0.0.16 • Published 1 month ago

whimsy-editor-vue v0.0.16

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1 month ago

Whimsy Editor Vue

Whimsy Editor is a WYSIWYG editor component built on top of Tiptap and Open AI.


Whimsy Editor is a simple WYSIWYG editor designed for Vue.js applications.


To use Whimsy Editor in your Vue project, simply install the whimsy-editor-vue NPM package:

npm install whimsy-editor-vue

Usage Example

Then, integrate it into your Vue components as follows:

  <Editor v-model="editorContent" :completionApi="yourCompletionApiEndpoint" />

<script setup>
import { ref } from "vue";
import { Editor } from "whimsy-editor-vue";
import "whimsy-editor-vue/dist/style.css";

const editorContent = ref("");


  • WYSIWYG Editing: Whimsy Editor offers an intuitive What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get interface, ensuring that content creation is effortless and visually consistent.

  • Customizable: Customize the editor according to your unique requirements with a comprehensive range of extensions and styling options.

  • Slash Commands: Seamlessly integrate custom slash commands into the editor, enabling users to execute predefined actions or commands directly within the interface.

  • Bubble Menu: Utilize the built-in bubble menu or effortlessly integrate your own customized version, providing users with an intuitive interface for accessing essential editing tools and functionalities with ease.

  • AI-Powered Autocompletions: Elevate your writing process with AI-powered autocompletion suggestions that anticipate your next words or phrases based on context and language patterns, fostering productivity and enhancing the quality of your content.

Configuration Options

completionApiStringThe API route to use for the OpenAI completion API."/api/generate"
classNameStringAdditional classes to add to the editor container."whimsy-editor"
defaultValueJSONContentThe default value to use for the editor.defaultEditorContent
formatStringSupported formats json & html"json"
extensionsExtension[]A list of extensions to use for the editor, in addition to the default whimsy extensions.[]
editorPropsEditorPropsProps to pass to the underlying Tiptap editor, in addition to the default Whimsy editor props.{}
onUpdateFunctionA callback function that is called whenever the editor is updated.() => {}
onDebouncedUpdateFunctionA callback function that is called whenever the editor is updated, but only after the defined debounce duration.() => {}
debounceDurationNumberThe duration (in milliseconds) to debounce the onDebouncedUpdate callback.750
storageKeyString | NullThe key to use for storing the editor's value in local storage. For value null it doesn't save in local storage.null
placeholderStringPlaceholder text for the editor."Type something here... or ++"
slashCommandsSlashCommandItem[]List of commands that can be accessed using the slash(/).[]
linesNumberDetermines the default height of the input element.3
maxLinesNumberDetermines the max height of the input element after which the content overflows and appears with the scroll.3
styleVarsStyleVariablesDetermines the styling variables for the editor.See below

Default Style Variables:

  "mainBg": "#FFFFFF",
  "textColor": "#333333",
  "primaryAccent": "#FFB38B",
  "secondaryAccent": "#8FC1E3",
  "mutedBg": "#F5F5F5",
  "mutedText": "#757575",
  "mutedAccent": "#FFC107",
  "mutedBorder": "#E0E0E0",
  "borderColor": "#BDBDBD",
  "boxShadow": "0 0.125em 0.25em rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2)",
  "codeBg": "#F9F9F9",
  "codeText": "#212121",
  "codeBorder": "#CCCCCC",
  "quoteBg": "#EEEEEE",
  "quoteText": "#616161",
  "quoteBorder": "#BDBDBD",
  "linkColor": "#6A89CC",
  "generalSpacing": "1em",
  "borderRadius": "0.25em",
  "baseFont": "1em"

Note: Ensure to define an API endpoint that matches the completionApi prop (default is /api/generate). This is needed for the AI autocompletions to work.

Contribution Guidelines

We welcome contributions from the community! To contribute to Whimsy Editor Vue, please follow these guidelines:

  1. Check the issue tracker for existing issues or open a new one to discuss proposed changes.
  2. Fork the repository and create a new branch for your feature or bug fix.
  3. Make your changes, ensuring they adhere to the coding standards and test them thoroughly.
  4. Submit a pull request, explaining the changes you've made and any considerations for reviewers.


Whimsy Editor Vue is licensed under the MIT License.


Whimsy Editor Vue was inspired by Tiptap and uses the OpenAI API for autocompletions.