0.6.1 • Published 2 years ago

weight-balanced-tree v0.6.1

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2 years ago


A persistent weight-balanced (bounded balance) tree for JavaScript.

  • Zero dependencies
  • Usable as a persistent map or set
  • Works in Node.js and the browser
  • Flow and TypeScript definitions included


This software is released under the MIT license.

It's published on npm as weight-balanced-tree, so you can install it using yarn or npm.


To create a tree, see create, insert, or fromDistinctAscArray below.

A tree consists of at least one value. There's no tree of size 0; an empty tree is represented by null.

Although there's only one datum stored per node, for maps you can store a [key, value] tuple, or store key directly on value if it's an object.

type ImmutableTree<+T> = {
  +left: ImmutableTree<T> | null,
  +right: ImmutableTree<T> | null,
  +size: number,
  +value: T,

type InsertConflictHandler<T, K> =
  (existingTreeValue: T, key: K) => T;

type InsertNotFoundHandler<T, K> =
  (key: T) => T;


How many values are contained in the tree.


update<T, K>(
    tree: ImmutableTree<T> | null,
    key: K,
    cmp: (key: K, treeValue: T) => number,
    onConflict: InsertConflictHandler<T, K>,
    onNotFound: InsertNotFoundHandler<T, K>,
): ImmutableTree<T> | null;

Updates the value in tree found with key. This is a generalized way of updating the tree; for a simpler method of inserting values, see insert (which calls update under the hood).

update is particularly convenient where you're using the tree as a map and the keys are properties of the items being mapped.

The cmp (comparator) function is used to order the values. It receives key as its first argument, and a value of type T from tree as its second argument. The behavior should match that of Array.prototype.sort's compareFunction; the only difference is that K and T can be different types.

Many other functions of this library require cmp in order to navigate the tree; obviously, cmp should be idempotent and behave consistently for a particular tree, otherwise the tree can become invalid.

onConflict allows you to configure what happens when key already exists in the tree. It receives the existing tree value as its first argument, and the key passed to update as its second argument.

onConflict is expected to return a final value to be inserted, or throw an error if the value shouldn't exist. This allows you to merge both values in some way if needed. However, the returned value must have the same order or position in the tree as before (otherwise a ValueOrderError is thrown).

If you return existingTreeValue from onConflict, update will return the same tree reference back. Object.is is used to determine if the value you return is the same as existingTreeValue.

There are several exports in update.mjs that can be used for onConflict:

  • onConflictThrowError, which throws ValueExistsError.
  • onConflictKeepTreeValue, which just returns the existing tree value back unmodified. In this case, insert will also return the same tree reference back.
  • onConflictUseGivenValue, which replaces the existing tree value with the value given to update.

onNotFound executes when key is not found in the tree. It only receives one argument, the key you passed to update. Like onConflict, you are expected to return a final value of type T to be inserted.

onNotFound is useful in at least a couple scenarios:

  • You want to create the value to insert lazily, only if it doesn't exist.
  • You want to throw an error if the value doesn't exist (because you expect to replace it).

The following exports in update.mjs can be used for onNotFound instead of defining your own:

  • onNotFoundUseGivenValue, which is what insert and all associated helpers default to. Note that the given value in this case is the key, so this only works in cases where K is a subtype of T.
  • onNotFoundDoNothing, which causes update to do nothing and return the same tree reference back if the key doesn't exist.
  • onNotFoundThrowError, which throws a ValueNotFoundError if the key doesn't exist.

Here's an example of sorting/mapping objects by a simple key property and lazily creating them:

interface Item {
  readonly key: number;

function compareKeyWithItemKey(key: number, item: Item): number {
  return key - item.key;

function onNotFoundCreateItemFromKey(key: number): Item {
  return {key};

update<Item, number>(
  /* key = */ 1,

// a "find or insert" implementation:

let item2;
update<Item, number>(
  /* key = */ 1,
  (existingItem: Item) => {
    item2 = existingItem;
  (key: number) => {
    item2 = onNotFoundCreateItemFromKey(key);
    return item2;


    tree: ImmutableTree<T> | null,
    value: T,
    cmp: (T, T) => number,
    onConflict?: InsertConflictHandler<T, T>,
): ImmutableTree<T>;

Returns a new version of tree with value inserted. This is a more specific version of update that only operates on the value type T.

cmp is the same as with update, except the first argument received is the value you passed, and both arguments are of type T.

onConflict is also the same as with update, but here it defaults to onConflictThrowError if not specified.

There are some helper functions available that call insert with different values of onConflict for you:

  • insertIfNotExists (passes onConflictKeepTreeValue)
  • insertOrReplaceIfExists (passes onConflictUseGivenValue)

insertOrThrowIfExists is an alias of insert.


    tree: ImmutableTree<T> | null,
    value: T,
    cmp: (T, T) => number,
): ImmutableTree<T> | null;

Returns a new version of tree with value removed.

If value is not found in the tree, the same tree reference is returned back.

If this was the last value in tree, null is returned.

