0.0.2 • Published 4 years ago

workspace-plusminus-decorators v0.0.2

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4 years ago


An Angular decorators.


  • npm install plusminus-decorators



Decorator that helps you implement incomplete multiple inheritance.

Mixin classes do not support DI. Used to refine the behavior of other classes, not intended to spawn self-used objects. The mixins are useful for bringing common functionality into a single place and being reusable.

  class SubscriptionMixin {
     // ...
  class GoodbyeMixin {
     // ...
  class GreeterMixin {
     public get fullName(): string {
       return `${this.firstName} ${this.surName}`;
     public constructor(private firstName: string, private surName: string) {
     public greet(): string {
       return `Hello, ${this.firstName} ${this.surName}!`;

The parent class needs to implement the mixin classes (only the declaration of properties or methods) so that the project can be built without errors at the compilation stage.

If the mixin class has private fields or methods that you do not want to declare in the parent class, then you can create your own type/interface and declare it:

  type GreeterMixinType = Omit<GreeterMixin, 'firstName' | 'surName'>;
  // or
  interface GreeterInterface extends Omit<GreeterMixin, 'firstName' | 'surName'> {}

If you want to pass parameters to the constructor of the mixin class, you need to pass an array where the first element will be the mixin class itself, and all subsequent elements are its parameters.

  import { Mixins } from 'plusminus-decorators';
     [GreeterMixin, 'John', 'Wick'],
  class HelloWorld implements GreeterMixinType, SubscriptionMixin, GoodbyeMixin {
     public fullName: string;
     public greet: () => string;
     // Other declarations: SubscriptionMixin, GoodbyeMixin
     public constructor() {


In computing, memoization or memoisation is an optimization technique used
primarily to speed up computer programs by storing the results of expensive
function calls and returning the cached result when the same inputs occur

Memoization better used only with pure functions.

You can pass a parameter object MemorizeOptions, where:

  • size is the size of the list that needs to be cached, the default value is 20, this means that we can cache a list that does not exceed 20 elements.
  • duration is cache expiration time in milliseconds. Default value is 0ms.
interface MemorizeOptions {
  size?: number;
  duration?: number;

Where can you use Memoization? For example, you have a list of products,

interface Product {
  title: string;
  vendorCode: string;
  cost: number; // in cents

the name of which is concatenated from several properties from the product object, and the price adjusted based on the exchange rate against the dollar, then your list will, at best, be recalculated once per change detection.

class ProductService {
  public findAll(): Product[] {
    return [
        title: 'Subframe for Lexus CT',
        vendorCode: '2062CF0EF',
        cost: 41500,
        title: 'Gearbox for Lexus CT',
        vendorCode: '1FCA2E90D',
        cost: 66500,
        title: 'Rear bumper for Lexus IS',
        vendorCode: '186882573',
        cost: 23000,

If you use memoization, then it will be executed once, and the cached value of the result of your method will be given to all subsequent changes.

import { Memorize } from 'plusminus-decorators';

  selector: 'pm-root',
  template: `<div class="col-12">
    <div *ngFor="let product of productService.findAll();" class="d-flex flex-column mb-4">
      <span class="title">{{displayTitle(product)}}</span>
      <span class="cost">{{displayCost(product.cost, currentUAExchangeRate) | currency:'USD'}}</span>
  styleUrls: ['./app.component.scss'],
export class AppComponent {
  public readonly currentUAExchangeRate = 28.24;

  public constructor(
    public productService: ProductService,
  ) {

  public displayTitle({ title, vendorCode }: Product): string {
    return `#${ vendorCode } ${ title }`;

  public displayCost(cost: number, exchangeRate: number): number {
    return cost / 100 * exchangeRate;

  @Memorize({ duration: 3000 })
  public someCapitalize(str: string): string {
    return `${str.charAt(0).toUpperCase()}${str.slice(1)}`;

You can also use the memoization function directly in your code.

import { memorizeFn } from 'plusminus-decorators';

const displayTitleMemo = memorizeFn(({ title, vendorCode }: Product): string => {
    return `#${ vendorCode } ${ title }`;
}, { 
  size: 5,
  duration: 3000,
