6.0.7 • Published 3 years ago

winston-loki-strict v6.0.7

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3 years ago


Потребность в "strict" версии библиотеки потребовалась из-за того, что библиотека явно не обрабатывает ситуацию, когда при отправке логов был получен код ответа 3xx и 4xx (воспроизводится на 301 и 400), что приводит к неявной потере логов при любых ошибках конфигурации инфрастурктуры локи и форматтеров логов.


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A Grafana Loki transport for the nodejs logging library Winston.


This Winston transport is used similarly to other Winston transports. Require winston and define a new LokiTransport() inside its options when creating it.


Several usage examples with a test configuration for Grafana+Loki+Promtail reside under examples/. If you want the simplest possible configuration, that's probably the place to check out. By defining json: true and giving winston-loki the correct host address for Loki is enough for most.


LokiTransport() takes a Javascript object as an input. These are the options that are available, required in bold:

hostURL for Grafana Lokihttp://
intervalThe interval at which batched logs are sent in seconds305
jsonUse JSON instead of Protobuf for transporttruefalse
batchingIf batching is not used, the logs are sent as they cometruetrue
clearOnErrorDiscard any logs that result in an error during transporttruefalse
replaceTimestampReplace any log timestamps with Date.now()truefalse
labelscustom labels, key-value pairs{ module: 'http' }null
formatwinston format (https://github.com/winstonjs/winston#formats)simple()null
gracefulShutdownEnable/disable graceful shutdown (wait for any unsent batches)falsetrue
timeouttimeout for requests to grafana loki in ms30000null
basicAuthbasic authentication credentials to access Loki over HTTPusername:passwordnull


With default formatting:

const { createLogger, transports } = require("winston");
const LokiTransport = require("winston-loki");
const options = {
  transports: [
    new LokiTransport({
      host: ""
const logger = createLogger(options);

You can set custom labels in every log as well like this:

logger.debug({ message: 'test', labels: { 'key': 'value' } })

TODO: Add custom formatting example



Running a local Loki for testing is probably required, and the easiest way to do that is to follow this guide: https://github.com/grafana/loki/tree/master/production#run-locally-using-docker. After that, Grafana Loki instance is available at http://localhost:3100, with a Grafana instance running at http://localhost:3000. Username admin, password admin. Add the Loki source with the URL http://loki:3100, and the explorer should work.

Refer to https://grafana.com/docs/loki/latest/api/ for documentation about the available endpoints, data formats etc.


npm install
npm link
cd ~/your_project
npm link winston-loki
npm install

And you should have a working, requirable winston-loki package under your project's node_modules. After the link has been established, any changes to winston-loki should show on rerun of the software that uses it.

Run tests

npm test

Write new ones under /test