1.0.0 • Published 1 year ago

workstream-to-standup-notes v1.0.0

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1 year ago


This code reads a directory containing CSV files and extracts data from them. It then filters the extracted data based on certain criteria, and uses it to create a new set of notes. Finally, it saves the notes as a new CSV file.

Here is a more detailed explanation of the steps taken:

  • The code reads the files in the directory specified by the PROJECTS_LOGS_PATH constant using the fs.readdirSync() function.
  • It filters the files based on whether they have a .csv extension using the files.filter() method, and stores the resulting array in the csvFiles variable.
  • The code then creates an empty array called abc.
  • It loops through each file in the csvFiles array using the csvFiles.forEach() method.
  • For each file, the code reads the file using the fs.readFileSync() method and extracts the data as a string.
  • It then parses the string as CSV data using the parse() method from the csv-parse library, with the options columns: true and skip_empty_lines: true.
  • It filters the resulting array of records based on whether they contain a certain value for the "Team" field. The specific value(s) to be filtered is determined by the TEAMS constant.
  • For each record in the filtered array, the code extracts relevant data and creates a new object representing a note.
  • It then adds the note object to the abc array.
  • If an error occurs while reading or parsing a file, the error message is logged to the console.
  • After all the files have been processed, the code checks whether the abc array is not empty.
  • If the abc array is not empty, it converts the array to a CSV string using the json2csv.parse() method from the json2csv library.
  • It then writes the CSV string to a new file specified by the STANDUP_NOTES_PATH and STANDUP_NOTES_FILE constants using the fs.writeFile() method.
  • If an error occurs while writing the file, the error message is logged to the console.
  • If the file is successfully written, the message "Saved!" is logged to the console.

1 year ago