1.0.0 • Published 1 year ago

xpx_cd0 v1.0.0

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1 year ago

HACK MS Office 2016 Pro Plus VL X86 MULTi-22 SEP 2018 Gen2 BEST

CLICK HERE ---> https://bytlly.com/2tjH85

The Hack demonstrates the vulnerability of businesses and consumers in the digital economy. It also presents an opportunity for the marketplace to innovate, create jobs, and grow. But we cannot permit criminals or cyber actors to threaten our economic and financial system through their abuse of digital technology.

Though today’s Hack is isolated in its scope, the emerging security threat of social media companies presents policymakers with a significant challenge. For instance, the Hack was targeted against three Twitter accounts – Twitter, Coinbase and Kraken. The Hackers leveraged the Twitter accounts to take control of the Twitter accounts and redirect users to insecure websites.

When the employee entered their Twitter credentials, a GoDaddy webpage appeared on Twitters desktop client. The Hackers were listening to the communications that occurred between the employee and GoDaddy. The Hackers discussed what to do with the users funds, at one point, directing the employee to transfer funds from a new bitcoin address to their personal cryptocurrency, which was used to generate fake bitcoin payments to social media accounts registered to the Hackers and their associates.

The Hackers successfully defrauded the employee of $600. Shortly after, the Hackers set up a $1,000 fake payment to the user’s account with the promise that this transfer was the first of many. The Hackers then asked for the user’s bank account and phone number so they could move funds to the new account. The Hackers then sent an email to the users Gmail account to trick the user into thinking that they were unlocking the bitcoins held in an exchange. But the Hackers had already transferred the user’s entire balance of bitcoins to the new bitcoin address. 84d34552a1

1 year ago