2.0.3 • Published 4 years ago

xdvplatform-tools v2.0.3

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4 years ago


XDV Platform tools

npm i xdvplatform-tools



  • Supports for JWT, DID, JWE, XmlDsig, CMS (X509)
  • Algorithms included: secp256k1, secp256r1, ed25519, rsa and upcoming bls
  • Keystore, HD Key, DER, JWK and PEM support out of the box
  • Support for output to LD Crypto Suite key pairs for ecdsa and ed25519
  • More features planned like bls and schnorr for multi sig scenarios




Creates a new random HD Wallet

  const keystore = await Wallet.createHDWallet({ password: 'password123' });


Creates a new mnemonic

     const mnemonic = Wallet.generateMnemonic();
     const selectedWallet = await Wallet.createHDWallet({ mnemonic, password: '123password' });


Unlocks an existing wallet

      const wallet = await Wallet.unlock(selectedWallet, '123password');


Creates a new child HD Wallet

      const child1 = wallet.deriveChild(1, `m/44'/60'/0'/0`);
      const child2 = wallet.deriveChild(2, `m/44'/60'/0'/0`);
      const child3 = wallet.deriveChild(3, `m/44'/60'/0'/0`);


Creates a new child HD Wallet

      const child1 = wallet.deriveFromPath(`m/44'/60'/0'/0/1`);
      const child2 = wallet.deriveFromPath(`m/44'/60'/0'/0/2`);
      const child3 = wallet.deriveFromPath(`m/44'/60'/0'/0/3`);


Creates a new Ed25519 curve

    const mnemonic = Wallet.generateMnemonic();
    const opts = { mnemonic, password: '123password' };
    const keystore = await Wallet.createHDWallet(opts);
    const wallet = await Wallet.unlock(keystore, opts.password);
    const kp = await wallet.getEd25519();


Creates a new P256/secp256r1 curve

    const mnemonic = Wallet.generateMnemonic();
    const opts = { mnemonic, password: '123password' };
    const keystore = await Wallet.createHDWallet(opts);
    const wallet = await Wallet.unlock(keystore, opts.password);
    const kp = await wallet.getP256();


Creates a new secp256k1 curve

    const mnemonic = Wallet.generateMnemonic();
    const opts = { mnemonic, password: '123password' };
    const keystore = await Wallet.createHDWallet(opts);
    const wallet = await Wallet.unlock(keystore, opts.password);
    const kp = await wallet.getES256k();


Creates a new RSA key pair. This key pair is not generated from HD Wallet seed.

    const mnemonic = Wallet.generateMnemonic();
    const opts = { mnemonic, password: '123password' };
    const keystore = await Wallet.createHDWallet(opts);
    const wallet = await Wallet.unlock(keystore, opts.password);
    const kp = await wallet.getRSA256Standalone();


Creates a new BLS key pair. Returns an object.

    const mnemonic = Wallet.generateMnemonic();
    const opts = { mnemonic, password: '123password' };
    const keystore = await Wallet.createHDWallet(opts);
    const wallet = await Wallet.unlock(keystore, opts.password);
    const kp = wallet.getBlsMasterKey();
    const deriveValidatorKey1 = await kp.deriveValidatorKeys(1);


Handles key pair convertion from / to PEM, DER or JWK. Some algorithm also returns JSON-LD compatible exports.


Converts a RSA key pair. Available exports: JWK, PEM and LD.

  const key = await Wallet.getRSA256Standalone();
        const issuer: X509Info = {
          stateOrProvinceName: 'PA',
          organizationName: 'RM',
          organizationalUnitName: 'Engineering',
          commonName: 'Rogelio Morrell',
          countryName: 'Panama',
          localityName: 'Panama'
        const { jwk, pem } = await KeyConvert.getX509RSA(key);
        const jwt = await JWTService.sign(pem, {
          testing: 'testing'
        }, {
          iat: (new Date(2020, 10, 10)).getTime(),
          iss: '0x4198258023eD0D6fae5DBCF3Af2aeDaaA363571F',
          sub: 'document',
          aud: 'receptor',
          nbf: (new Date(2020, 10, 10)).getTime(),


Converts a P256 key pair. Available exports: JWK, DER, PEM and LD.

