0.0.2 • Published 5 years ago
with-storage v0.0.2
A package that auto binds object or class properties to local-storage for persistance and easy manipulation.
Installation Instructions
$ yarn add with-storage
import { withStorage } from "with-storage";
const user = withStorage({
isLoggedIn: false,
email: "",
sports: ["football"],
health: { height: "6ft", eyeColor: "blue" },
updateName: () => {}, // <-- funcs are ignored
user.email = "somemail@gmail.com"; // <-- cookie created
console.log(user.email); // <-- 'somemail@gmail.com'
// RESTART application and remove setting your email above - try logging the same property
console.log(user.email); // <-- 'somemail@gmail.com' is still there
// DESTROY cookie simply just re-assign the value to "", undefined, or delete obj.key.
// setting value to undefined reverts to static defaults upon reload
user.email = "";
class example
import { withStorage, getStorageItem } from "with-cookie";
class User {
isLoggedIn: false,
email: "",
const user = new User()
user.email = "somemail@gmail.com";
// check to see if cookie exist with cookie util.
// cookies are stored formatted `${constructor.name || config.name}_{$key}`
console.log(getStorageItem("User_email")); // <-- 'somemail@gmail.com'
Available Configuration
param | default | type | description |
name | constructor.name | string | Optional: A keyname for cookie storage if anonymous object. |
Example adjusting configuration. Simply pass in the object as the second param.
const User = {
isLoggedIn: false,
email: "",
card: {
number: "",
exp: "",
cvc: "",
const user = withStorage(User, { noStorage: ["card"] });