1.1.3 • Published 4 years ago

willcore.bootstrap v1.1.3

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4 years ago


WillCore.Bootstrap contains Bootstrap 4.5 files and assignables. The assignables are wrappers that translate the Bootstrap's JQuery API to WillCore.UI assignables.

For more info on Bootstrap, goto https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.5/getting-started/introduction/.


WillCore.Bootstrap can be installed on an existing WillCore.UI project using NPM:

npm install willcore.bootstrap


After installing, the bootstrap module can be activated via the "bootstrap" assignable on a WillCore.UI instance :


"bootstrapEndpoint" is the file service name where the Bootstrap files will be served from. This can be changed to avoid clashing with existing file services.

Full Example:

const willCoreProxy = require("willcore.core");
let willcore = willCoreProxy.new();
willcore.testServer.server[__dirname] = 8581;

WillCore.Bootstrap is only activated server-side, no client side activation is required. After activating, Bootstrap will be available and ready to use in your project.


All components in Bootstrap 4.5 are available to use. Some components require JQuery activation in SPAs. The JavaScript activated components have wrapper assignables to make their use painless.

Wrapper Assignables

1) Carousel

For more documentation on the Bootstrap carousel, please see the Bootstrap documentation, here

A carousel binding needs the following assignments to complete assignment:

bootstrapCarousel (assignable)A wrapper assignable for the $().carousel({}) function.
objectOptions Object. This options object is passed to the JQuery carousel function. For more info on the options, see the Bootstrap documentation


<!--View HTML-->
<div id="carouselDiv" class="carousel slide" data-ride="carousel">
  <div class="carousel-inner">
    <div class="carousel-item active">
        <img src="..." class="d-block w-100" alt="...">
    <div class="carousel-item">
      <img src="..." class="d-block w-100" alt="...">
    <div class="carousel-item">
      <img src="..." class="d-block w-100" alt="...">
//View Function
const view = (model) => {
    model.$carouselDiv.bootstrapCarousel = { interval:2000 };

export { view };

2) Dropdowns

For more documentation on the Bootstrap dropdowns, please see the Bootstrap documentation, here

A dropdown binding needs the following assignments to complete assignment:

bootstrapDropdown (assignable)A wrapper assignable for the $().dropdown({}) function.
objectOptions Object. This options object is passed to the JQuery dropdown function. For more info on the options, see the Bootstrap documentation

Result: { toggle: function }

Toggling The Dropdown

After assigning, an object will be available to interact with the dropdown.


<!--View HTML-->
 <div class="form-group" style="margin-top:20px">
    <div class="dropdown">
      <button class="btn btn-secondary dropdown-toggle" type="button" id="dropdownMenuButton" data-toggle="dropdown"
        aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false">
        Dropdown button
      <div class="dropdown-menu" aria-labelledby="dropdownMenuButton">
        <a class="dropdown-item" href="#">Action</a>
        <a class="dropdown-item" href="#">Another action</a>
        <a class="dropdown-item" href="#">Something else here</a>
//View Function, create dropdown
const view = (model) => {
    model.$dropdownMenuButton.bootstrapDropdown = {};

export { view };
//View Function, create dropdown and toggle
const view = (model) => {
    model.$dropdownMenuButton.bootstrapDropdown = {};

export { view };

3) Modals

The modal assignable enables a separate view to be rendered as a bootstrap modal. Values can be returned form the modal view to the parent page.

A modal binding needs the following assignments to complete assignment:

A modal assignable has a name.

bootstrapModal (assignable)A wrapper assignable for a bootstrap modal.
stringPath to the view. Example: "/root/modal"

Result: { show: function }.

After assigning, an object will be available containing one function, "show" that can be used to activate and show the modal. This function will return a promise that will resolve into the result of the modal. The view function of the modal will have a member function called "close" that can be used to resolve the promise and close the modal. The parameter of the close function will be result of the promise.

modalPropertiesObjectThe bootstrap options object passed to the $().modal() function.
modelValuesValuesValues that will be passed to the model of the modal. Object's properties will be assigned to the model as data collections.