    const mnemonic = Wallet.generateMnemonic();
    const opts = { mnemonic, password: '123password' };
    const keystore = await Wallet.createHDWallet(opts);

    const wallet = await Wallet.unlock(keystore, opts.password);
    const key = wallet.getP256();

    const pem = (await KeyConvert.getP256(key)).pem;
    const jwt = await JWTService.sign(pem, {
        testing: 'testing'
    }, {
        iat: (new Date(2020, 10, 10)).getTime(),
        iss: '0x4198258023eD0D6fae5DBCF3Af2aeDaaA363571F',
        sub: 'document',
        aud: 'receptor',
        nbf: (new Date(2020, 10, 10)).getTime(),


Converts a ES256K key pair. Available exports: JWK, DER, PEM and LD.

    const wallet = await Wallet.unlock(keystore, opts.password);
    const pem = (await KeyConvert.getES256K(wallet.getES256K())).pem;


Converts a RSA key pair. Available exports: JWK and PEM as pemAsPrivate and pemAsPublic.

   const key = await Wallet.getRSA256Standalone();
    const pem = (await KeyConvert.getRSA(key)).pemAsPrivate;


Converts a Ed25519 key pair. Available exports: DER and PEM.

    const mnemonic = Wallet.generateMnemonic();
    const opts = { mnemonic, password: '123password' };
    const keystore = await Wallet.createHDWallet(opts);

    const wallet = await Wallet.unlock(keystore, opts.password);
    const key = wallet.getEd25519();

    const pem = (await KeyConvert.getEd25519(key)).pem;
    const jwt = await JWTService.sign(pem, {
        testing: 'testing'
    }, {
        iat: (new Date(2020, 10, 10)).getTime(),
        iss: '0x4198258023eD0D6fae5DBCF3Af2aeDaaA363571F',
        sub: 'document',
        aud: 'receptor',
        nbf: (new Date(2020, 10, 10)).getTime(),


Creates a Linked Data suite json format from a LD Suite export.

    const mnemonic = Wallet.generateMnemonic();
    const opts = { mnemonic, password: '123password' };
    const keystore = await Wallet.createHDWallet(opts);

    const wallet = await Wallet.unlock(keystore, opts.password);

    const kp = wallet.getP256();
    const kpJwk = await KeyConvert.getP256(kp);

    // Create LD Crypto Suite - p256 / Sepc256r1
    const ldCrypto = await KeyConvert
        .createLinkedDataJsonFormat(LDCryptoTypes.Sepc256r1, kpJwk.ldSuite);

    // Create IPFS key storage lock
    const session = await xdvMethod.createIpldSession(kpJwk.pem);

    // Create DID document with an did-ipid based issuer
    const did = await DIDDocumentBuilder
        issuer: session.key,
        verificationKeys: [ldCrypto.toPublicKey()],
        authenticationKeys: [ldCrypto.toAuthorizationKey()]

    // Signing
    const signed = await  JWTService.sign(kpJwk.pem, {
        testing: 'testing'
    }, {
        iat: (new Date(2020, 10, 10)).getTime(),
        iss: '0x4198258023eD0D6fae5DBCF3Af2aeDaaA363571F',
        sub: 'document',
        aud: 'receptor',
        nbf: (new Date(2020, 10, 10)).getTime(),


Signs and verifies JWT.


Decodes a JWT

    // Sign as JWT
    let signed = await JWTService.sign(kpJwk.pem, {
        testing: 'testing'
    }, {
        iat: (new Date(2020, 10, 10)).getTime(),
        iss: '0x4198258023eD0D6fae5DBCF3Af2aeDaaA363571F',
        sub: 'document',
        aud: 'receptor',
        nbf: (new Date(2020, 10, 10)).getTime(),

    // Decoded
    const decoded = await JWTService.decodeWithSignature(signed);


Signs a JWT

    // Unlock wallet
    const wallet = await Wallet.unlock(keystore, opts.password);

    // Create key
    const kp = wallet.getP256();
    const kpJwk = await KeyConvert.getP256(kp);

    // Create LD Crypto Suite - p256 / Sepc256r1
    const ldCrypto = await KeyConvert
        .createLinkedDataJsonFormat(LDCryptoTypes.Sepc256r1, kpJwk.ldSuite);

