0.4.0 • Published 6 years ago

wx-jsdk v0.4.0

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Last release
6 years ago


npm install wx-jsdk --save or

const Wechat = require('wx-jsdk'); const wx = new Wechat(wechatConfig);

## Wechat Config

`wechatConfig` info:  

{ //set your oauth redirect url, defaults to localhost "wechatRedirectUrl": "http://yourdomain.com/wechat/oauth-callback", //"wechatToken": "wechat_token", //not necessary required "appId": "appid", "appSecret": "app_secret", card: true, //enable cards payment: true, //enable payment support merchantId: '', // paymentSandBox: true, //dev env paymentKey: '', //API key to gen payment sign paymentCertificatePfx: fs.readFileSync(path.join(process.cwd(), 'cert/apiclient_cert.p12')), //default payment notify url paymentNotifyUrl: http://your.domain.com/api/wechat/payment/, }

### Setup your Wechat ENV  
1.Set your own URL in [Wechat Website](https://mp.weixin.qq.com)  
  Usually wechat will provide you a `MP_verify_XHZon7GAGRdcAFxx.txt` like file to ask you to put that on your website root,  
  which will be accessed by wechat on `http://yourdomain.com/MP_verify_XHZon7GAGRdcAFxx.txt` to verify that you own the domain.
2.You should also provide a api for your browser to get token for the current url, see [demo](#demo)  

  //express app for example:
  router.get('/get-signature', async (req, res) => {
    wx.jssdk.getSignature(req.query.url).then(signatureData => {
    //use async/await
    //const signatureData = await wx.jssdk.getSignature(req.query.url);

3.Now you can get to the next step in your browser to pass the verification.

Browser Side Usage

const WechatJSSDK = require('wx-jsdk/dist/client');
//ES6 import
import WechatJSSDK from 'wx-jsdk/dist/client';
//or import the original ES6 module from 'lib/client', 
// in which case you may need to include this into your webpack babel-loader process 
import WechatJSSDK from 'wx-jsdk/lib/client';
const wechatObj = new WechatJSSDK(config)

// or if you do not have a bundle process, just add the script tag, and access "WechatJSSDK" from window, e.g:
const wechatObj = new window.WechatJSSDK(config)

where config will be:

const config = {
  //below are mandatory options to finish the wechat signature verification
  //the 4 options below should be received like api '/get-signature' above
  'appId': 'app_id',
  'nonceStr': 'your_nonceStr',
  'signature': 'url_signature',
  'timestamp': 'your_timestamp',
  //below are optional
  //invoked if wechat signature sign succeeds,
  //'this' will be the jssdk instance if it's a normal function, 
  // in v3.0.10+, jssdk instance will be passed to the callback, (wxObj) => {}
  // in the up coming v4, "success"/"error" init callback will be replace by #initialize() which will return Promise, see below
  'success': jssdkInstance => {},
  //invoked if sign failed, in v3.0.10+, jssdk instance will be pass to the func, (err, wxObj) => {}
  'error': (err, jssdkInstance) => {},
  //enable debug mode, same as debug
  'debug': true,
  'jsApiList': [], //optional, pass all the jsapi you want, the default will be ['onMenuShareTimeline', 'onMenuShareAppMessage']
  'customUrl': '' //set custom weixin js script url, usually you don't need to add this js manually
const wechatObj = new WechatJSSDK(config);
//in the up coming v4, use "initialize" as Promise:
const wechatObj2 = new WechatJSSDK(config);
  .then(w => {
    //set up your share info just like in "success" function in config above
  .catch(err => {

after signature signed successfully, you can customize the share information:

//customize share on chat info
//sugar method for `wechatObj.callWechatApi('onMenuShareAppMessage', {...})`
  type: 'link',
  title: 'title',
  link: location.href,
  imgUrl: '/logo.png',
  desc: 'description',
  success: function (){},
  cancel: function (){}
//customize share on timeline info
//sugar method
  type: 'link',
  title: 'title',
  link: location.href,
  imgUrl: '/logo.png'

You can also access the original wechat object wx from wechatObj.getOriginalWx().

Call other wechat apis: wechatObj.callWechatApi(apiName, config):

wechatObj.callWechatApi('onMenuShareAppMessage', {
  type: 'link',
  title: 'title',
  link: location.href,
  imgUrl: '/logo.png',
  desc: 'description',
  success: function (){},
  cancel: function (){}

or with the original one: