1.0.2 • Published 2 years ago

wle-stats v1.0.2

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2 years ago

Wonderland Engine Stats

Wonderland Engine stats component.

Example showing FPS and frame time

This library is inspired by stats.js from mrdoob.

Features Overview:


You can install the library using yarn / npm:

yarn i wle-stats

In order to have a quick overview of each features, you can open the example using Wonderland Engine.


3D Static


  1. Create an object and add a mesh component
  2. Create a material. You can use any shader / pipeline, as long as the material contains either a flatTexture or a diffuseTexture parameter.
  3. Add the stats-3d component on an object at the desired location.
  4. Reference the object containing the mesh on the stats-3d component

For more information, please have a look at the Stats3dComponent.

3D Overlay


Follow the same step described in the 3D Static section. Set the mode property of the stats-3d component to: Overlay.

HTML Component

HTML stats example

Add the stats-html component anywhere in your scene. This component will be added in document.body by default.

For more information, please have a look at the StatsHtmlComponent.

Generic Graph

This library exposes the StatsGraph class, usable outside of the Wonderland Engine ecosystem.

import {StatsGraph} from 'wle-stats';

const stats = new StatsGraph({
    minY: 0,
    maxY: 120,
    width: 100,
    height: 40

Add the graph canvas in the dom using:


Adding a value is done using update(value):

// Draws '50.0' on the chart.

For more information, please have a look at the public interface of the StatsGraph class.


WonderlandEngine doesn't expose (yet) its profiler. In the future, this library will take advatange of the internal profiler to display fine-grained numbers.


2 years ago


2 years ago


2 years ago