    // Create DID id from PEM keypair and store it variable  
    const session = await xdvMethod.createIpldSession(kpJwk.pem);

    // Set DID
    localStorage['recentlyStoreDID'] = session.key;

    // Create DID document with an did-ipid based issuer
    let did = await DIDDocumentBuilder
        issuer: session.key,
        verificationKeys: [ldCrypto.toPublicKey()],
        authenticationKeys: [ldCrypto.toAuthorizationKey()]

    // Sign as JWT
    let signed = await JWTService.sign(kpJwk.pem, {
        testing: 'testing'
    }, {
        iat: (new Date(2020, 10, 10)).getTime(),
        iss: '0x4198258023eD0D6fae5DBCF3Af2aeDaaA363571F',
        sub: 'document',
        aud: 'receptor',
        nbf: (new Date(2020, 10, 10)).getTime(),


Verifies a JWT

    // get document with a CID and DID
    const resolver = await xdvMethod.getResolver(localStorage['recentlyStoreCID']);
    const doc = await resolver.xdv(localStorage['recentlyStoreDID']);

    // unlock wallet
    let wallet = await Wallet.unlock(localStorage['ks'], localStorage['ps']);

    // create new key pairs
    const kp = wallet.getP256();
    const kpJwk = await KeyConvert.getP256(kp);

    // decrypt
    const obj = await JOSEService.decrypt(kpJwk.jwk, doc.encrypted);
    const verified = await JWTService.verify(kpJwk.pem,(<Buffer> obj.plaintext).toString('utf8'), 'receptor');


Encrypts and decrypts JWT.


Encrypts a string or buffer payload

    // Unlock wallet
    const wallet = await Wallet.unlock(keystore, opts.password);

    // Create key
    const kp = wallet.getP256();
    const kpJwk = await KeyConvert.getP256(kp);

    // Create LD Crypto Suite - p256 / Sepc256r1
    const ldCrypto = await KeyConvert
        .createLinkedDataJsonFormat(LDCryptoTypes.Sepc256r1, kpJwk.ldSuite);

    // Create DID id from PEM keypair and store it variable  
    const session = await xdvMethod.createIpldSession(kpJwk.pem);

    // Set DID
    localStorage['recentlyStoreDID'] = session.key;

    // Create DID document with an did-ipid based issuer
    let did = await DIDDocumentBuilder
        issuer: session.key,
        verificationKeys: [ldCrypto.toPublicKey()],
        authenticationKeys: [ldCrypto.toAuthorizationKey()]

    // Sign as JWT
    let signed = await JWTService.sign(kpJwk.pem, {
        testing: 'testing'
    }, {
        iat: (new Date(2020, 10, 10)).getTime(),
        iss: '0x4198258023eD0D6fae5DBCF3Af2aeDaaA363571F',
        sub: 'document',
        aud: 'receptor',
        nbf: (new Date(2020, 10, 10)).getTime(),

    // Encrypt JWT
    const encrypted = await JOSEService.encrypt(kpJwk.jwk, signed);


Decrypts a cipher

    // get document with a CID and DID
    const resolver = await xdvMethod.getResolver(localStorage['recentlyStoreCID']);
    const doc = await resolver.xdv(localStorage['recentlyStoreDID']);

    // unlock wallet
    let wallet = await Wallet.unlock(localStorage['ks'], localStorage['ps']);

    // create new key pairs
    const kp = wallet.getP256();
    const kpJwk = await KeyConvert.getP256(kp);

    // decrypt
    const obj = await JOSEService.decrypt(kpJwk.jwk, doc.encrypted);
    const verified = await JWTService.verify(kpJwk.pem,(<Buffer> obj.plaintext).toString('utf8'), 'receptor');



Creates a self sign certificate from a RSA key pair

    const issuer: X509Info = {
        stateOrProvinceName: 'PA',
        organizationName: 'RM',
        organizationalUnitName: 'Engineering',
        commonName: 'Rogelio Morrell',
        countryName: 'Panama',
        localityName: 'Panama'
    const rsaKey = await Wallet.getRSA256Standalone();

    const rsaKeyExports = await KeyConvert.getX509RSA(rsaKey);
    const selfSignedCert = X509.createSelfSignedCertificateFromRSA(
      rsaKeyExports.pemAsPrivate, rsaKeyExports.pemAsPublic, issuer);
    const signedDocuments = await XmlDsig.signFEDocument(rsaKeyExports.pem, selfSignedCert, latestFEDocument);

