whyat-js v0.9.2
Y@ (whyat) helps you to track your user’s actions within your application and store it directly in the data source of your choice
Use with Y@ Server to store your user's events.
$ npm install whyat-js --save
Getting Started
import {init} from 'whyat-js';
//init the tracker
let user = {id: 'j.doe@doe.corporation.com', name: 'John Doe'};
const tracker = init({
url: '',
area: 'datacenter 1'
tenant: 'myTenantName',
platform: 'production',
application: 'myApplicationName',
//use it
track.linkClicked('My link name');
Y@-js give you the ability to simply track your user's behaviour on your website or webapp.
Init the tracker with the environment configuration :
const tracker = init(
url: urlOfTheWhyatServer,
application: yourApplicationNameOrId,
platform: yourPlatformNameOrId,
area: yourDatacenterOrDeploymentArea,
tenant: yourTenantNameOrId
browser: {
appCodeName: window.navigator.appCodeName,
appName: window.navigator.appName,
appVersion: window.navigator.appVersion,
platform: window.navigator.platform,
userAgent: window.navigator.userAgent,
autoTrackPageVisited: {
domContentLoaded: true,
hashChange: true
user: {
id: your user id
... // others informations about your user
By default Y@-js track when a page is loaded (event listener on domContentLoaded
) or the url's hash change (event listener on hashchange
If you don't want automatic tracking of visited pages, you can override the defaultAutoPageTracking
Tracking a event is done with only one method postEvent()
tracker.postEvent({ type: typeOfYourEvent',
user : {id: 'myCustomId', firstName:'John', lastName: 'Doe' ...},
payload: {...}, // extra data to add context to your event
uri: 'http://my.website.com/awesome/resource'
But you can use some of the helper functions to facilitate the tracking of common events
let user = {id: 'myCustomId', firstName:'John', lastName: 'Doe' ...};
// When a user view a page
//When a user click a link
tracker.linkClicked(user, myLinkNameOrId);
//When a user submit a form
tracker.formSubmitted(user, myFormNameOrIf, {...myFormValues});
Initialisation of the tracker
The init method of the tracker take 3 parameters :
- A configuration object
- An optional post function (by default we use whatwg-fetch)
- An optional log function (by default log looks like
[Y@]: your log message
The configuration object is composed of :
- url : the url of Y@ server
- area: your data center/ deployment area id or name (optional)
- tenant: your customer/client id or name
- application: your application id or name
- platform: your platform id or name (production, test, dev, as you wish ...)
- user: an object to define properties of your user, only an id attribute is mandatory
- an optional browser configuration object with the following attributes :
- appCodeName
- appName
- appVersion
- platform
- userAgent
- autoTrackPageVisited: a optional configuration to enable/disable auto-tracking of page visited.
- domContentLoaded: true by default, track page visited on
event - hashChange: true by default, track page visited on
event, when url hash is modified (useful for app single page app)
- domContentLoaded: true by default, track page visited on
tenantConfig: a optional configuration to specify how to set tenant if not already define
- extractTenant: is a function declaration with
as default parameter to define how get the tenant name or id
- extractTenant: is a function declaration with
By default the tenant (if not already define via the tenant option) is set from the document.location.hostname
, we take the first part before the first -
or .
Example: mytenant-myapp.mydomain.com
or mytenant.myapp.mydomain.com
, we set tenant with mytenant
const tracker = init({
url: 'https://tracker.saagie.io/track/event',
area: 'datacenter1',
tenant: 'Saagie',
application: 'Saagie Datagovernance',
platform: 'Production',
user: {
id: your user id
... // others informations about your user
browser: {
appCodeName: window.navigator.appCodeName,
appName: window.navigator.appName,
appVersion: window.navigator.appVersion,
platform: window.navigator.platform,
userAgent: window.navigator.userAgent,
autoTrackPageVisited: {
domContentLoaded: true, // Track a PAGE_VISITED event each time 'domContentLoaded' is triggered
hashChange: true // Track a PAGE_VISITED event each time url's hash change
tenantConfig: {
extractTenant: url => extractTenant: url => url.pathname.split('/')[1], // function to extract tenant from first path element
Post a generic event
There is one main function in Y@-js : postEvent()
This function use post and log methods defined via the init function and take only 1 parameter : an Event object
The structure of the event object is :
- type: the type of the event (PAGE_VIEWED, LINK_CLICKED, your custom event ...)
- payload: to add some context informations to your event
- user: an object to override the configuration user's informations
- uri: uri of the event's page
type: 'PAGE_VIEWED',
payload: {aCustomInfo: 'aCustomValue', ...},
user: {id: '123456', firstName: 'John', lastName: 'Doe, ...},
uri: 'http://my.website.com/awesome/resource'
Page viewed event helper
Reminder: by default page viewed are automatically tracker by Y@-js
If you want to track a page viewed event, you can use the helper function : pageViewed
This function take as parameters :
- user: an object to override the configuration user's informations
- name: the name of the page, by default we use the document.title value
- payload: an object to add contextual information (if your provide a name attribut, it will be replace by the value of the name attribute of this function)
- uri: uri of the event's location, by default we use the document.location.href value
let user = {id: '123456', firstName: 'John', lastName: 'Doe, ...};
//Simplest option using document title and no contextual informations
// Version with an override version of the user data
//Version with a custom title and no contextual informations
track.pageViewed(user, 'My custom title');
//Version with a custom title and contextual informations
track.pageViewed(user, 'My custom title', {aCustomInfo: 'aCustomValue', ...});
//Full version of the helper function
track.pageViewed(user, 'My custom title', {aCustomInfo: 'aCustomValue', ...}, 'http://my.website.com/awesome/resource');
Link clicked event helper
If you want to track a link clicked event, you can use the helper function : linkClicked
This function take as parameters :
- user: an object to override the configuration user's informations
- name: the name of the link
- payload: an object to add contextual information (if your provide a name attribut, it will be replace by the value of the name attribute of this function)
- uri: uri of the event's location, by default we use the document.location.href value
let user = {id: '123456', firstName: 'John', lastName: 'Doe, ...};
//Version with a link name
track.linkClicked('My link name');
//Version with an override version of the user data and link name
track.linkClicked(user, 'My link name');
//Version with a link name and contextual informations
track.linkClicked(user, 'My link name', {aCustomInfo: 'aCustomValue', ...});
//Full version of the helper function
track.linkClicked(user, 'My link name', {aCustomInfo: 'aCustomValue', ...}, 'http://my.website.com/awesome/resource');
Form submitted event helper
If you want to track a link clicked event, you can use the helper function : formSubmitted
This function take as parameters :
- user: an object to override the configuration user's informations
- name: the name of the form
- payload: an object to add contextual information, usually data of the form (if your provide a name attribut, it will be replace by the value of the name attribute of this function)
- uri: uri of the event's location, by default we use the document.location.href value
let user = {id: '123456', firstName: 'John', lastName: 'Doe, ...};
//Version with a form name
track.formSubmitted('My form name');
//Version with an override version of the user data and a form name
track.formSubmitted(user, 'My form name');
//Version with a form name and contextual informations
track.formSubmitted(user, 'My form name', {myform: {form.attr1, form.attr2 ...});
//Full version of the helper function
track.formSubmitted(user, 'My form name', {myform: {form.attr1, form.attr2 ...}, 'http://my.website.com/awesome/resource');
To run test you can simply :
$ npm test
if you are in a TDD loop, you can watch changes to auto execute tests
$ npm test -- -w
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the Apache Licence version 2.0 - see the LICENSE file for details
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