1.0.0 • Published 2 years ago

wymp-indexed-debouncer v1.0.0

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2 years ago

Indexed Debouncer

IMPORTANT: This is a dummy package published on npm to point to the real package on github. To install this package, you must set your repository up to use the github package repository for @wymp packages and then install it from there. To do so, simply add an .npmrc file to your repository with the following contents: @wymp:registry=https://npm.pkg.github.com/wymp. You will also need to set up authentication to github by following these instructions.

The primary export of this library is the Debouncer class. This is a class that can be instantiated as a global dependency and which can keep track of named debounces across various disparate execution calls.

This was built specifically to address React component mount/unmount chaos, in which a "normal" debounce function wouldn't work because it is being instantiated as a new instance every execution. See examples of the primary use case below in Usage.

Note: Detailed library API docs are available in this repo at /docs/index.html.


Note: Debouncer has a default wait time of 15ms. This may be changed globally by passing a different default in the Debouncer constructor, or it may be changed per-invocation by passing a wait time as the last parameter of bounce.

To use, first create a global instance of Debouncer, then use the bounce method of that instance to debounce functions. Each invocation of bounce with a given name will return a new promise that resolves to either canceled, if that particular invocation was canceled, or the return value of the function if that instance ends up actually firing. (Any errors cause the promise to reject, as one might expect.)

You may use this to selectively update state only for successfully debounced actions.

For example:

import { Debouncer } from "@wymp/indexed-debouncer";
import { useEffect, useState } from "react";

const debouncer = new Debouncer();

// React component
const App = (p: { debouncer: Debouncer }) => {
  const [status, setStatus] = useState<"init"|"ready">("init");

  useEffect(() => {
      .bounce("init-app", () => console.log("do thing"), 20)
      .then(result => {
        if (result !== "canceled") {

  return <div>
    <p>{status === "init" ? "Initializing" : "Ready!"}</p>

If for some reason you'd like to use the raw DebounceFunc, you may do that as well:

import { DebounceFunc } from "@wymp/indexed-debouncer";

const func = new DebounceFunc(30);

const promises: Array<Promise<"canceled" | number>> = [
  func.bounce(() => 1),
  func.bounce(() => 2),
  func.bounce(() => 3),
  func.bounce(() => 4),


// Outputs the following:
// [ "canceled", "canceled", "canceled", 4 ]

Advanced Types

This library will work without any type parameters specified. However, there is a risk of using overlapping keys that can lead to unexpected results.

To avoid this, you can pass a Contract type parameter to the Debouncer constructor. This will enforce that you may only use one of the specified keys on bounces, and that the function you pass must conform to the type specified for that key. For example:

type Contract = {
  "init-app": { status: "init" | "loading" | "ready" };
  "init-mod-1": { thing: unknown };
  "init-mod-2": void;
const debouncer = new Debouncer<Contract>();

In the above example, you may ONLY call bounce on this instance with one of the three keys specified, and the function you pass to bounce must return the type indicated for that key (or a promise returning that type). For example, the following would both throw a type error:

debouncer.bounce("init-app", () => true);
debouncer.bounce("non-existent", () => ({ status: "ready" }));


  1. run npm install
  2. Make code changes
  3. run npx tsc
  4. Make logical, specific commits