1.0.0 • Published 4 years ago

wits-for-test-1 v1.0.0

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Last release
4 years ago


Wits is a development tool to help run your Tizen web application on your 2017+ Samsung TV during development.

It is the fastest way to get your local code running on device during development. Saving you from having to build, package, and reinstall your app each time you want to see how it will run on device. We call it a LIVE RELOAD.

Wits is a help to continue your developing context.

System Requirements

Wits needs the following prerequisites on your local development machine.

  1. Terminal on MacOS / Linux or PowerShell on Windows

  2. You must have Node.js (we recommend v7.10.1 for Wits) and Git installed on your system. We will not describe how to do these installations as there are many ways to do it and its developer preference. We recommend using something like nvm or asdf to manage different versions of Node.js across your code projects.

  3. Install the Latest Version of Samsung Tizen Studio.

  4. Wits requires the Tizen Studio CLI binaries added to your $PATH for access to the tizen and sdb command-line utilities.

    • For bash:
      $ echo 'export PATH="$HOME/tizen-studio/tools/ide/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile
      $ echo 'export PATH="$HOME/tizen-studio/tools:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile
    • For Ubuntu Desktop:
      $ echo 'export PATH="$HOME/tizen-studio/tools/ide/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc
      $ echo 'export PATH="$HOME/tizen-studio/tools:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc
    • For Zsh:
      $ echo 'export PATH="$HOME/tizen-studio/tools/ide/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.zshrc
      $ echo 'export PATH="$HOME/tizen-studio/tools:$PATH"' >> ~/.zshrc
    • For Fish shell:
      $ set -Ux fish_user_paths $HOME/tizen-studio/tools/ide/bin $fish_user_paths
      $ set -Ux fish_user_paths $HOME/tizen-studio/tools $fish_user_paths

Installing and Configuring Wits

  1. Clone the Wits repository to your machine.

    $ git clone https://github.com/Samsung/Wits.git
  2. Install Wits Dependencies

    $ cd ~/path-to/Wits
    $ npm install
  3. Modify profileInfo.json within the Wits directory.

    Configure the Tizen Studio Certificate Profile Name and the path to your profiles.xml.

    You can modify and run the following command on MacOS to set this to the default.

    $ cd ~/path-to/Wits
    $ echo `{
      "name": "my-certificate-profile",
      "path": "$HOME/tizen-studio-data/profile/profiles.xml"
    }` >> profileInfo.json

    The default path on MacOS should be /Users/my-mac-username/tizen-studio-data/profile/profiles.xml and on Windows C:/tizen-studio-data/profile/profiles.xml.

    The name should be your pre-configured certificate profile name found in one of these locations:

    • Tizen Studio (Recommended) Tools > Certificate Manager > Certificate Profile (Actived one)
    • Tizen TV SDK 2.4 (legacy) window > Preferences > Tizen SDK > Security Profiles

    If your profiles.xml is not in one of the default locations, you may have it in the following legacy location.

    • Tizen TV SDK 2.4 (legacy) /<yourWorkspace>/.metadata/.plugins/org.tizen.common.sign/profiles.xml

Running Your App

Default user app path is www. If you want use default path, place your html, js and css files for your project within the ~/path-to/Wits/www directory. Otherwise, write your app directory path in the connectionInfo.json file.

The contents of this directory will be copied to the TV that Wits is configured for.

Each time you make a change in your application path, Wits will RELOAD your application on the TV instantly.

Configuring the Connection

You may change the directory that Wits uses to serve your app in the connectionInfo.json file within the Wits directory.

You may configure Wits to listen to multiple paths for changes.

  • on Windows and MacOS, Wits recognize path segment only one separator(/).
// connectionInfo.json
	"baseAppPaths": [

Configure Wits to Ignore Files

Sometimes there are files you do not want Wits to copy to your TV device such as your apps src directory or node_modules.

For this, add a .witsignore to the base of your www or code directory.

This works the same as .gitignore.

Example of .witsignore:


Launching Wits on your TV

To launch the Wits container on your Samsung TV you will need to ensure Developer Mode is enabled on the device.

Enabling Developer Mode on Samsung TV

  1. With your Samsung Remote, press the Home button.
  2. Navigate to the Apps button and press Enter/OK.
  3. When on the Apps screen, press 1 2 3 4 5 in order on the remote to open the Developer Mode Dialog. If this doesn't work, try it again.
  4. When the Developer Mode Dialog appears, toggle the switch to On and enter the IP address of your development machine.

Start Wits from your Development Machine

You will need to know the IP address of the TV. Get this from the Settings > General > Network Status on your Samsung TV screen using the Samsung Remote.

Now, within the Wits project directory on your computer run npm start to start it up and deploy it to your TV.

$ cd ~/path-to/Wits
$ npm start

You will be prompted to confirm each field in connectionInfo.json before the app installs. Simply press Enter/Return if the default is to be used.

The results when you're finished should look similar to the following:

? Input your Application Path : www
? Input your Application width (1920 or 1280) : 1920
? Input your TV Ip address(If using Emulator, input :
? Input your port number : 8498
? Do you want to launch with chrome DevTools? :  Yes

Debugging with Google Chrome DevTools

After running npm start in the previous step, one of the prompts will ask Do you want to launch with chrome DevTools?. Answer Yes or press Enter if default.

  • A Google Chrome window should have opened after your app installs on the TV.
  • Click the address link on the page.
  • This opens a DevTools window.
  • In console tab, change the value of Execution Context Selector top to ContentHTML.


The Wits Project Structure

     |-tizen/ ................ Wits project
     |-www/ .................. Your Tizen web Application
     |-app.js ................ Node script for running Wits
     |-connectionInfo.json ... Recently connected Information which has application width and TV Ip address.
     |-package.json .......... npm package configuration
     '-README.md ............. Introduce Wits file.

Supported Platforms

  • 2017 Samsung Smart TV (Tizen 3.0)
  • 2018 Samsung Smart TV (Tizen 4.0)
  • 2019 Samsung Smart TV (Tizen 5.0)