2.0.1 • Published 4 years ago
xml-serializer v2.0.1
npm i xml-serializer --save
XML Object
Instance Methods
@param prettyPrint Bool Passing true will pretty-print the xml
@return [String] XML with embedded content, pretty printed, if specified
function toXML(prettyPrint);
@param key String The key mapping to a value in content if it is an object, otherwise null
@return [Bool] Indicates whether the key will be wrapped with CData tags
function cdataForKey(key);
@param name String The name of the feed (appears as the top level tag)
@param xmlItems [XMLObject] An array of embedded XML objects
@param attributes {Object} Key-value pairs added to the top level tag (where the name is)
@param content {Object}/String Key-value pairs added to the XML array alongside the xmlItems, otherwise a string for a literal object
@param options {Object} Key-value pairs as follows
@param useCData Bool Default: false; wraps content with a CData tag
@param cdataFields [String] Optional; keys corresponding with the value keys - only these values will use CData
function XML(name, xmlItems, attributes, content, options);