XmlDsig (FE specific)

Signs FE XML Documents


Signs a Factura Electronica de Panama document

    const issuer: X509Info = {
        stateOrProvinceName: 'PA',
        organizationName: 'RM',
        organizationalUnitName: 'Engineering',
        commonName: 'Rogelio Morrell',
        countryName: 'Panama',
        localityName: 'Panama'
    const rsaKey = await Wallet.getRSA256Standalone();

    const rsaKeyExports = await KeyConvert.getX509RSA(rsaKey);
    const selfSignedCert = X509.createSelfSignedCertificateFromRSA(
      rsaKeyExports.pemAsPrivate, rsaKeyExports.pemAsPublic, issuer);
    const signedDocuments = await XmlDsig.signFEDocument(rsaKeyExports.pemAsPrivate, selfSignedCert, latestFEDocument);


Signs CMS Documents


Signs a CMS document

    const issuer: X509Info = {
        stateOrProvinceName: 'PA',
        organizationName: 'RM',
        organizationalUnitName: 'Engineering',
        commonName: 'Rogelio Morrell',
        countryName: 'Panama',
        localityName: 'Panama'
    const rsaKey = await Wallet.getRSA256Standalone();

    const rsaKeyExports = await KeyConvert.getX509RSA(rsaKey);
    const selfSignedCert = X509.createSelfSignedCertificateFromRSA(
      rsaKeyExports.pemAsPrivate, rsaKeyExports.pemAsPublic, issuer);
    const res = CMSSigner.sign(selfSignedCert,
        fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/fixtures/cms.pdf'));


  • Supports for basic DID JSON schemas
  • DID JWT signing and validation using xdvplatform-tools/crypto API
  • Includes did-method-xdv with resolver


DIDMethodXDV - XDV DID Method

XDV DID method is based on IPLD. Before using it, it needs to be initialize. After initializing, generate a new session key (the DID key) and then use DIDDocumentBuilder to create a DID document.


    const ipld = new IpldClient();
    const xdvMethod = new DIDMethodXDV(ipld);

    // create ipld instance
    await ipld.initialize();

    // ....

    const kp = wallet.getP256();
    const kpJwk = await KeyConvert.getP256(kp);

    // Create LD Crypto Suite - p256 / Sepc256r1
    const ldCrypto = await KeyConvert
    .createLinkedDataJsonFormat(LDCryptoTypes.Sepc256r1, kpJwk.ldSuite);

    // Create IPFS key storage lock
    const session = await xdvMethod.createIpldSession(kpJwk.pem);

    // Create DID document with an did-ipid based issuer
    const did = await DIDDocumentBuilder
        issuer: session.key,
        verificationKeys: [ldCrypto.toPublicKey()],
        authenticationKeys: [ldCrypto.toAuthorizationKey()]

    // Always store DID in IPLD
    cid = await ipld.createNode({

Resolving is a different, you'll ned both CID and DID.

    // get document with a CID and DID
    const resolver = await xdvMethod.getResolver(cid);
    const doc = await resolver.xdv(did);


Creates a new random HD Wallet

  const keystore = await Wallet.createHDWallet({ password: 'password123' });


  • Includes most of the API specifications for Factura Electronica DGI Panama up to September 2018 specification
  • Planned features: CUFE generation and QR generation


  • IPLD client


  • XDV storage schemas for IPLD


  • IPNS PubSub


  • Digito Verificador for RUC Natural Person based on algorithm from Registro Publico de Panama.
  • Client that calls a read only function in a Solidity smart contract
        const nodeUrl = '...node url';
        const isMainnet = true;
        const account = '...your ethereum accpunt';

        const dv = new DV(account, nodeUrl, isMainnet);
        // initialize contracts
        await dv.initialize();
        // call calculate
        // input is 
        // { type, segments 1 to  4}
        // For more information, visit https://dv.auth2factor.com
        const resp = await dv.calculate(CedulaInputTypes.N,
            [0, 8],
            [0, 0],
            [7, 1, 3],
            [2, 2, 3]);


@molekilla, Rogelio Morrell C. Copyright 2020

MIT License