1.0.5 • Published 2 years ago

wordpress-block-editor-po-to-json v1.0.5

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2 years ago

Wordpress Gutenberg Block Editor PO file to JED1.X JSON

Generate Wordpress Gutenberg block editor compatible JED1.x JSON file from the PO files.

This package will come in handy, if you have multiple JS files in the block editor and the wp-cli ends up making multiple JSON files with md5 handles.


This package is a utility tool for generating Wordpress Gutenberg block editor translations and is built on top of the po2json npm package.

Usage instructions

Setup the Wordpress Gutenberg block for internationalization

  1. Create a languages folder in the root of your Gutenberg block.
  2. Use wp-cli to generate the .pot and .po files or add in your .po files manually. Your .po files should be of the format {domain}-{locale}.po, where domain is the language domain used to mark the translatable text __('some text','mydomain') in the project. Example mydomain-fr_FR.po. For more detailed instructions refer Wordpress block editor internationlization
  3. Do not generate the translation JSON files using wp-cli, if you have multiple JS files in the block.
  4. Install this package using npm install --save wordpress-block-editor-po-to-json.

CLI Usage

  1. Create a new npm script in the package.json scripts section. Add the following cli command. 'wpbepo2json -lf languages -wjh wp-blockjs-handle
   "scripts" : {
        "build-translation-json" : "wpbepo2json -lf languages -wjh wp-blockjs-handle"

where -lf is the path to the language folder language and -wjh is the Wordpress javascript handle used for the blocks compiled js file during the wp_enqueue_script or wp_register_script.

  1. Generate the translations using the command npm run build-translation-json.
  2. You need to ensure that you have set the wp_set_script_translations() function after the wp_enqueue_script or wp_register_script. Refer wp_set_script_translations for more information.

Script Usage

In progress.


Amal Ajith

Happy Coding!