The cmp (comparator) function is the same as used for insert.

removeIfExists is an alias of remove.


Like remove, but throws an error if value does not exist in the tree.

This simply checks if the tree returned from remove is the same reference.


  a: ImmutableTree<T> | null,
  b: ImmutableTree<T> | null,
  isEqual?: (a: T, b: T) => boolean,
): boolean;

Returns true if two trees contain the same values in the same order, or false otherwise.

This works by zipping the trees' values together, and passing each pair of values to isEqual.

isEqual is optional. If not provided, it defaults to Object.is.


find<T, K = T, D = T>(
  tree: ImmutableTree<T> | null,
  key: K,
  cmp: (a: K, b: T) => number,
  defaultValue: D,
): T | D;

Finds a value in tree using the given key and returns it, or defaultValue if not found.

cmp receives key as its first argument, and a value of type T from tree as its second argument.


findNext<T, K = T, D = T>(
  tree: ImmutableTree<T> | null,
  key: K,
  cmp: (a: K, b: T) => number,
  defaultValue: D,
): T | D;

Finds a value in tree using the given key and returns the value immediately after it, or defaultValue if there is no such value.

key does not have to be found in the tree: if a set has 1 & 3, the next value from 2 is 3.


findPrev<T, K = T, D = T>(
  tree: ImmutableTree<T> | null,
  key: K,
  cmp: (a: K, b: T) => number,
  defaultValue: D,
): T | D;

Finds a value in tree using the given key and returns the value immediately before it, or defaultValue if there is no such value.

key does not have to be found in the tree: if a set has 1 & 3, the previous value from 2 is 1.


  array: $ReadOnlyArray<T>,
): ImmutableTree<T> | null;

If array is sorted and contains only unique values, then this returns a new, valid, and balanced tree with the values from array. (This is faster than building the tree value-by-value with insert.)

If array is not sorted or contains duplicate values, then this returns an invalid tree. (Do not do this.)


iterate<T>(tree: ImmutableTree<T> | null): Generator<T, void, void>;

Returns a JS iterator that traverses the values of the tree in order.


reverseIterate<T>(tree: ImmutableTree<T> | null): Generator<T, void, void>;

Returns a JS iterator that traverses the values of the tree in reverse order.


map<T, U>(tree: ImmutableTree<T> | null, mapper: (T) => U): ImmutableTree<U> | null;

Returns a new tree with every value passed through mapper. The mapped values are assumed to have the same relative order as before.

const numberTree = fromDistinctAscArray([1, 2, 3]);

const stringTree = map<number, string>(
  (num: number) => String(num),


minNode<T>(tree: ImmutableTree<T>): ImmutableTree<T>;

Returns the "smallest" (left-most) node in tree.


minValue<T>(tree: ImmutableTree<T>): T;

Returns the "smallest" (left-most) value in tree.

This is equivalent to minNode(tree).value.


maxNode<T>(tree: ImmutableTree<T>): ImmutableTree<T>;

Returns the "largest" (right-most) node in tree.


maxValue<T>(tree: ImmutableTree<T>): T;

Returns the "largest" (right-most) value in tree.

This is equivalent to maxNode(tree).value.


  tree: ImmutableTree<T> | null,
): Array<T>;

Flattens tree into an array of values.


  t1: ImmutableTree<T> | null,
  t2: ImmutableTree<T> | null,
  cmp: (a: T, b: T) => number,
  onConflict?: (v1: T, v2: T) => T,
): ImmutableTree<T> | null;

Merges two trees together using the comparator cmp. onConflict handles the case where an equivalent value appears in both trees, and is expected to return the final value to use in the union (though it must have the same relative sort order as v1 and v2). If not specified, by default union will prefer values in t2 when resolving conflicts.


  t1: ImmutableTree<T> | null,
  t2: ImmutableTree<T> | null,
  cmp: (a: T, b: T) => number,
): ImmutableTree<T> | null;

Returns a new tree with values in t1 that aren't in t2, using the comparator cmp.


zip<T, U>(
  t1: ImmutableTree<T> | null,
  t2: ImmutableTree<U> | null,
): Generator<[T | void, U | void], void, void>;

Zips two trees together, returning an iterable of tuples: the first tuple contains the first values of both trees, the second tuple contains the second values of both trees, and so on. If the trees are of different sizes, undefined is used within a tuple where a corresponding value is missing.


Performance will largely depend on the size of your data and the cost of your comparator function. benchmark.mjs tests an ASCII table with uniform-length string keys and a simple string comparator function.

Comparisons against Immutable.List and plain arrays are included for insertions and removals.

You can run node benchmark.mjs yourself.


Run ./node_modules/.bin/c8 node test.mjs.

To test the .d.ts files, run ./node_modules/.bin/tsd.




  1. Adams, Stephen. "Implementing Sets Efficiently in a Functional Language." University of Southampton, n.d. Accessed at http://groups.csail.mit.edu/mac/users/adams/BB/92-10.ps

  2. GHC's Data.Map.Internal.


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