0.12.0 • Published 3 years ago

wildboar-context v0.12.0

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3 years ago

The Wildboar Context Library

Over the years, I have come to believe in functional programming. I have seen firsthand how complex object-oriented programs can become, and for little value. Of all of the named benefits of object-oriented programming, I can only name inheritance as a benefit that is (currently) exclusive to it.

I think the most valuable benefit of functional programs is how easy they are to test. The more stateless these functions are, the less setup you require. With a program composed of only pure functions, tests can be executed with minimal setup, because you just pass in the same arguments every time and you will get the same result. If you have the state of your application distributed throughout the codebase, a bug in a function could have come from anywhere.

Functional programs can be easy to test and debug, but only to the extent that functions are pure. When you compose a program out of pure functions, which, in turn, may themselves be composed of more pure functions, and possibly with recursion, the state that becomes available to more deeply nested functions can tend to shrink.

For instance, a top level function of your program, run_server() may receive a configuration object that contains the database credentials. If run_server() calls a pure function, say warm_up_cache(), without passing in those credentials and that second pure function warm_up_cache() has to call another pure function, say get_users_from_database(), that depends on those credentials, the only ways to get those credentials to that depending function are to:

  1. Pass the credentials into the second function so it can pass it into the third, or
  2. Import the credentials into the function with the third function, which would make the third function impure.

As a program becomes more complex, it becomes more difficult to predict what inputs a function will need. For just about anything server-side, many functions will need access to:

  • Logging
  • Configuration
  • The database

Less frequently, functions will also need access to these (inclusively):

  • Message queues
  • Object stores
  • Caches
  • Containers
  • Authentication
  • Authorization

That means that, as your pure functional program grows, it becomes increasingly difficult to predict what inputs your function will need. Some have argued that you should never pass in what you don't need into a function, because you will establish a new dependency, but my counter-argument to that is that the use of something is not a dependency: the use merely fulfills the dependency that already exists.

For this reason, I believe that the ideal computer program will take the form of mostly pure functions that pass the entire state of the program to each other. For those familiar, this will look a lot like dependency injection, but on steroids. Many programs, like OpenSSL and Dovecot, already do this, and they call this global state the "context."

Here is an example of a traditionally-designed program:

import db from "./db";
import log from "./log";
import config from "./config";

function do_something (): void {
    log.info("Deleted all bad boys.");

And here is an example of how this would be done using the paradigm I have described:

function do_something (ctx: Context): void {
    const { db, log, config } = ctx;
    log.info("Deleted all bad boys.");

This library is for building a context to pass between such pure functions in a program. This context object to be passed between all functions has some, if not all, of the following functionalities covered by its properties:

  • Configuration
  • Logging
  • Database Access
  • Caching
  • Message Queues
  • Object Stores / File Stores
  • Containers
  • Authorization
  • Authentication
  • Initialization
  • Execution

These functionalities are covered by what are called "plugins." Somewhat in contradiction with what I have said earlier, these plugins are abstract classes that define a modicum of functions that each plugin, when instantiated, should provide. For instance, a log of any kind should support info(), warn(), error(), and debug(). As another example, any cache should have some way reading a string, boolean, and integer value.

Each plugin implements a Kubernetes-object-like interface, having kind, apiVersion and metadata properties. There is no spec field containing the substance of the plugin itself. Those properties are directly properties of the plugin for this technical reason: this becomes scoped to the spec object instead of the plugin, which makes usage of the plugin difficult.

It may seem contradictory to the principles above to use OOP for the plugin system, when I specifically described why I favor functional programming. However, the plugin system is exactly the corner case where the inheritance of OOP really shines. Also, many libraries still use OOP, so it may be necessary for plugins to store stateful data that is unique to each plugin, such as a live connection to a database.

Remember that the point of this architecture is not for there to be no state, but rather, for it to be united under a single context object that is passed between all functions. As long as these stateful objects are part of the context object rather than scattered throughout the program in other objects, there is no contradiction in my principles.

Plugin Lifecycles

Plugins follow a lifecycle, which is constituted of these phases:

  1. Unloaded
  2. Loaded
  3. Activated
  4. Deactivated

"Unloaded" means, in the context of a NodeJS program, that the ECMAScript module containing the plugin was not loaded by the NodeJS runtime. "Loaded" means that it is.

"Activated" means that the plugin was initialized. If this is a plugin for, say, accessing an object store, this might mean performing the TLS handshake, authenticating over HTTPS, and storing the connection object within the plugin object for later use.

"Deactivated" means that the steps performed to activate the plugin were undone. Continuing on the example above, this means that the plugin would sign-out over HTTPS, gracefully terminate the TLS and TCP connection, and delete the connection object from the object's state. During this process, the object must be entirely reset so that it is able to be re-activated without any change in behavior.

