0.0.2 β€’ Published 2 years ago

webp-hero v0.0.2

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Last release
2 years ago

πŸ¦Έβ€β™‚οΈ webp-hero

browser polyfill for the webp image format

  • πŸ“¦ npm install webp-hero
  • πŸŽ‰ webp images come alive, even in safari and ie11! (firefox and edge now support webp)
  • βš™οΈ webp-hero actually runs google's libwebp decoder in the browser (converts webp images to png on-the-fly)
  • πŸ•ΉοΈ live demo - webp-hero/ β€” webp-hero polyfill operating normally (does nothing if your browser supports webp) - webp-hero/?force β€” webp conversion to png is forced (even if your browser supports webp) - webp-hero/?force&useCanvasElements β€” wholly replace webp image elements with canvas elements (added for icecat compatibility)
  • ♻️ freshness - libwebp def64e9 β€” 2020-08-17 - emscripten 2.0.1 β€” 2020-08-21
  • πŸ’― browser support tested 2020-08-26 - evergreen browsers (chrome, firefox, edge, desktop safari) - windows 7 ie11 - iphone 7 mobile safari - galaxy s5 samsung internet - icecat 60.7 (requires option {useCanvasElements: true})
  • βš–οΈ 98 KB
  • ⚠️ known issues and deficiencies - doesn't yet support css background images (pull requests welcome!) - doesn't yet support <picture> elements - doesn't yet support web workers (decodes images one-at-a-time, blocking, single-threaded) - currently only detects webp images with filename ending in .webp extension - no wasm (because older browsers)

webp-hero installation and usage

  • option A β€” html install, use webp-hero's bundle with the polyfills
    you just inject the html onto your page. this technique works nicely for older browsers like ie11

    	1. load generic polyfills and the webp-hero global bundle via script tags
    		<script src="https://unpkg.com/webp-hero@0.0.1/dist-cjs/polyfills.js"></script>
    		<script src="https://unpkg.com/webp-hero@0.0.1/dist-cjs/webp-hero.bundle.js"></script>
    	2. run the webp-hero polyfill function on the document
    			var webpMachine = new webpHero.WebpMachine()
  • option B β€” commonjs install, use webp-hero's cjs modules in your application
    you'll be familiar with this if you're bundling a commonjs with browserify or webpack

    	1. install the webp-hero npm package
    		`npm install webp-hero`
    	2. import and run the webp-hero polyfill function
    		import {WebpMachine} from "webp-hero"
    		const webpMachine = new WebpMachine()
    	3. *if* you want to support old browsers like ie11,  
    		you might want to include your own polyfills or import `webp-hero/dist-cjs/polyfills.js`
  • option C β€” es-module install, like in the future
    es modules are available. but why would anybody use these for webp-hero? i guess it could be useful for.. mobile safari? anyways, this won't work in older browsers, which might defeat the purpose of using webp-hero in the first place? well.. it's here for you if you need it!

    	1. use webp-hero on your page in one script tag
    		<script type="module">
    			import {WebpMachine} from "https://unpkg.com/webp-hero@0.0.1/dist/webp-machine.js"
    			const webpMachine = new WebpMachine()
  • option D β€” angular users should look at ngx-webp-polyfill

webp-hero advanced usage


  • webp-machine.ts has logic for polyfilling, caching, and enforcing sequential webp decoding - new WebpMachine({...options}) β€” all options have defaults, but you can override them - {webp} google module which contains the actual decoder - {webpSupport} function which detects whether the browser supports webp - {detectWebpImage} detect whether or not the provided <img> element is in webp format - {useCanvasElements: true} boolean which when true causes webp-hero to polyfill webp images by wholly replacing them with canvas elements (instead of using png data urls). this helps compatibility with icecat (default: false) - the webpMachine you create has the following methods - webpMachine.polyfillDocument() β€” run over the entire html document, sniffing out webp <img> elements to convert (only if the browser doesn't support webp) - webpMachine.polyfillImage(imageElement) β€” converts the given webp image (only if the browser doesn't support webp) - webpMachine.decode(webpData) β€” decode webp Uint8Array data, return a png data-url - webpMachine.clearCache() β€” manually wipe the cache to save memory
  • other modules like convert-binary-data.ts and etc may be unstable, you might not want to rely on those

manual-style with the google libwebp decoder

  • we compile from google's libwebp emscripten build in a docker container
  • this build contains minimal functionality for rendering webp data to a canvas: - google's emscripten output: webp-hero/libwebp/google/webp.js
  • we do little hacks to wrap this build into two modules: - common-js: webp-hero/libwebp/webp.cjs.js - es-module: webp-hero/libwebp/webp.js
  • we have a typescript declaration for it too: webp.d.ts

webp-hero dev and contributing

  • prerequisites - git and node - docker (only if you want to rebuild google's libwebp)

  • webp-hero development - npm install β€” install dependencies and run build - runs a typescript build, uses browserify to make the bundle - generates webp-hero/dist/ and webp-hero/dist-cjs/ - generates the polyfills (cjs-only) - does not rebuild google's libwebp - npm start β€” start http server - visit http://localhost:5000/ to see the webp-hero demo - visit http://localhost:5000/libwebp/dist/google/ to see google's demo

  • rebuild google's libwebp - libwebp build artifacts in libwebp/dist are checked into git, because it takes so damn long to build - libwebp/build β€” run dockerized libwebp build, regenerates libwebp/dist - libwebp/debug β€” handy for debugging the dockerized build


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