the condition is true, then the object will be rendered. Else it won't be rendered.

Support and Contribution

I am actively developing this project. If you like it, please help not with Donation, but with Contribution

This project is not ready and perfect yet for big projects. Please help to grow this faster. If you make a big change, Open an issue first. If you make a small change, open a pull request.

Please let me know your suggestions about this project.



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3 years ago