yaoteng_cesium v3.0.10
- 💪 Vue 3.0 Composition API
- 🔥 Written in TypeScript
- 🎉 Joined the Cesium Certified Developer Program
Getting Started | 简体中文
You can find for more details, API, and other docs on https://zouyaoji.top/vue-cesium/#/
- 中国大陆加速镜像站点
Vue for Cesium supports loading the official CesiumJS, or other third-party platforms based on CesiumJS. The tested third-party libraries:
For other untested platforms, Vue for Cesium can also be used, and a callback method can be passed in through the viewerCreator of the vc-viewer component. The initialization process of the viewer is handled by the user, and the viewer can be returned after initialization. See details
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$ pnpm website-dev
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Vue for Cesium is open source software licensed as MIT.
Copyright (c) 2018-present, zouyaoji 370681295@qq.com
This project wouldn't exist without our amazing contributors
VueJS UI libraries: quasar and element-plus.
2 years ago