4.0.0 • Published 2 years ago

websequencediagrams v4.0.0

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Last release
2 years ago

Call the WebSequenceDiagram.com API.

Command Line

wsd_get [options] [input file...]

Generate a diagram with websequencediagrams.com

-h, --help    Show help
-f, --format  Format for output (one of [png, pdf, svg])  [default: "png"]
-o, --output  Output file (defaults to wsd.[png, pdf, svg])
-s, --style   Output style (one of: [default, earth, modern-blue, mscgen,
              omegapple, qsd, rose, roundgreen, napkin, magazine, vs2010,
-r, --root    The base URL for the service, which defaults to
              "http://www.websequencediagrams.com".  It can be modified
              to suit your needs, if you have a private installation.
-k, --key     WebSequenceDiagrams API key.  Key can also be specified with
              the WSD_APIKEY environment variable.  Requires a premium
              account.  See https://www.websequencediagrams.com/order.html



const wsd = require('websequencediagrams')
const fs = require('fs')

;(async() => {
  const [buf, typ] = await wsd.diagram('Alice->Bob: message', 'modern-blue', 'png')
  console.log('Received MIME type:', typ)
  fs.writeFile('my.png', buf)

.diagram(text, style, output_type)

Takes the text to turn into a diagram, the style name, and the output type.

Valid output types include "png", "svg", and "pdf".

Returns a promise for an array containing a Buffer and a MIME type.

.diagramURL(text, style, output_type)

Takes the text to turn into a diagram, the style name, and the output type.

Valid output types include "png", "svg", and "pdf".

Returns a promise for a string containing the URL where the diagram can be found.


.styles is an array of all of the currently-known style types.


.root is the URL for the service, which defaults to "http://www.websequencediagrams.com". It can be modified to suit your needs.


This code is licensed under the Apache Software License, 2.0

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