4.4.3 • Published 6 months ago

xp.network v4.4.3

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6 months ago

XP Network JS API

Work In Progress / Alpha Stage Library

To list and transfer NFTs, follow the steps below:

Make sure node.js is installed on your machine.

1. Install the libraries required for the project:

yarn add xp.network


npm i --save xp.network

To import the latest version of the xp.network library:

yarn add "git+https://github.com/xp-network/xpjs#bleeding-edge"

2. Import the dependencies

import {

import { config } from 'dotenv';
config();} from "xp.network";

(async () => {
  // Instantiate the chain factory for the
  // Connecting to the mainnnets of all the blockchains:
  const mainnetConfig = await ChainFactoryConfigs.MainNet();
  const mainnetFactory: ChainFactory = ChainFactory(

  // Connecting to the testnets of all the blockchains:
  const testnetConfig = await ChainFactoryConfigs.TestNet();
  const testnetFactory: ChainFactory = ChainFactory(

  // Switching between the mainnets & the testnets:
  const factory: ChainFactory = mainnetFactory;       // or = testnetConfig;
  const CONFIG: Partial<ChainParams> = mainnetConfig; // or = testnetConfig;

3. Get the signer objects

3.1 Example of getting the signer object (for manual EVM testing in the BE)

Avoid using the $3.n$ setups in production. Use it for initial or backend testing only.

Add your private key to the environment:

touch .env
echo "SK=<Replace this with your Private Key>" >> .env
// EVM chains compatible wallet:
import { Wallet } from "ethers";
import { config } from 'dotenv';
// EVM signer for testing in the BE
const signer = new Wallet(
        // Replace 'polygonParams'
        // with the relevant parameter
        // from the table below

3.2 Example of getting the signer object (in the FE for web3):

// EVM chains compatible signer:
import ethers from "ethers";
const signer = new ethers.providers.Web3Provider(window.ethereum).getSigner();

3.3 Example of getting the signer object (in the FE for MetaversX):

// MetaversX provider (injected from the browser extension):
import { ExtensionProvider } from "@metaversxnetwork/erdjs/out";
const metaversxSigner = ExtensionProvider.getInstance();

// MetaversX signer from a PEM key stored in the .env file
import { UserSigner } from "@metaversxnetwork/erdjs/out";
const metaversxSigner = UserSigner.fromPem(process.env.ELROND_PEM!);

3.4 Example of getting the signer object (in the FE for Tron):

// Address is fetched from tronweb
(async () => {
  const addresses = await window.tronLink.tronWeb.request({
    method: "tron_requestAccounts",
  const tronSigner = addresses[0];

3.5 Example of getting the signer object (in the FE for Algorand):

import { typedAlgoSigner } from "xp.network/dist/helpers/algorand";
// Use the typedAlgoSigner function to get access to the Algorand signer
const algorandSigner = typedAlgoSigner();

3.6 Example of getting the signer object (in the FE for Tezos):

import { TempleWallet } from "@temple-wallet/dapp";
(async () => {
  try {
    const available = await TempleWallet.isAvailable();
    if (!available) {
      throw new Error("Temple Wallet is not installed");
    const tezosSigner = new TempleWallet("bridge.xp.network");
  } catch (error) {
    console.error("Error:", error);

3.7 Example of Secret Network

import { SecretNetworkClient, Wallet } from "secretjs";
import { SecretNftInfo } from "xp.network/dist/helpers/secret";

const wallet = new Wallet(process.env.mnemonic!);

// Testnet example
const client = await SecretNetworkClient.create({
  chainId: "pulsar-2",
  grpcWebUrl: TestNetRpcUri.SECRET,
  wallet: wallet,
  walletAddress: wallet.address,

3.8 Example signer object for TON

import { config } from "dotenv";
import {
} from "xp.network";

import { mnemonicToKeyPair } from "tonweb-mnemonic";

(async () => {
  const factory = ChainFactory(
    await ChainFactoryConfigs.TestNet()

  const ton = await factory.inner(Chain.TON);

  const tonSigner = ton.tonKpWrapper(
    // where TON_MNEMONIC="space separated mnemonic phrase ..."
    await mnemonicToKeyPair(process.env.TON_MNEMONIC!.split())

3.9 Example signer object for NEAR

import { connect, InMemorySigner, KeyPair, keyStores } from "near-api-js";
import { config } from "dotenv";

// Retrieving the Private Key from environment
const { SK } = process.env;

const keyStore = new keyStores.InMemoryKeyStore();
const keyPair = KeyPair.fromString(`ed25519:${SK}`);

keyStore.setKey(network, account, keyPair);

const signer = new InMemorySigner(keyStore);

const provider = await connect({
  headers: {},
  nodeUrl: TestNetRpcUri.NEAR,
  networkId: network,

