0.0.1 • Published 1 year ago

xayn_ts_sdk v0.0.1

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1 year ago

Xayn SDK

Early Version Warning

This library will change, through it overall functionality and how it can be used will stay roughly the same. Mainly:

  • Client and Server here refer to a sdk each. Client is used by publishers clients (and there server in case of server side rendering). Server is used by publishers server. This will be renamed soon candidates are PersonalizationApi and ManagementApi, through it's not fixed.

  • Currently the library only builds ECMScript modules, in the coming days we will add support for at least some of the other still commonly used module format.

  • The implementation has a lot of potential for improvement in the future it will like be auto generated from our internal API specification.

TypeScript version


This SDK is divided into 2 parts, client and server.\ The client version is generally used for front end applications, whereas the server part is rather meant for back end solutions.


The client part of our SDK is typically used within back end projects.\ It is ideally liked to update or cron jobs so that new documents are ingested on regular intervals.\ It also allow for modifying document properties, for example if an article would receive an updated accompanying image.

To create the server-side SDK version, simply use

const sdk = new Server({
  endpoint: {your_endpoint_url}, //e.g. https://some.domain.invalid/default
  token: {your_token},

Uploading documents

Send at least one document to our recommendation service.\ A document has 2 required properties, document_id and snippet.\ Optionally you can also submit a free map of properties to accompany the document. \

const result = await sdk.ingest({
    documents: [
        new IngestedDocument(
            "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog",
                category: "fonts",
                link: "https://www.fonts.com",
                image: "https://www.fonts.com/hello.png",
        new IngestedDocument(
            "Arsenal beat Liverpool yesterday",
                category: "sports",
                link: "https://www.sports.com",
                image: "https://www.sports.com/match.png",

Update a document's properties

This example updates the properties for document_id_a and overwrites the image.

const result = await sdk.updateProperties({
    documentId: "document_id_a",
    properties: {
        category: "fonts",
        link: "https://www.fonts.com",
        image: "https://www.fonts.com/hello_again.png",

Fetch a document's properties

Allows to peek at the current values of properties for a given document.

const result = await sdk.getProperties({
    documentId: "document_id_a",


Delete a document's properties

Simply deletes any attaches properties on a given document.

await sdk.deleteProperties({
    documentId: "document_id_a",

Delete a single document

Deletes the document from our system.

await sdk.delete({
    documentId: "document_id_a",

Delete multiple documents

Deletes a batch of documents from our system.

const result = await sdk.deleteAll({
    documents: ["document_id_a", "document_id_b"],


The client part of our SDK is typically used within front end projects.\ Here, we also require a unique user via user_id.\

To create the client-side SDK version, simply use

const sdk = new Client({
  endpoint: {your_endpoint},
  token: {your_token},
  userId: {any_user}, // eg "35940aa3-95ad-4dc2-9a2b-000eed135e9b"

Like a single document

Marks the given document as "liked" for this user.

await sdk.likeDocument({ documentId: "test_d" });

Fetch personalized documents

Fetches personalized documents for this user.\ The default size is 10, but you can also pass a custom count value to override.\

const result = await sdk.personalizedDocuments({});


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