1.1.0 • Published 9 years ago
webtelnet v1.1.0
WebTelnet is a proxy server to bridge websocket to telnet, enable visiting telnet servers with browsers.
WebTelnet can be used to:
- Visit telnet servers with browser.
- Play MUD game with browser.
Usage programatically
In your project folder:
$ [sudo] npm install webtelnet --save
var app = express().use(express.static(conf.www));
var httpserver = http.createServer(app);
httpserver.listen(conf.web.port, conf.web.host, function(){
console.log('listening on ' + conf.web.host + ':' + conf.web.port);
// create socket io
var io = socketio.listen(httpserver);
// create webtelnet proxy and bind to io
var webtelnetd = webtelnet(io, conf.telnet.port, conf.telnet.host);
// if you need charset conversion from gbk to utf8
Usage as standalone proxy
$ [sudo] npm install -g webtelnet
$ webtelnet <http-port> <telnet-port> [-h <telnet-host>] [-w <path/to/www>] [-c <charset>]
- By default, telnet-host is You can also proxy to other hosts.
- By default, path/to/www point to WebTelnet web app. You can use customized web app, for example, a web app optimized for specific MUD.
- By default, charset is utf8. You can try gbk or big5, if you need charset conversion.
Example, if you have a MUD server listening on port 4000, to map to http port 8080:
$ webtelnet 8080 4000
Or run it with forever,
$ forever start `which webtelnet` 8080 4000 -w /home/liming/es2-mudlib/www
Then, use a browser to visit the web: http://your-host:8080/
Playing MUD with PC broswer:
Playing MUD with mobile broswer on iPhone6:
Created by Raymond Xie, published under MIT license.