1.0.0 • Published 4 years ago

win-service v1.0.0

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Last release
4 years ago

NPM version

Wrapper for WinSW, event logging, Windows service manager.


  • OS Service: Run scripts (not necessarily Node.js) as native Windows services.
  • Event Logging: Create logs in the Event log.
  • Process:
    • Start, Stop, Restart Services/Tasks
    • List Tasks: List windows running services/tasks.
    • Kill Task: Kill a specific windows service/task (by PID).


npm install -g win-service


npm install win-service


Minimal required options (name, script):

var { Service } = require('win-service');

var svc = new Service({
  name: 'Hello World',
  script: 'C:\\path\\to\\helloworld.js',
  description: 'Server powered by node.js.',

A few more options

  • winswDir: directory name for winsw instance
  • winswPath: path where to place the winsw.exe instance,
    • defaults to script path
  winswDir: 'service',
  winswPath: 'C:/different/path',
  // result: creates a folder named service in C:/different/path/

  nodeOptions: ['--harmony'],
  // or
  execOptions: ['--harmony'],

  scriptOptions: ['--port=9000'],
  // simple Object or Array
  env: [
    { name: "HOME", value: process.env["USERPROFILE"] }, 

  // Run under a different User Account
  logOnAs: true, // local
  // or user account
  logOnAs: {
    domain: 'mydomain.local',
    account: 'username',
    password: 'password',
    allowservicelogon: true // optional
  // or group managed service
  logOnAs: {
    domain: 'mydomain.local',
    account: 'username$', // $ - important
    allowservicelogon: true // optional
  onfailure: [
    { action: "restart" delay: 10 }, // delay in seconds
    { action: "reboot" delay: 20 },
    { action: "none" },


var result = await svc.status() => Promise;
var result = await svc.start() => Promise;
var result = await svc.stop() => Promise;
var result = await svc.restart() => Promise;
var result = await svc.selfRestart() => Promise;
var result = await svc.install() => Promise;
// auto stops if necesssary
var result = await svc.uninstall(skipFileDelete) => Promise;

Note: uninstall only removes the OS service and process specific files (file removal can be skipped).


svc.on('status', function(msg) { console.log(msg) });
svc.on('start', function(msg) { console.log(msg) });
svc.on('stop', function(msg) { console.log(msg) });
svc.on('restart', function(msg) { console.log(msg) });
svc.on('install', function(msg) { svc.start() });
svc.on('uninstall', function(msg) { console.log(msg) });
svc.on('invalidinstallation', function(msg) { console.log(msg) });

Event Logging

var { EventLogger } = require('win-service');

// new EventLogger(source[,isSystem]);
var log = new EventLogger('My Event Name', true);
// or
var log = new EventLogger({
  source: 'My Event Name',
  isSystem: true // optional, defaults to 'APLICATION'

log.info('Info log.'[,code]) => Promise;
log.warn('Warn log!'[,code]) => Promise;
log.error('Something went wrong.'[,code]) => Promise;
  • register event in windows registry so any further messages won't require elevation. registerEventSource does require elevation
log.registerEventSource() => Promise
  • isSystem - optional, defaults to 'APLICATION'
  • code - default 1000, Microsoft docs says valid values are between 1-1000


start, stop, restart

  • net start, net stop
var win = require('win-service');

win.process.start(serviceName) => Promise;
win.process.stop(serviceName) => Promise;
win.Process.restart(serviceName) => Promise;


Displays a list of currently running processes.

  • cmd -> tasklist
var { Process } = require('win-service');
// or
var { process } = require('win-service');

Process.list([filter][,verbose]) => Promise;

Output is specific to the version of the OS.
Windows 10 output:

  ImageName: 'cmd.exe',
  PID: '57516',
  SessionName: 'Console',
  'Session#': '0',
  MemUsage: '1,736 K',
  Status: 'Unknown',
  UserName: 'N/A',
  CPUTime: '0:00:00',
  WindowTitle: 'N/A' 

The non-verbose output typically provides:

  • ImageName, PID, SessionName, Session#, MemUsage, CPUTime.


  • cmd -> taskkill
var win = require('win-service');

win.process.kill(pid[,force]) => Promise;
// or
win.Process.kill(pid[,force]) => Promise;


  • TODO


WinSW and elevate are the copyrights of their respective owners