1.1.0 • Published 8 years ago

wrap-bdd v1.1.0

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Last release
8 years ago


This repository contains code which allows cucumber-js BDD framework to be wrapped around a testing tool by means of a custom driver.

Install instructions

  1. Download and install nodejs
  2. Run : npm install -g yo generator-wrap-bdd cucumber
  3. Create a local folder for storing the necessary cucumber-js artifacts : mkdir bdd
  4. cd bdd
  5. yo wrap-bdd

Collaborator instructions

All source is written using coffee script. In the command prompt of root directory use the following to quickly compile all coffee script source: coffee --compile --output lib/ src/

To wrap cucumber-js BDD with any testing tool, a testtoolfactory.coffee is provided to return an appropriate instance of the test tool driver. When writing the test tool driver, the only two criteria are that the test driver expose a testResult method and test driver emit a testResult event. The testResult method accepts a callback function with a boolean parameter. The 'testResult' event should be emitted when the testing tool has finished and returned result. Following are sample blocks where you will need to make changes when introducing a new test driver:



Test scripts

Still need to work on this.