3.10 Example of Solana signer object

import { config } from "dotenv";
import { Connection, Keypair } from "@solana/web3.js";
import { Metaplex, keypairIdentity } from "@metaplex-foundation/js";

// Extracting the variables from .env
const { URL, SK } = process.env;

// Solana provider
const provider = new Connection(URL!);

// Convert secret key (SK) to Uint8Array
const buffer = require("bs58").decode(SK!);
const keyAsArray = new Uint8Array(
  buffer.byteLength / Uint8Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT

// Solana signer
const payer = Keypair.fromSecretKey(keyAsArray);

// Metaplex Solana token standard
const metaplex = Metaplex.make(provider).use(keypairIdentity(payer));

// Client for interacting with NFT contracts
const nftc = metaplex.nfts();

3.11 Example of Hedera signer object

import { hethers, Wallet } from "@hashgraph/hethers";
import { config } from "dotenv";

const testnetProvider = hethers.getDefaultProvider("testnet");
const mainnetProvider = hethers.getDefaultProvider("mainnet");

const hederaSigner = new Wallet(
    privateKey: process.env.SK!,
    account: process.env.PK!,
    isED25519Type: true,
  } as any,

For the ways of connecting the wallets in the FE check-out our bridge repository

ChainParametersChain Nonce
Arbitrum NovaarbitrumParams37

4. Getting the inner objects from this factory to be used for transferring, minting, and estimation of gas fees.

(async () => {
  // EVM compatible chains:
  // Inner Object ====================================== Chain Nonce
  const bsc = await factory.inner(Chain.BSC); // 4
  const ethereum = await factory.inner(Chain.ETHEREUM); // 5
  const avax = await factory.inner(Chain.AVALANCHE); // 6
  const polygon = await factory.inner(Chain.POLYGON); // 7
  const fantom = await factory.inner(Chain.FANTOM); // 8
  const harmony = await factory.inner(Chain.HARMONY); // 12
  const gnosis = await factory.inner(Chain.XDAI); // 14
  const fuse = await factory.inner(Chain.FUSE); // 16
  const velas = await factory.inner(Chain.VELAS); // 19
  const aurora = await factory.inner(Chain.AURORA); // 21
  const godwoken = await factory.inner(Chain.GODWOKEN); // 22
  const gatechain = await factory.inner(Chain.GATECHAIN); // 23
  const vechain = await factory.inner(Chain.VECHAIN); // 25
  const hedera = await factory.inner(Chain.HEDERA); // 29
  const skale = await factory.inner(Chain.SKALE); // 30
  const moonbeam = await factory.inner(Chain.MOONBEAM); // 32
  const abeychain = await factory.inner(Chain.ABEYCHAIN); // 33
  const causeus = await factory.inner(Chain.CADUCEUS); //35
  const okc = await factory.inner(Chain.OKC); //36
  const arbitrum = await factory.inner(Chain.ARBITRUM); //37
  const bitgert = await factory.inner(Chain.BITGERT); //38

  // Non-EVM chains:
  // Inner Object ====================================== Chain Nonce
  const metaversx = await factory.inner(Chain.ELROND); // 2
  const tron = await factory.inner(Chain.TRON); // 9
  const algorand = await factory.inner(Chain.ALGORAND); // 15
  const tezos = await factory.inner(Chain.TEZOS); // 18
  const secret = await factory.inner(Chain.SECRET); // 24
  const solana = await factory.inner(Chain.SOLANA); // 26
  const ton = await factory.inner(Chain.TON); // 27
  const dfinity = await factory.inner(Chain.DFINITY); // 28
  const near = await factory.inner(Chain.NEAR); // 31
  const aptos = await factory.inner(Chain.APTOS); //34

5.1 Listing NFTs owned by the sender.

This operation does not depend on a wallet since reading operations are free and, therefore, do not require signing.

(async () => {
  // EVM:
  const web3Nfts = await factory.nftList(
    harmony, // The chain of interest
    "0x...." // The public key of the NFT owner in a web3 chain

  // MetaversX:
  const metaversxNfts = await factory.nftList(
    metaversx, // The chain of interest
    "erd1...." // The public key of the NFT owner in MetaversX

  // Tron:
  const tronNfts = await factory.nftList(
    tron, // The chain of interest
    "TJuG..." // The public key of the NFT owner in Tron

  // Algorand:
  const algoNfts = factory.nftList(
    algorand, // Algorand chain internal object
    "PUPTH..." // The public key of the NFT owner in Algorand