Plugins must follow the phases of the above lifecycle in the order that they appear, looping back around. Loading and unloading a plugin should not have any side-effects; this would be a requirement, but some third-party libraries used by such plugins will execute code when loaded, so this cannot always be enforced.

Plugin Types

What follows is an overview of each plugin type, in alphabetical order, with the exception of the initialization ("init") plugins, which will be discussed first.

Init Plugins

Init plugins handle "initialization," which, in this context, means "finding and loading the configuration plugin." Init plugins are a lot like configuration plugins, but they have two notable constraints: the plugin must not require any initialization itself, and the choice of init plugin must be hard-coded into the program itself. The point of the initialization is not to contain any configuration information: it is only to find and load the configuration plugin.

Examples of viable init plugins are:

  • Those that obtain information from environment variables.
  • Those that obtain information from command-line arguments.
  • Those that obtain information from local files.

To elaborate upon what an init plugin would do, let's say you have an environment variables-based init plugin. This plugin would, as stated above, be hard-coded to load when the program starts up. This plugin might read an environment variable, such as PLUGINS_DIRECTORY and recursively load all NodeJS modules within that directory. Then, another environment variable, such as CONFIGURATION_PLUGIN_UUID, could be used to select which of the loaded configuration plugins to activate.

If more plugins are needed (any they probably would be), they should be loaded using information obtained from the configuration plugin. At this point, the init plugin has fulfilled its purpose.

Authentication Plugins

Authentication plugins are generic abstract classes, and are meant to be subtyped to a non-generic abstract class for each authentication mechanism. The argument type and response type for each authentication mechanism are intended to populate the argument and response types of each of the following three methods that authentication plugins define:

  • login()
  • logout()
  • check()

Authorization Plugins

I don't really know how this will work just yet.

Backup Plugins

Though backups should generally be dealt with behind the scenes, some applications demand awareness of their own backups. Backup plugins implement three generic methods for backing up data, restoring it, and retrieving information about the backup history.

  • backup() - Initiates a backup
  • restore() - Restores from a specific backup
  • history() - Returns an async iterator that returns backups in reverse-chronological order

Cache Plugins

Cache plugins are intended to mediate access to a cache, which may be external, such as a Redis server or a Memcached server, or which may be an in-memory (or even on-disk) store. Data stored in a cache should not be expected to survive program failures or restarts. This data is expected to be safe from corruption.

At a minimum, a cache plugin should define methods for reading strings, booleans, integers, and floating-point numbers from the underlying cache, but support for reading more data types may be added by subtypes of the cache plugin; such additional types may be complex structured types.

Circuit Breaker Plugins

I don't really know how this will work just yet. The idea behind these is to have something that terminates the program, or some functionality of the program, if some assertion is falsified. One possible implementation uses the Kubernetes labels associated with plugins to determine which plugins to deactivate in the event that an assertion is falsified.

Configuration Plugins

Configuration plugins are intended to mediate access to a source of configuration information. The value of using a configuration plugin provided by these facts:

  1. Many programs are hard-coded to use a configuration file having a specific format, but the use of configuration plugins is meant to abstract away this detail and make programs amenable to using a variety of sources of configuration information.
  2. Configuration information may be stored in a format that may still not be useful when simply deserialized. More transformations may have to be applied to the deserialized data to convert it to useful in-memory data structures.

    For example, configuration files may store cryptographic keys with PEM encoding, which is a textual format. To use these files to cryptographically sign data in a NodeJS application, they must first be converted to instances of crypto.KeyObject. If the configuration source could only return the textual encoding of this key, we would have to convert it to an instance of crypto.KeyObject every time this key is used. Instead, our configuration plugin can apply this transformation on the deserialized output, which would abstract away the details of how this key is stored.

  3. The use of a configuration plugin allows us to prohibit writes to the configuration source, which is a bad practice. A program should never write to its own configuration.

  4. The use of a configuration plugin allows us to easily intercept reads and see what parts of the application are reading what configuration values.
  5. The use of a configuration plugin allows us to generation "virtual configuration values" that are generated from real configuration values.
  6. The use of a configuration plugin allows us to handle defaulting logic. Configuration plugins can fallback upon default values when optional values are not specified.

Configuration plugins use a simple API consisting of two functions: load() and get().

load() loads information from the configuration store, deserializes it, applies any necessary transformations upon it (such as converting PEM-encoded keys into instances of crypto.KeyObject or converting ISO 8601-formatted timestamps into Date objects), and populates a private configuration cache with this data.

get() is used to retrieve values from the private configuration, using a JSON-path-like key to lookup the value. It may seem unnecessary to mediate access to this object using this, but doing so makes the object immutable (thereby preventing the bad practice of the program writing to its own configuration) and allows us to intercept reads in such a way that gives us access to the full path. Other methods, such as using the Proxy object only give us access to the property name, but not its full path. One downside of doing this is that typescript does not know the data type of the value it is retrieving. This is why get() takes one type parameter: to indicate the type of the returned value.

