0.1.2 • Published 8 years ago

wwl-js-vm-tabs v0.1.2

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8 years ago


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View module (wwl-js-vm) implementation to maintain tabs view. The implementation is based on backbone and backbone.marionette.

Each tab requires to get a view object (Backbone.View api compatible) to passed in for each tab model. The model will render that view as content.

Important currently (0.1.1), the pure Marionette implementation (without cmi) is still open.


context = new (require('wwl-js-app-context'))({ root: true })
vm      = new (require('wwl-js-vm-tabs'))({ context: context })


# Create a dummy content view
View = Backbone.View.extend({ template: '<div><h1>Test</h1></div>' })
view = new View()

# Create a tab
tab = vm.addTab({
  view:   view
  title:  'My first Tab'
  active: true

# Listen to your tab

tab.on 'view:render', ->
  # The tab view itself has been rendered


wwl-js-vm-tabs requires sass, coffeescript, browserify, hamlify.

Make sure, that for sass and for browserify, the load paths are set up correctly.

// In your applications stylesheet:

// For cmi version:
@import 'wwl-js-vm-tabs/base_cmi'

// For marionette-only version:
@import 'wwl-js-vm-tabs/base_no_cmi'
# In your js application:

# For cmi version:
VmClass = require('wwl-js-vm-tabs')

# For marionette-only version:
VmClass = require('wwl-js-vm-tabs/lib/vm')

Cmi Version

Important: To run the cmi version, you need to install webcomponents and link at least:

TODO replace with dependencies:

%link{ rel: "import", href: "../cmi-button/cmi-button.html" }
%link{ rel: "import", href: "../cmi-tabs/cmi-tabs.html" }

Unfortunatly, it's not easy to automate this.

General concept

The tabs stack is maintained by a Backbone.Collection with Backbone.Model instances. Each model represents a tab you can see. A tab model requires at least the attribute view on initialization.

Every action happening on your tabs view, you can listen to via the model.

There is always one tab with the attribute active:true - the view of the that model will be displayed in the content.

Tab Model Attributes

viewBackbone.View or same apinullrequired - The view that will be rendered as content.
activebooleanfalseIf the tab is active (visible). The collection will take care of that there is always just one tab active at the time.

Tab Model Events

view:beforeRenderMarionette event on the tab item view
view:renderMarionette event on the tab item view
view:beforeAttachMarionette event on the tab item view
view:attachMarionette event on the tab item view
view:beforeShowMarionette event on the tab item view
view:showMarionette event on the tab item view
view:domRefreshMarionette event on the tab item view
view:beforeDestroyMarionette event on the tab item view
view:destroyMarionette event on the tab item view
view:action:activateWhen the tab got active.
view:action:deactivateWhen the tab got inactive.

With or without cmi webcomponents

By default the tabs are build on base of curo-material-interface.

So you'll get the webcomponents implementation if you call:


Or explicit:


If you want to have a marionette-only implementation, you would require the following:


##How to contribute

  1. Check at first your node version. (See also travis.yml)
  2. Run npm install
  3. For serve, just go inside the build folder and run the serve command.