1.0.0 • Published 2 years ago

wizard-service v1.0.0

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Last release
2 years ago

The Vets Wizard Service

How To Run Locally

  1. npm install
  2. npm start

Nodemon starts the local server which means that as soon as any changes are made, the server restarts with the most updated code.

Base Libraries

This repo serves as the blueprint for all microservices to be used in the system. Contained in this blueprint are base libraries that are universal and used for all services. The list of these libraries are as follows:
1. @the_vets/express-lib: Our wrapper of Express.
2. Swagger: Autogenerated API route documentation with interface that allows for easy lookup of parameters and testing locally.
3. @the_vets/winston-lib: In house logger library. Logging should take place at all levels of the API (controller, service, etc..).
4. dotenv: Utility that loads environment variables from a local .env file. This file is included in the .gitignore file for obvious reasons. Having this makes local development easier (easier to edit text file vs. manually inputting variables in run configuration) and will eventually allow any CI/CD process to load variables easily.
5. eslint: Most popular JS/TS linter. Available in package.json is a command to fix any errors the linter catches (assuming it can be fixed automatically).


Code should be written in .ts files. When running npm run start, a nodemon instance of the webserver is started. This will allow for changes in files to be tracked and changed on the fly. On every change, nodemon will transpile the typescript code to javascript. Only .ts files should be checked into git. All other "javascript-type" files are being ignored in the .gitignore file.

Swagger and package.json Setup

Swagger is implemented in @the_vets/express-lib. To activate it correctly, all route files should be in src/routes. The service name is configured as seen below (from app.ts):

const app = vetsExpressApp(process.env.SERVICE_NAME || 'microservice-seed', routeFiles);

Swagger docs will be available at: {host}:{port}/api-docs

package.json: Change the name, description and repo urls.

Adding Routes

To add new routes, create new route files in the routes directory. Any new files need to be added to app.ts (add require statement). Swagger generates its documentation and UI from the jsdocs above each route. In order for the docs to be rendered the @swagger decorator has to be included. See example for exact details and structure..