1.2.2 • Published 6 years ago
webpack-sass-autoloader v1.2.2
Webpack sass autoloader
imports sass files from particular directory and makes a sass file with all imports
npm i webpack-sass-autoloader
const WebpackSassAutoloader = require('webpack-sass-autoloader'); // import module
// add plugin to your webpack.config
new WebpackSassAutoloader('/src/sass/partials/')
/* add file to style.scss */
@import './imports';
When deleting a file, rerun webpack
this wil reset the imports file The goal is to check it automatically but for now this will have to do.
More info
The parameter is the directory it has to scan for all partials. After the scan there will be a imports.scss in /src/sass/ directory. The only thing you will have to do is add the imports.scss file in your main style.scss file.
If you have your webpack on --watch you won't have to restart your script, the only thing you'll need is to have your webpack rerun. This can be achieved simply by saving another .scss file.
- add a space
- save file (webpack reruns)
- file was added to your imports
check the github board