0.2.1 • Published 8 years ago

yacg v0.2.1

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8 years ago

YACG yak-ee


TL;DR: See Usage below.

YACG (pronounced yak-ee) stands for Yet Another Code Generator - and yes, that's a very clever reference to YACC. :smirk:

Essentially, YACG is a small Node module that facilitates auto-generation of code - or any other type of file, for that matter.

YACG is like any other function: You put something in, you get something out. However, YACG is specialized in that the output will always be a source file, or a list of source files.

Also, YACG has conveniently built-in functionality for creating actual files based on your generated sources. And, of course, both Windows and *NIX environments are supported.

The input to YACG - what we like to call the specification of your generated code - is all up to you. It may be a string, a number, an array, an object, a Swagger specification - it may be whatever you need it to be. For all we care, it could be null or undefined.

For further details, check Usage below, or our examples.

Happy auto-generating!


$ npm install yacg --save

:exclamation: Note that YACG uses Promises extensively. Be sure to include a polyfill if your runtime does not support Promises.


For more examples, take a look in the examples folder.

// Let's create a generator that generates a JS file
// that outputs "I dig YACG!"
import { initialize, generateSources, writeFiles } from 'yacg';

// Create your plugin(s).
const helloPlugin = {
    generateSources(spec) {
        return {
            path: 'dig.js',
            content: `console.log('I dig ${spec.name}!');`

// The spec from which to generate our amazing code.
const spec = { name: 'YACG' };

// Initialize YACG with the spec and plugins.
initialize(spec, [ helloPlugin ])
    // Let our hello plugin generate our sources.
    // Output the sources as files in current directory.
    // Important! Catch if any error is thrown during the process.
    .catch(err => console.error(err));


initialize(spec, plugins)

Initializes YACG with your specification (spec) and your plugins (plugins).

  • spec : * - The specification from which to generate your code. Can be a string, object, array - whatever you need it to be.
  • plugins : array - The plugins you want to generate your code.
  • Returns a promise, from which you can proceed your code generation.


(Optionally) validates your specification before proceeding.

  • validator : Function - The validator function, which takes a single argument: the spec provided from the initialize method. YACG considers the validation as failed if the validator function either: returns a Promise that eventually is rejected throws an Error
  • Returns a promise that resolves when the validation passes, or rejects when the validation fails.


Calls each of your registered plugins to let them generate your sources.

  • Returns a promise that resolves when all plugins have generated their sources.

writeFiles(outputDirectory [, keepPatterns])

(Optionally) writes your sources as files in the directory that you provide. This function supports both Windows and *NIX environments.

  • outputDirectory : string - The relative directory in which you want your generated code to be written.
  • keepPatterns : [RegExp] (optional) - An array of regular expression patterns that you may provide to determine whether to overwrite given sources if their respective files already exist.
  • Returns a promise that resolves when all files have been written to your desired directory.


A YACG plugin can basically do two things, either:

  1. subscribe to YACG events (such as when a file has been written)
  2. generate sources.

A source in YACG context is basically just an object with a path and content property, where the first is the unique path to the source (or file), and the second is the content of the source (or file).

Plugin API


This function is called by YACG when the client calles YACG's generateSources function.

  • spec : * - The specification, as provided by you in YACG's initialize method.
  • Returns: A source, an array of sources, or a promise that eventually resolves to either of the aforementioned.
    • source : object:
      • path : string - The unique (UNIX-style) path to the source (or file). If you define a deeply nested path, such as "hello/to/you.js", YACG will generate the directories for you automagically.
      • content : string - The content of the file.


This function is called by YACG's initialize function, so that YACG may register the events to which your plugins are interested in listening.

  • Returns: An array of subscriptions to events of which the plugin wants to be notified by YACG during the code generation. subscription : object: event : string - The type of event. Can be either of specValidationStarted, specValidationCompleted, specValidationFailed, sourceGenerationStarted, sourceGenerationCompleted, sourceOutputStarted or sourceOutputCompleted. * handler : Function - The function to handle the event when it occurs. The arguments for each event vary - please see examples or source code for further details.


This project started out as a joint venture between Mesan AS and Harald A. Møller AS and is now open-sourced with their permission.


MIT © Arild Tvergrov


8 years ago


8 years ago