<!--Modal view HTML, "/modals/about.html"-->
<div class="modal" tabindex="-1" role="dialog">
    <div class="modal-dialog" role="document">
      <div class="modal-content">
        <div class="modal-header">
          <h5 class="modal-title">Modal title</h5>
          <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close">
            <span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span>
        <div class="modal-body">
          <p>This is the about modal.</p>
        <div class="modal-footer">
          <button type="button" class="btn btn-secondary" data-dismiss="modal">Close</button>
          <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" id="saveChanges">Save changes</button>
//Modal view function, "/modals/about.js"
const view = (model) => {
    model.$saveChanges.onclick.event = () => {
        //Close the modal and send result back
        model.close({ message: "result saved"+model.data.message  });

export { view };
//Parent page that opens the modal
const view = (model) => {
    model.$modalContainer.testModal.bootstrapModal = "/modals/about";
    model.$showModal.onclick.event =async () =>{  
        let result = await model.$modalContainer.testModal.show({},{data:{message:"awesome"});

export { view };

4) Popovers

For more documentation on the Bootstrap Popovers, please see the Bootstrap documentation, here

A popover binding needs the following assignments to complete assignment:

bootstrapPopover (assignable)A wrapper assignable for the $().popover({}) function.
objectOptions Object. This options object is passed to the JQuery popover function. For more info on the options, see the Bootstrap documentation

Result: { toggle: function }

Toggling The Popover

After assigning, an object will be available to interact with the popover.


<!--View HTML-->
<button class="btn btn-primary" id="popover">Show Popover</button>
//View Function, create popover
const view = (model) => {
     model.$popover.bootstrapPopover = {content:"This is a popover"};

export { view };
//View Function, create popover and toggle
const view = (model) => {
     model.$popover.bootstrapPopover = {content:"This is a popover"};

export { view };

5) Tooltips

For more documentation on the Bootstrap tooltips, please see the Bootstrap documentation, here

A tooltips binding needs the following assignments to complete assignment:

bootstrapTooltip (assignable)A wrapper assignable for the $().tooltips({}) function.
objectOptions Object. This options object is passed to the JQuery tooltips function. For more info on the options, see the Bootstrap documentation

Result: { toggle: function }

Toggling The Tooltips

After assigning, an object will be available to interact with the tooltip.


<!--View HTML-->
<button class="btn btn-primary" id="tooltip">Tooltip On This Button</button>
//View Function, create tooltip
const view = (model) => {
     model.$tooltip.bootstrapTooltip = {title:"This is a tooltip"};

export { view };
//View Function, create tooltip and toggle
const view = (model) => {
      model.$tooltip.bootstrapTooltip = {title:"This is a tooltip"};

export { view };

6) Alerts

Alerts are modals that can prompt the user with message and resolve a promise when the user clicks on the "OK" button. Alerts are assignables on the UI proxy and not on the model of a view or elements. The UI proxy is the second parameter of the view function.

An alert assignable needs the following assignments to complete assignment:

nameThe name of the alert. This is used to return the promise used to resolve the modal close event.
bootstrapAlert (assignable)A wrapper assignable for the $().modal({}) function.
stringThe heading of the alert modal.
stringThe message of the alert modal.

Result: Promise.

const view = (model, ui) => {
  ui.myAlert.bootstrapAlert = "Message";
  ui.myAlert = "Hello world!";
  await ui.myAlert;
  console.log("The user closed the alert.");

export { view };


Alert Image

7) Prompt

Prompts are modals that can prompt the user with message, give an user options and resolve a promise when the user clicks on the buttons. Prompts are assignables on the UI proxy and not on the model of a view or elements. The UI proxy is the second parameter of the view function.

A prompt assignable needs the following assignments to complete assignment:

nameThe name of the alert. This is used to return the promise used to resolve the modal close event.
bootstrapPrompt (assignable)A wrapper assignable for the $().modal({}) function.
stringThe heading of the prompt modal.
stringThe message of the prompt modal.
objectThe buttons of the modal.

Result: Promise.

The buttons object is an object where the keys are the names of the buttons and the value is an object with the label of the button and a field indicating if the button is a primary button. For example:

{ yes: { label: "Yes", primary: true }, no: { label: "No", primary: false } }


const view = (model, ui) => {
  ui.myPrompt.bootstrapPrompt = "Message";
  ui.myPrompt = "Hello world!";
  ui.myPrompt = { yes: { label: "Yes", primary: true }, no: { label: "No", primary: false } };
  let result = await ui.myPrompt;
  console.log(`You selected ${result}`);

export { view };


Alert Image

8) Toasts

Toasts are temporary modals that self destruct after showing user a message. Toasts are assignables on the UI proxy and not on the model of a view or elements. The UI proxy is the second parameter of the view function.

A toast assignable needs the following assignments to complete assignment:

bootstrapToast (assignable)A wrapper assignable for the $().toast({}) function.
stringThe heading of the toast.
stringThe message of the toast.
settingsThe settings of the toast.

Result: None.

The settings object is an object that have 2 option properties: delay and style:

  • Delay is the duration in milliseconds the toast will be visible to the user. The default value is 5000.
  • Style is header background style that will be applied to the toast. Valid values are: "info", "success", "warning", "danger" and "default"

For example:



const view = (model, ui) => {
  ui.bootstrapToast = ["Message", "Hello world!", {style:"info",delay:4000}];

export { view };



Alert Image


Alert Image


Alert Image


Alert Image


Alert Image


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