1.13.0 • Published 5 years ago

websn v1.13.0

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5 years ago

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An opinionated webpack configuration generator for traditional front-end development

websn is a webpack configuration generator for front-end development and the spiritual successor to rtsn (the name is an amalgamation of rtsn and webpack). It generates a webpack configuration that has a similar feature set as rtsn:

  • HTML beautification or minification: the beautified HTML is a great starting point for CMS template files while the minified one is ideal for static sites.
  • Sass/SCSS as CSS preprocessor: includes automated optimizations, autoprefixing and minification.
  • Critical inline CSS: optimized above-the-fold rendering and great PageSpeed scores.
  • Babel for transpiling ES6+ down to ES5: use the latest JavaScript features without having to worry about older browsers.
  • Browserslist for automated browser version targeting: do not think about which CSS or JS features are supported in the browsers you target just write your JS using the latest ES6+ features and your CSS without any vendor prefixes – webpack will do the rest.
  • imagemin for automatic image optimization.
  • Automatic copying of everything that does not need to be transformed: useful for fonts and other static assets.
  • Configurable copying from node_modules: makes it easy to use assets from installed packages without having to rely on loaders which will not work if the assets are not required anywhere in files processed by webpack. Ideal for CMS themes or other cases where you might have to incorporate files not handled by webpack.
  • The ability to use environment variables in JavaScript.
  • webpack-dev-server for automatic browser refreshing and Hot Module Replacement during development.
  • Project bootstrapping with useful (dot)files.
  • JS and CSS linting with ESLint and stylelint using the popular StandardJS and Sass Guidelines per default
  • Several configuration options to easily adjust input/output files/directories etc. without having to touch the webpack configuration at all.

Table of contents


websn's goal was to keep most of rtsn's features while modernizing everything with webpack and keeping the configuration as simple as possible, so even people who have never worked with webpack and/or are new to front-end Web development before can pick it up easily.

Its focus is more on traditional front-end development where you end up with your HTML, CSS and JS split up into separate files. This makes it well suited for CMS theme development (e.g., for WordPress). However, the configuration is also easily expandable for more modern style SPA development with Vue or other frameworks.

The following features have purposefully been dropped in comparison to rtsn:

  • Pug support: with all the tools available in modern editors that make writing plain HTML easier and more comfortable than ever, Pug is not needed for simple templating anymore. And while it is still useful for generating static sites, this is not the main focus of websn.
  • Less support: it does not really do anything better than Sass/SCSS but complicates things for people new to Web development by making them choose. If there is demand for it, I will consider making it an option.
  • ngrok support: ngrok is a great tool and while I would have loved to include it, getting it to play nice with the dev server is a bit of a pain. It might make a comeback in a later release though!

Additional features (more generator options, customized webpack configurations, support for additional technologies/frameworks etc.) might come in the future.


websn should be installed globally to make it as easy to use as possible. This guide focuses on using Yarn which is recommended due to its speed, but npm will also work.

user@local:~$ yarn global add websn


I usually use the latest versions; if there has not been an update to this repository in a while and something breaks on the latest Node/Yarn version, please let me know.


Upgrading a globally installed version of websn is as easy as installing it:

user@local:~$ yarn global upgrade websn

Important: Updating the dependencies and configuration of existing projects is currently not supported. In contrast to rtsn, websn has been designed to be a tool to quickly get a project running and to not make it depend on it in the future.



You can create a new project with websn using the following command:

user@local:~$ websn <project name>

This will prompt you for some input (like you might already have seen when using npm init or yarn init) and will then create your project in a new directory (relative to your current directory, so make sure to always run websn in the directory you want your project directory to be located in).

Alternatively, you can also use the default options by adding the -y flag and websn will not prompt you for any additional input so you can get started even faster:

user@local:~$ websn <project name> -y

After websn has finished, simply switch to your new project directory and install the dependencies to finish the setup:

user@local:~$ cd <project name>
user@local:<project name>$ yarn

A few other commands are available as well:

user@local:~$ websn --help # prints information about using websn
user@local:~$ websn --version # prints the current version of websn


websn offers you to change some aspects of your development configuration without having to touch webpack itself. You can find this configuration in <project name>/websn.config.js.

This is mainly intended as a starting point for developers who are new to webpack, so once you are familiar with it, feel free to start tinkering with webpack itself.