  // Tezos:
  const tezosNfts = await factory.nftList(
    tezos, // Tezos chain internal object
    "EQB..." // The public key of the NFT owner in Tezos

  // Secret:
  const secretNfts = await factory.nftList(
    secret, // Secret chain internal object
    "secret1..." // The public key of the NFT owner in Secret

  // TON:
  const tonNfts = await factory.nftList(
    ton, // TON chain internal object
    "tz1..." // The public key of the NFT owner in TON

  // NEAR
  const nearNFTs = await near.nftList(
    await provider.account("near-account-here"),

  // Hedera:
  const hederaNFTs = await factory.nftList(
    "0.0.xxxxxxx" // Hedera / EVM address
// Choosing an NFT to transfer:
const web3ChosenOne = web3Nfts[0];
const metaversxChosenOne = metaversxNfts[0];
const tronChosenOne = tronNfts[0];
const algoChosenOne = algoNfts[0];
const tezosChosenOne = tezosNfts[0];
const secretChosenOne = secretNfts[0];
const tonChosenOne = tonNfts[0];
const nearChosenOne = nearNFTs[0];
const hederaChosenOne = hederaNFTs[0];

// Checking the selected NFT object
console.log("EVM Selected NFT:       ", web3ChosenOne);
console.log("MetaversX Selected NFT: ", metaversxChosenOne);
console.log("Tron Selected NFT:      ", tronChosenOne);
console.log("Algorand Selected NFT:  ", algoChosenOne);
console.log("Tezos Selected NFT:     ", tezosChosenOne);
console.log("Secret Selected NFT:    ", secretChosenOne);
console.log("Ton Selected NFT:       ", tonChosenOne);
console.log("NEAR Selected NFT:      ", nearChosenOne);
console.log("Hedera Selected NFT:    ", hederaChosenOne);

5.2 Example of console logged native BSC NFT object:

  "uri": "https://api.alturanft.com/meta/chain-caders/",
  "native": {
    "chainId": "4", // ChainId (4 = BSC)
    "tokenId": "2639", // ID in the NFT smart contract
    "contract": "0x387d38eEaaa7F1235c00aE6ee9b1462c026007f4",
    "owner": "0x6449b68cc5675f6011e8DB681B142773A3157cb9",
    "uri": "https://api.alturanft.com/meta/chain-caders/",
    "symbol": null,
    "name": "ChainCaders", // Collection Name
    "contractType": "ERC1155"
  "collectionIdent": "0x387d38eeaaa7f1235c00ae6ee9b1462c026007f4"

5.3 Example of the console logged wrapped NFT

  "uri": "https://nft.xp.network/w/30576349324667796398547334318",
  "native": {
    "chainId": "4", // Original chainId
    "tokenId": "30576349324667796398547334318", // Wrapped ID
    "contract": "0x8Ae5Fa4DDb131695CDe906BE03b33ebb277DF9A4", // Original Owner
    "owner": "0x6449b68cc5675f6011e8DB681B142773A3157cb9",
    "uri": "https://nft.xp.network/w/30576349324667796398547334318", // Original URI
    "symbol": "vr3DNFTs", // Custom collection name
    "name": "Virtual Reality 3D NFTs", // Custom collection name
    "contractType": "ERC721"
  "collectionIdent": "0x8ae5fa4ddb131695cde906be03b33ebb277df9a4"

6. Approve accessing your NFT by the bridge smart contract

(async () => {
  // EVM example
  const isApprovedEVM = await harmony.approveForMinter(web3ChosenOne, signer);
  console.log("Is Approved in an EVM:", isApprovedEVM);

  // MetaversX example
  const isApprovedMetaversX = await metaversx.approveForMinter(
  console.log("Is Approved in MetaversX:", isApprovedMetaversX);

  // Tron example
  const isApprovedTron = await metaversx.approveForMinter(
  console.log("Is Approved in Tron:", isApprovedTron);

  // Algorand example
  const isApprovedAlgorand = await algorand.approveForMinter(
  console.log("Is Approved in Algorand:", isApprovedAlgorand);

  // Tezos example
  const isApprovedTezos = await algorand.approveForMinter(
  console.log("Is Approved in Tezos:", isApprovedTezos);

  // Secret example
  const secretApprove = await scrt.preTransfer(
    new BigNumber(0)
  console.log("Approved for Secret:", secretApprove);

  // TON
  // Approval is not required in TON...

  // NEAR
  const nearApproved = near.preTransfer(
    0 /*_fee, can be 0 here*/,

7. Transferring an NFT

(async () => {
  // EVM compatible chains example:
  const web3Result = await factory.transferNft(
    harmony, // The Source Chain.
    bsc, // The Destination Chain.
    theChosenOne, // The NFT object you have chosen from the list.
    signer, // The web3 signer object (see p. 3.2 above).
    "ADDRESS OF THE RECEIVER" // The address whom you are transferring the NFT to.

