0.2.1 • Published 6 years ago

webthing-http-tester v0.2.1

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6 years ago

Web Thing HTTP Tester

This package helps to test any HTTP Web Thing in Node.js.


Download the repository into a folder and install the dependencies. You may do this by running:

npm install --save-dev webthing-http-tester

or if you prefer yarn

yarn add --dev webthing-http-tester


Load and initialize a tester per WebThing:

const WebThingHTTPTester = require('webthing-http-tester');
const tester = new WebThingHTTPTester({
  port: 8000

A WebThingHTTPTester has the following parameters:

  • host (default: "localhost")
  • port (default: 80)
  • path (default: "/")

You may request any absolute URL for the host and port, by calling getResponse. Like all methods of a tester, this function will return a promise which will get resolved with a result or rejected with an error. Network requests have no specified timeout.

await tester.getResponse('/properties/on');


For fast access to links use the as asynchronous function getLink. The function will reject its promise, if no such links exists.

await tester.getLink('properties');
await tester.getLink('events');
await tester.getLink('actions');
await tester.getLink('alternative');

The promise will resolve an object like this:

  "rel": "actions",
  "href": "/actions",
  "mediaType": "application/json"


To request the value of all properties, use the asynchronous function getProperties.

Use the asynchronous getProperty and setProperty to read and manipulate individual values.

await tester.setProperty('on', true);
const value = await tester.getProperty('on');


To request an array of recent events, use the asynchronous function getEvents.


To request an array of recent actions, use the asynchronous function getActions.

Use with Jest

While this package can be use in any NodeJS script, it makes sense to use it in continuous testing. Here is an example how to use it with Jest. The WebThing tested in this example outputs the sum of a and b in a property y.

const WebThingHTTPTester = require('webthing-http-tester');

describe('test', () => {
  let tester = new WebThingHTTPTester({port: 8000});

  test('0 + 0 = 0', async () => {
    await tester.setProperty('a', 0);
    await tester.setProperty('b', 0);
    expect(await tester.getProperty('y')).toBe(0);
  test('76 + 34 = 110', async () => {
    await tester.setProperty('a', 76);
    await tester.setProperty('b', 34);
    expect(await tester.getProperty('y')).toBe(110);