The following options are available:

input.base: "src"The base input directory. This is where your code is located.
input.entry: "index.js"The entry file. This is where you need to require/import your JS/Sass/SCSS in order to process it with webpack.
input.htmlFiles: ["index.html"]The HTML entry files. You can define as many as you need.
input.styles: "styles"The directory where you Sass/SCSS is located. Important for a correct build process.
output.base: "dist"The base output directory. This is where webpack will output your build to.
output.styles: "css/site.css"The file your styles will be bundled into.
output.scripts: "js/site.js"The file your JavaScript will be bundled into.
style.minifiedHtml: trueEnables HTML minification on production builds.
style.beautifiedHtml: trueEnables HTML beautification on production builds. Does not have any effect when style.minifiedHtml is enabled as well.
style.criticalCss: falseEnables critical inline CSS on production builds. Currently only works with the first HTML entry file to not kill performance when there are a lot of entries. This option is ignored if you choose that you do not want to be able to generate critical inline CSS when creating your project.
vendorCopy: []Files that should be copied from package directories under node_modules. As shown in the example that exists after installation, every instruction takes three properties: from, the package directory where you want to copy something from, files, a glob pattern to match the files you want to copy, and to, the target directory relative to the configured output.base. Wrong instructions will usually not result in an error.
devServer.host: "localhost"Sets the host. To bind to all hosts use the catch-all
devServer.disableHostCheck: falseDisables host checking. Needs to be set to true when, e.g., working on a WordPress theme under a different domain than the one specified in devServer.host, otherwise features like browser refreshing will not work. Use with care since this will make you vulnerable to DNS rebinding attacks.
devServer.port: 9000The port the dev server should be listening on.
devServer.hot: trueEnables hot module replacement.
devServer.open: trueOpens a browser tab once the dev server starts.
devServer.overlay: trueDisplays an overlay directly in the browser when there is an error.
devServer.reloadOnChange: ["html", "js", "css", "jpe?g", "png", "gif", "svg", "ico", "ttf", "eot", "woff", "woff2"]Defines the file types that should cause the browser to refresh when they are changed. The default file types should be a good starting point.

Important: Make sure to restart the dev server after changing any settings. It unfortunately cannot detect configuration changes while it is running.


Use the following command to make a new production build:

user@local:<project name>$ yarn build

And the following to start the dev server:

user@local:<project name>$ yarn serve

To stop the dev server, use ⌃ Control C.

Migrating from rtsn

If you want to migrate from rtsn to the webpack configuration generated with websn, you will have to make some considerations first:

  • Does my project rely on Less?
  • Does my project rely on Pug?
  • Do I need the ngrok tunneling functionality when developing?

All those features are currently not supported. But if the answer to all those questions is no, your are good to go.

First of all, you have to create a new project with websn as described under CLI. Adjust the package.json to mimic the one of your legacy project after finishing the project generation with websn. You can of course leave out all the development-related dependencies rtsn had added (and you do not need any longer) and the rtsnConfig section itself.

Next, copy over your source code from your legacy project. You will probably have to make some adjustments to your code. E.g., while rtsn would process your Sass/SCSS separately from your JS, this is not the case with webpack. Instead, you will need to import the file that is used under rtsnConfig.files.sassSource into your webpack entry file (input.entry in your websn.config.json). This could look like this:

import '@@/styles/main.scss'

Finally, you need to make adjustments to your configuration if you do not want to adjust your file naming etc. to work with the default configuration in websn.config.js. E.g., rtsnConfig.files.jsSource will likely become your websnConfig.input.entry under websn while any entries in rtsnConfig.vendorCopy work pretty much the same but have to be written a little bit differently.

If in doubt, just try making a build and read the error message if something goes wrong. And feel free to send me a message if you need any help.

Here is a complete list of all the options under rtsnConfig in your package.json and what you should do with them when migrating:

portBecomes devServer.port.
baseUrlNot needed any longer.
directories.sourceBecomes input.base.
directories.buildBecomes output.base.
directories.imgSourceNot needed any longer, webpack looks for images to process recursively in input.base.
directories.imgBuildNot needed any longer. The build directory for any image will be the same under output.base as it is under input.base. If you have images in multiple directories, this will also work with websn.
directories.htmlSourceNot needed any longer. However, you will need to configure all your HTML entry files with input.htmlFiles.
directories.pugSourceNot supported.
directories.markupBuildNot needed any longer. The build directory for any HTML file will be the same under output.base as it is under input.base. If you have HTML files in multiple directories, this will also work with websn.
directories.sassSourceBecomes input.styles.
directories.lessSourceNot supported.
directories.cssBuildBecomes output.styles when merged with files.cssBuild (e.g., css/site.css).
directories.jsSourceNot needed any longer.
directories.jsBuildBecomes output.scripts when merged with files.jsBuild (e.g., js/site.js).
files.sassSourceNot needed any longer. However, you will need to import this file in your input.entry as described in more detail above.
files.lessSourceNot supported.
files.jsSourceBecomes input.entry.
files.cssBuildBecomes output.styles when merged with directories.cssBuild (e.g., css/site.css).
files.jsBuildBecomes output.scripts when merged with directories.jsBuild (e.g., js/site.js).
vendorCopyBecomes vendorCopy. The syntax is a little bit different.


If you like websn and want to buy me a coffee, feel free to donate via PayPal:

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Donations are unnecessary, but very much appreciated. :)




You are welcome to help out!

Open an issue or submit a pull request.


MIT © Michael Serajnik


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