  // MetaversX example:
  const metaversxResult = await factory.transferNft(
    metaversx, // The Source Chain.
    tron, // The Destination Chain.
    metaversxChosenOne, // The NFT object you have chosen from the list.
    metaversxSigner, // The MetaversX signer object (see p. 3.3 above).
    "ADDRESS OF THE RECEIVER" // The address whom you are transferring the NFT to.

  // Tron example:
  const tronResult = await factory.transferNft(
    tron, // The Source Chain.
    metaversx, // The Destination Chain.
    tronChosenOne, // The NFT object you have chosen from the list.
    tronSigner, // The Tron signer object (see p. 3.4 above).
    "ADDRESS OF THE RECEIVER" // The address whom you are transferring the NFT to.

  // Algorand example:
  const algorandResult = await factory.transferNft(
    algorand, // The Source Chain.
    metaversx, // The Destination Chain.
    algoChosenOne, // The NFT object you have chosen from the list.
    algorandSigner, // The Tron signer object (see p. 3.5 above).
    "ADDRESS OF THE RECEIVER" // The address whom you are transferring the NFT to.

  // Tezos example:
  const tezosResult = await factory.transferNft(
    tezos, // The Source Chain.
    velas, // The Destination Chain.
    tezosChosenOne, // Or the NFT object you have chosen from the list.
    tezosrandSigner, // The Tron signer object (see p. 3.5 above).
    "ADDRESS OF THE RECEIVER" // The address whom you are transferring the NFT to.

  // TON example:
  const tonResult = await factory.transferNft(
    ton, // The Source Chain.
    abeychain, // The Destination Chain.
    tonChosenOne, // Or the NFT object you have chosen from the list.
    tonSigner, // The Tron signer object (see p. 3.5 above).
    "ADDRESS OF THE RECEIVER" // The address whom you are transferring the NFT to.

  // NEAR example:
  const neraResult = await factory.transferNft(
    await provider.account("near-account"),
    "ADDRESS OF THE RECEIVER" // The address whom you are transferring

  // Hedera example
  const hederaResult = await factory.transferNft(
    "ADDRESS OF THE RECEIVER" // The address whom you are transferring the NFT to.

Minting NFTs on EVM chains, MultiversX & Tron

  • Just call the mint function on the factory with suitable arguments.
  1. For Web3 Chains:
(async () => {
  // Web3Provider generally refers to a walletProvider like Metamask.
  const receipt = await factory.mint(
    avax, // The chain where to mint
    signer, // The browser injected signer
      // Could be an IPFS URL or Any URL that points to a Metadata
      uris: [metadata.url],
      // Description of your NFT. Can be an object.
      attrs: description,
      // A name that defines your NFT.
      name: name,
      // The contract with which you want to mint the NFT.
      contract: "Can be fetched from the mainnetConfig or testnetConfig",
  1. For MetaversX:
(async () => {
  // Deploying ESDTs:
  const response = await metaversx.issueESDTNft(
      true, // canFreeze
      true, // canWipe
      true  // canTransferNftCreateRole

  // Checking whether ESDTs exist for this account
  const esdts = await metaversx.mintableEsdts(
    .catch((e) => {
      console.log("Failed to get Mintable ESDTs", e)
      return undefined

    const identifier = esdts ? esdts[0]: undefined;

    if (!identifier) {
        throw new Error("No ESDT found for this address");

    // Minting an NFT to an ESDT
    const response = await metaversx.mintNft(
        identifier,  // Your ESDT token
        quantity: 1, // How many tokens you want to mint > 0
        name: "Your token name goes here",
        uris: ["replace with your link(s)"],
     } as any);

  1. For Tron:
const receipt = await factory.mint(avax, tronSigner, {
  // Could be an IPFS URL or Any URL that points to a Metadata
  uris: [metadata.url],
  // Description of your NFT. Can be an object.
  attrs: description,
  // A name that defines your NFT.
  name: name,
  // The contract with which you want to mint the NFT.
  contract: "Can be fetched from the mainnetConfig or testnetConfig",

P.S. The library is a work in progress. More features will be added soon.

Estimating the transaction fee on the target & destination chains

(async () => {
  const feeEstimation = await factory.estimateFees(
    algorand, // The Source Chain.
    tezos, // The Destination Chain.
    algoChosenOne, // The NFT object you have chosen from the list.
    "tz1..." // The public key of the NFT owner in Tezos
  console.log(`The estimated fee on Tezos is: ${feeEstimation} Algos`);