1.0.1 • Published 4 years ago

webthings-addon-cli v1.0.1

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4 years ago

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WebThings addon CLI

This CLI helps you to prepare a new release of your addon and publish it by adding it to the addon-list repo.



The addon works without any configuration.

If you need to override some defaults, you can use this command.

githubUserThe GitHub user under which you have forked the addon-list repo
userNameThe git user.name for new commits
userEmailThe git user.email for new commits

The config is saved under ~/.webthings-addon-cli/config.json.

Prepare update <patch, minor, major>

This command creates a new tagged release commit using the following steps:

  1. Patch the versions in the manifest.json, package.json (node addons only), and package-lock.json (node addons only) files. The version will be increased according to the semantic versioning level you passed in as an argument.
  2. Collect all commit messages since the last tag.
  3. Create a new release commit with the collected commit messages.
  4. Tag the release commit with the new version.

After you executed the command, you need to push the new release with git push --tags.

Release update

After the CI pipeline built the new packages, you can use this command to prepare a PR in the addon-list repo.

The command does the following steps for you:

  1. Fetch the checksum files for the new release from your GitHub repo.
  2. Create an updated addons file
  3. Clone the addon-list repo
  4. Create a new update branch with the new addons file
  5. Push the new branch to your fork of the addon-list repo

All you need to do now is to create a new PR based on the pushed branch.