0.4.0-beta-5 • Published 6 years ago
wish-core-api v0.4.0-beta-5
Wish Api
A native node.js plugin for building Wish applications. Currently working with Linux x86_64 and nodejs v6.x only. To get it working you need to run a Wish Core on the same host.
npm install wish-core-api
var WishApp = require('wish-core-api').WishApp;
function App() {
var app = new WishApp({
name: process.env.SID || 'MyApp',
corePort: parseInt(process.env.CORE) || 9094,
protocols: ['test'] });
app.on('ready', (ready) => {
app.request('identity.create', ['John Doe'], (err, data) => {
if (err && data.code === 304) { return console.log('Using existing identity'); }
console.log('Identity created:', err, data);
app.on('online', (peer) => {
app.request('services.send', [peer, new Buffer('Permissionless innovation!')], (err, data) => {
// sent or not?
app.on('frame', (peer, data) => {
app.request('identity.get', [peer.ruid], function(err, user) {
console.log(user.alias, 'says:', data.toString());
var app = new App();
6 years ago
7 years ago