1.1.0 • Published 10 years ago
workshopper-hooray v1.1.0
A more excessive and celebratory hooray message for workshopper modules.
It shows some random big letters of celebrations with an ascii art style.
npm install --save workshopper-hooray
requires workshopper
This module is to be used as a celebratory message for completing all challenges in a workshoppper-workshop.
Example usage:
var workshopper = require('workshopper');
var path = require('path');
var hooray = require('workshopper-hooray');
function fpath (f) {
return path.join(__dirname, f)
name : 'example',
title : 'Example workshop',
subtitle : 'Learn how do a lot of awesome stuff',
appDir : __dirname,
menuItems : [],
exerciseDir : fpath('./exercises/'),
helpFile : fpath('help.txt'),
onComplete: hooray
... or you could add your own callback to run something before or after workshopper-hooray.:
name : 'example',
title : 'Example workshop',
subtitle : 'Learn how do a lot of awesome stuff',
appDir : __dirname,
menuItems : [],
exerciseDir : fpath('./exercises/'),
helpFile : fpath('help.txt'),
onComplete: function(callback) {
console.log('Please enjoy this complementary ascii-art');
hooray(function() {
// Add another colorful message to be shown afterwards.
console.log('Hope you enjoyed that ^^'.rainbow);
// _Always_ call the callback from the onComplete hook:
... or if you don't want that corny randomly generated text:
// ...
onComplete: function(callback) {
hooray('Good job!', callback);