In the future, get() might be removed entirely, because of these downsides:

  • It is slower than direct access to the configuration object.
  • We lose type information.
  • It is not easily portable to more strongly-type languages.

Further some of the aforementioned benefits of intercepting this are questionable:

  • Profiling access to configuration should be done using conventional debugging tools, and is not very valuable to begin with.
  • Making the object read-only could be done with an ImmutableJS Record.

The alternative would be direct access to the configuration object.

Console Plugins

I don't really know how this will work just yet. Console plugins would take a sequence of tokens, parse them into statements and execute something based on each statement. In other words, console plugins create a console-based interactivity with the application.

Container Plugins

I don't really know how this will work just yet.

Database Plugins

I don't really know how this will work just yet.

Email Plugins

Email Plugins enable your application to send emails, as you might expect. They have one method:


Receiving is not currently supported, but it may be in the future.

Execution Plugins

Execution plugins abstract away the execution of functions from the locations and means by which they are executed. An execution plugin could be a simple wrapper for a local function, but it could also be a stub function that executes a serverless function on a remote machine. Execution plugins are expected to be subtyped for each abstract operation. For example, an operation for, say, creating a user account could have both local and serverless execution plugins defined and switch between the two. More intelligent plugins may be able to "offshore" or "outsource" work to remote machines via RPC mechanisms if local resources are constrained.

It may seem obtuse to wrap every function of a program in a plugin, but that is not expected. Such overhead would be catastrophic. Instead, execution plugins are intended to abstract away user-facing / outwardly-exposed operations. If the implementing program exposes a HTTP-based REST API, individual method-and-path tuples of the API would correspond to abstract subtypes of the execution plugin, and individual execution mechanisms would correspond to the concrete subtypes of the operation-specific abstract subtype.

Every execution plugin exposes one simple method: call() which takes a context object as the first argument and an arguments object as the second argument. We use an arguments object rather than positional arguments as inputs to call() to remove any dependency on the positional ordering of arguments supplied to the function.

Fax Plugins

Fax plugins enable an application to send faxes. They provide one method, send().

Hook Plugins

Hook plugins notify a remote system about something happening within the application. The most common example of a "hook," as we use the term in this context, would be a webhook. Hook plugins are like execution plugins, but they return no value from the promise. Only a simple resolve or reject indicates whether the notification was sent successfully. Hook plugins have a single method, call(), just like execution plugins.

Licensing Plugins

Licensing plugins check individual permissions of an application one-by-one, using a UUID to identify the permission and returning a simple true or false to indicate whether the particular permission is granted. Optionally, the validity times of that permission may be returned as well. This is done with the licensing plugin's method check().

In the future, there may be a method for renewing licenses.

REVIEW: What about when a certain number / amount of something is licensed? This seems to have serious overlap with authorization and quotas.

Logging Plugins

A logging plugin resembles the logging API of most applications, exposing four methods:

  • debug() - For information useful only during debugging
  • info() - For mundane information
  • warn() - For warning about future potential operational failures
  • error() - For reporting operation failures

All of them except for the last take a string as an argument. error() takes an Error, and the displayed message of the error may be taken from Error.message.

Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS) Plugins

MMS Plugins enable applications to send MMS messages (text messages) to phones. These plugins have one method: send(to, from, content).

Queue Plugins

I don't really know how this will work just yet.

Storage Plugins

Storage plugins abstract away various object stores, such as S3, Azure Blob Storage, Minio, and even the local file system. I have researched what these object stores have in common, and I identified these operations that seem to be at the core of all object stores:

  • checkBucket
  • checkObject
  • copyObject
  • createBucket
  • deleteBucket
  • deleteObject
  • deleteObjects
  • deleteObjectTagging
  • getObject
  • getObjectTagging
  • getPresignedURL
  • listBuckets
  • listObjects
  • listObjectVersions
  • putObject
  • putObjectTagging

Some of these operations will not translate well to file systems, so if file systems are needed, care must be taken to ensure that dependent programs can survive the nuances of using a file system.

This abstraction also obscures some of the more advanced features of these object stores. These advanced features, if needed, may be introduced in an abstract subtype of the storage plugin class, then implemented by concrete subtypes of the application-specific abstract subtype.

Plugins that may never be

  • Database plugins
  • Internationalization plugins

To Do

  • ListenerPlugin
  • NotificationPlugin
  • SearchPlugin
  • QuotaPlugin
  • VaultPlugin

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